
The Young Knight: Marqueza

A 16 year old lady come back to their empire after 5 years of living on Earth. She came back to Marquea Empire and wanted to become a squad knight, a knight in training, for a certain reason. She has this special being inside her that causes an outbreak of war. Will she be able to stop the forthcoming war, or will the pressure inside her makes her vulnerable? ... Nashtassia Freya Marqueza, she is the Emperor's youngest child who was hidden inside the palace for the reason that she has a living being that resides within her that might cause a few problems if not kept undercontrol. After hearing that her Aunt and Uncle were going to Earth to live peacefully, she decided to go with them without them knowing. At first, she intended to stay for only a few days, but those few days turned into a few years, almost 5 years to be exact. When she graduated highschool on Earth, she thought it was finally the time to return to her family in Marquea Empire. Before deciding to return to the empire, she made certain that the years she spent on Earth were worthwhile. She had learned swordsmanship from her uncle, unaware that Nash had a reason for doing so. ...

merrilllyynch · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Chapter 80

Serio stepped back and stood near Roven, "She must've stored all that inside."

Roven remained silent.

"What was that?" The three other highnesses suddenly popped up, as soon as they heard the crying.

"She's awake..." Celeste covered her mouth as tears began to pour from her eyes, attempting to suppress them as best she could.

Nash cried for an hour and a half before falling asleep again, cuddling Dopey.

"She's just asleep, she will wake up shortly. She must be exhausted releasing all that cries," Serio said as he looked at Nash peacefully sleeping with swollen eyes. "Her body is in pain, which is why she is unable to walk. After the war, she was unconscious for 6 months, meaning, after all those reckless moves and all the blows she received, her body must've slowly felt the pain she received from then."

Serio put a box of pills on Nash's side table, "These are pain relievers, one pill is enough for a day, and make sure to watch over her when she drinks that. If used more than prescribed, she might overdose. These pain relievers are strong, so be careful."

Serio left, leaving the whole family inside Nash's room.

Roven looked at his wife, "You should rest."

Ivelisse shook her head, "I can't."

"You have too,"

"I don't want to,"

"Celeste, bring your mother to our room."

"I have to watch over my daughter!" Ivelisse yelled, she suddenly felt frustrated.

"I'll stay here and watch, so rest. I won't ever let you get in here without having a rest."

Celeste successfully escorted her mother to their room and returned shortly after her mother fell asleep.

"Is she asleep?" Roven asked. Both of her brothers have already left.


"You're busy, right? I'll stay here and watch over her, so do your job. You can come back after you're done," Roven said and began to walk towards the chair beside Nash's bed and sat down, wearing his eye glasses and started reading the files he had to check.

"Father, I have something to tell you," Celeste said in a serious manner.

"What is it?" He didn't take his eyes off the papers and listened to his daughter.

"Remember when Duke Eiler and his son first came here? Remember how we followed them on their walk?"

"Yes, you were tearing at that time."

Celeste was shocked for a moment, 'Father remembered that?'

"Ah... yes. I said it was because Daniel kept on teasing me, but it really was because of what Nash and the Duke Eiler son's talking about."

"What are they talking about?"

"Nash told the Duke's son why she left the empire."

"She must've said that it's because we had an argument,"

"No. It's not that."

Roven's forehead creased, "It's not?"

Roven put down his papers and listened to her daughter.

Celeste told Roven all the words she heard from Nash that time, she didn't leave any details and told Roven all she heard.

"Then, I'll get going, father."

Celeste left the room leaving Roven and Dopey with Nash.

Roven grabbed his hair as he looked down at Nash's hand. He held it and looked at his daughter, "I'm the worst father... I'm sorry,"

A single tear fell from Roven's eyes, which he hastily brushed away. He got up and looked out the window.


Roven stayed seated reading his files Vernon brought to Nash's room.

Nash's eyes opened, she already feel the heaviness of her eyes as well as the pain in her body, "Urgh"

Roven immediately looked at Nash who was trying to sit, Roven used his shadow to help Nash's sit. He was scared he might hurt her more if he moved her with his arms.

"Why are you here, father?" Nash asked, not looking at her father. She was embarrassed with her swollen eyes. 'How could I cry like that in front of them?!'

"Am I not allowed here?" Roven asked, "You should look at the person you're talking to."

"No. I don't want to. Where's Bea?"

"She's in town to see her relatives."

Roven appeared in front of her daughter, Nash quickly averted her gaze but Roven held Nash's face. "Your eyes are swollen."

"Must be the cockroaches. Tsk. Damned cockroach," Roven flicked Nash's forehead.

"I'll ask for cold water, wait here and drink this," Roven said as he handed her the pain killer.

Nash took it and drank without even asking what it was. Slowly, she felt her body getting light and the pain was slowly fading.

'A pain reliever.'

Suddenly, Nash realized her burnt hand was already treated.

"Ah... my coolness is gone," she whispered as she looked at her hand.

Roven left the room and asked a maid for cold water. He returned with a towel and a basin of cold water.

Nash cleaned her face with cold water first, then dampened a cloth with cold water and applied it to her eyes as a cold compress.

She lay down on her bed as the towel was on her eyes. "You must be busy, you could just ask a maid to watch over me."

"They're busy. More than half of the maids are on vacation, those who don't have anyone else are the only ones who stayed. They're doing their own duties."

Nash removed the towel on her eyes and looked at the surroundings, "you really changed my room? I just ask for the color to change."

"Your mother said it won't match the furnitures,"

"So... did you receive the box full of letters under my bed?" Nash put back the towel to avoid her father's eyes.

"I did." Roven said, 'So the renovation is just a disguise...'

"Is that your intention?" Roven asked.



"'Cause I thought that was my last breathe hahaha"

"That's funny?"

"I'm just being real. What a lucky person I am, don't you think so, too, father?"

"Just shut up,"

"Okay okay..." she whispered, "Aren't you going to hold a ball to announce my existence? They must've known me by now."

"That's true. Is that fine with you?"

"Yeah, held it on November"

"Why not December?"

"That month is for white day, November is fine. Any day in November is fine."

"2 months from now, are you sure? You just woke up"

"I'll be completely fine after 2 weeks of rest. I also have to move my body for me to recover quickly."

"Tell your mother that."

Nash pouted, "Mother wouldn't like it."

"Then we'll hold the celebration next year."

"No! It must be this year. We must also commemorate our empire's victory."

Roven sighed, "Fine."

A knock was heard at the door, "Your Majesty, It is i, Vernon. I just wanted to let you know that dinner has been served."

"Come inside," Vernon came in and saw Nash, he smiled and asked her, "Are you already well, your highness?"

Nash smiled back, "A little."

"I wish for your full recovery."

"Thank you, Sir Butler"

"Are they all there?" Roven asked, pertaining to Ivelisse and his 3 children.

"Yes, they're all waiting for you as well as her highness," Vernon looked at Nash.

"Nash will dine here, she might strain her bo--" Nash was already standing and pulled her father.

"Let's go, I've missed hundreds of meals."

Dopey was following behind Roven as she let her daughter drag her to the dining hall.

Before entering the dining area, Nash looked at her father. "How's my eyes?"

"Still there,"

Nash looked at her father in a blank expression, "really?"


"Urgh! Nevermind" She nodded at the knight and opened the door.

"You're awake," Celeste said as soon as Nash took her seat.


"Do you feel any pain?" Ivelisse asked,

"No. I'm alright, mother," Nash smiled at her mother brightly.

"That's good," Ivelisse looked at her daughter with a bright face, "I asked the chef to prepare all your favorites so eat as much as you want."

Nash chuckled, "I will, thank you."

"Why did you c--" before Daniel even finished his sentence, Vincenzo smacked the back of his brother's head. "That hurts!"

"That's why I did it," Vincenzo answered,

Daniel took revenge and hit Vincenzo as well,

"hah!" Daniel grinned.

Vincenzo glared at his brother, "How childish,"

"What..." Daniel felt irritated and looked at his mother, "Mother!"

Ivelisse chuckled, "Let's start eating."

"Tsk." Daniel moved his chair away from his brother.

They started eating. They never mentioned what happened earlier, worried that Nash may have felt embarrassed.