
The X-Gene of Fate

A young mutant in the Marvel 6161 universe tries to master their powers in a world that hates them for being who they are. They will go through trials and tribulations from humans, demon, mutants, inhumane, and anything else that gets thrown at them. Will our young mutant join one of the many mutant groups, turn his back on mutants and join another team of heroes who might never truly understand him, or will he forge his path in the chaotic universe? Read to find out! We are back! Ready to update, take names, kick butts, and pass out swiss cake rolls. Please support me on Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/boredasura --Warnings: Just cause I want no one to be shocked and complain later-- -If you are looking for a book full of cougars going after a kid, this is the wrong story. -If you are looking for something sweet-ish like a superhero cartoon, wrong story. -Looking for me to follow everything in Marvel and not create my ideas, wrong story. -Looking for someone who will not kill a woman opponent, wrong story. -Looking for a system that talks back, wrong story -If you wish for the same events as in comics, the wrong story - Looking for me to follow the timeline exactly, I don't even know how to properly read a marvel timeline except for the big stuff. -Looking for a harem, eh this might happen but only 3 or 4 at most but it will not be every random woman falling for him.

BoredAsura · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

CH 58: The Issue

---6 Months Later. New York City. Avenger's Tower---

In a large meeting room, many individuals were sitting around a table to discuss a major issue to some, and a major blessing for others. The Beasts. The room currently had 4 groups that were there to discuss.

On one part of the table was 4 individuals. All of them were wearing a blue uniform with the number 4 somewhere on it. A beautiful woman with short blonde hair and a curvy body, a young man who looked very similar to the previous woman but had just as much masculinity as she had femininity, a man who had signs of white in his hair but that did not take away from the intelligent look in his eyes and actually added to it, as well as a large man/thing made up completely of rocks.

This was the Fantastic 4. They were in the meeting to discuss the environmental impact of the beasts actions.

Sitting to their right was a group of 3 women. One was a caucasian woman with blonde hair and a very revealing white outfit that seemed to defy the laws of physics in some areas, a blue woman who wore a white sleeveless dress along with matching boots and gloves, and a woman wearing a gold mask, blue leotard, and matching blue cape over her body.

These were leaders of New Genosha, or just Genosha as most people called it. They were the ones who benefitted the most as well as interacted the most with the Beasts.

The next group was dressed in black bomber jackets that had a large yellow X over them besides a man in a wheelchair. The members consisted of a red-head young woman, a man who appeared in his late 20s with red visors over his eyes, a black woman with white hair, a mixed race man who looked the most plain out of them all, and a devil looking man with blue skin and a arrowed tail.

The X-Men were the largest mutant power that was currently active so they held significant weight and responsibilities about the Beasts' actions.

The last group was the largest. They brought a total of 12 members to the table since it was their home that the discussion was being had in. These were the Avengers. (Call me lazy if you want but I am not describing them all. Already tired of describing the others.)

The members present were Iron Man, Black Widow, Captain America, Magus, Tigra, Thor, Dr. Strange, Black Panther, Ms. Marvel, Captain Marvel, Spider Woman, and Rook (Jason's brother.)

Half of these members were indifferent of the Beasts actions while the other half were against them due to their reckless and destructive nature.

"You need to control them! They are causing too many issues!" Iron Man said as he slammed his hands on the table before pointing at Emma Frost.

Emma did not seem to mind his temper tantrum and gave Iron Man a condescending look.

"You wish for us to control them? You want us to control gods? My, you have gone mad, Mr. Stark. You have also misunderstood a few things so let me clarify them for you or anyone else who has issues with this.

We do not command them. The Beasts do as they please in hopes of protecting or avenging mutant-kind. Something you Avengers have been lacking on. They do what you don't. They find crimes against mutants and stop them."

"Bu that is an issue, Emma," Xavier interrupted. "They need limits to be placed on them. They need to act within the law, not above it."

"Interesting that you say that, Charles. Last time I checked, dressing up in spandex and beating up criminals is not exactly legal. In fact, aren't most of the operations that the X-Men and Avengers undertake illegal?"

"Those are different and you know it, Witch. We do what we have to for the betterment of all of humanity, not just a single group," responded Captain Marvel

This time it was Mystique who had the jab for them.

"Except it is for a single group. You call yourselves earth's greatest protectors but that is a lie and we all know it. The title has an issue. You are not earth's greatest protectors but humanity's.

To say that you are unaware of what happens to mutants would be a lie. You know exactly what happens but you choose to ignore for the sake of peace. You all like to forget this but I will remind about that background of most of you: soldiers. You were trained to obey orders and rules but not to question them."

"While many of our backgrounds are related to a military, that does not mean we are stereotypical soldiers that blindly follow orders. We have minds of our own."

"But those minds choose to ignore mutant issues," Emma countered. "Tell me, if the Beasts were not self-proclaimed mutant gods or even mutants, would we even be at the table?"

"Not you particularly but the X-Men would. You are here because the Beasts currently reside either on or near Genosha."

"That is funny, Captain. Then let me ask this to Charles or anyone else who can answer me: How many world endangering crisis have the X-Men been informed about beforehand?

Not just when it happens and you need to deal with it but actual meetings like this. Not just the time a former member was on the Avengers but actually calling the X-Men to plan instead of calling them to aid."

There was a silence that filled the room. It was fine if no one said anything but when Emma pointed it out, no one could say anything.

"That's what I thought. But we are not here to discuss old issues. That can be another time. We are here to discuss..." but before she could finish, the door to the meeting room opened. In walked Jason with Iskandar and Okita flanking him on either side.


Author's Note: Awesome. We made it to placed 118 this week after only returning for a single week. So will publish at least 14 chapters for this upcoming week as a result.

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