
The X-Gene of Fate

A young mutant in the Marvel 6161 universe tries to master their powers in a world that hates them for being who they are. They will go through trials and tribulations from humans, demon, mutants, inhumane, and anything else that gets thrown at them. Will our young mutant join one of the many mutant groups, turn his back on mutants and join another team of heroes who might never truly understand him, or will he forge his path in the chaotic universe? Read to find out! We are back! Ready to update, take names, kick butts, and pass out swiss cake rolls. Please support me on Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/boredasura --Warnings: Just cause I want no one to be shocked and complain later-- -If you are looking for a book full of cougars going after a kid, this is the wrong story. -If you are looking for something sweet-ish like a superhero cartoon, wrong story. -Looking for me to follow everything in Marvel and not create my ideas, wrong story. -Looking for someone who will not kill a woman opponent, wrong story. -Looking for a system that talks back, wrong story -If you wish for the same events as in comics, the wrong story - Looking for me to follow the timeline exactly, I don't even know how to properly read a marvel timeline except for the big stuff. -Looking for a harem, eh this might happen but only 3 or 4 at most but it will not be every random woman falling for him.

BoredAsura · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

CH 1: Too Early For This

"" speaking aloud

''telepathy or character thoughts

() author thoughts

{}speaking aloud in non-English

[] written or digital information

In an apartment in Queens, New York, a young man with caramel-colored skin sat up in his bed. He scratched the side of his head before throwing the blankets off of him like he usually did.

He looked down and noticed that he was naked which was not too unusual if the night was hot and his brothers turned off the AC. When he turned to the side, he was greeted by the bare, pale butt of a young blonde woman.

The teenage boy froze in shock before remembering what happened last night and where he was. The girl next to him was Liz Allan who he had been tutoring on and off ever since his freshman year.

The senior was taking Pre-Cal while he was already in AP calculus as a sophomore. His abilities were more than enough to qualify as her teacher.

Last night when the pair were working on Algebra, Liz broke down into tears out of nowhere. Apparently her boyfriend Flash had been cheating on her. In her words,

"I want to make him realize that I was the best girl he could get in school. And you will tell him exactly that."

Before he was even able to respond, Liz was already on him with her tongue in his mouth. Being a healthy teenage boy, he did not try to resist and went along with the flow.

The pair ended up going for several rounds until both were left utterly exhausted and fell asleep in her bed.

The boy held his head as he knew he had gotten himself into a troublesome situation. Not only did he just give up his virginity to a girl who was not thinking straight, that girl's boyfriend was also a member of the football team who had other buff friends.

And worst of all... the boy saw his pants off the side of the bed and reached into his pockets for his phone. When he turned it on, it only to confirmed his thoughts with the 10s of missed calls and texts.

'Mom is going to murder me if she didn't have a heart attack already. Who am I kidding? She will still murder me even if she is already dead.'

He sighed to himself before checking the time.


'Good thing I usually get up early for a run. I can't deal with Liz right now.'

He got out of the bed before heading to the bathroom and taking a shower. Since Liz only lived with her mother, there was no men's soap so the boy had to make do with cherry blossom body wash.

He got out of the shower and looked in the mirror. His average looking body was covered in bite and love marks from Liz.

'And I will have a hell of a time explaining these if anyone sees them.'

He quickly got his clothes together before getting dressed. He then grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder before heading toward the door. When he reached the door, he paused.

'Ugh. Why can't I just be THAT guy?'

He pulled out a sheet of paper and walked back toward Liz's room before leaving a note explaining why he had to leave so early and if she wanted to talk about the night before, they could do it on during her next tutoring session.

The teen felt as if the note was acceptable before he walked back to the door and did not hesitate in leaving that time. What he did not notice, was Liz sitting up the moment she heard the door close.

'He could have at least made some breakfast and eat with me. Am I really that scary? Although I did eat him up.'

Liz shook her head when she thought of that

'What am I talking about? That little pervert is more like an incubus than a virgin.'

Liz pouted to herself before pulling the blankets back over her body and heading back to sleep. She still had about two hours before her usual wake up time.


A teen was walking along the sidewalk of the quiet city streets at 6:00 a.m. while wondering about what he could do before classes started at 8 that morning.

'Guess I will just have to head there.'

The teen walked a few streets until he arrived at a dojo. While most would expect the place to be quiet, it was filled with the grunts and roars of people training.

The teen walked in casually to see over 10 people in various spots around the dojo either practicing solo or sparring. He looked over all of them but was disappointed when he did not see that person he was looking for.

He suddenly felt a hand hold onto his shoulder like a vice grip. The teen turned around to see the smiling face of an Asian man. His next words were spoken in Korean.

{Well if it isn't my lovely nephew, Jason. Tell me, why did I have to tell your mother I trained you too hard last night that you passed out and I let you crash with me? Especially when you have not trained here in over a year.}

Jason let out a breath of relief. That is exactly what he was hoping for his uncle to do, give him an excuse. Jason would never lie to his mother, but he did not mind having his uncle lie and just agree with him.

His mom did not like Jason staying out all night but she would at least find it somewhat acceptable if Jason's uncle took all of the blame. Jason also responded in Korean like he knew his uncle preferred.

{My favorite uncle. I was tutoring someone and it ended up taking all night. They were just too stupid and I was not paying attention to my phone before falling asleep there.}

His uncle gave him a smile as if he understood Jason's troubles. But then he gave a smile that spoke of great trouble soon to follow.

{To fall asleep after just studying? Your body has gotten much weaker. Let us give you a light workout so that this will not happen again. What do you say?}

Jason knew he could not reject the offer so he just nodded his head before heading toward the back and putting on some fresh clothes from his uncle's gift shop/store.

When Jason walked back out, he saw that everyone had stopped practicing and formed a circle around the main fighting arena where his uncle stood.

'If I stall, it will only be more painful.'

Jason let out another sigh to himself before walking up to the middle. He was prepared for the beating he was about to receive from his uncle.

The pair stood across from each other and got into position. Before Jason could make a move, he felt himself get stabbed one of his kidneys with a wooden knife.

Jason felt an extreme amount of pain shot through his body while he lost his breath. Before he could even get a chance to catch his breath or recover, his uncle was already on him.

Jason put up a feeble defense but was unable to protect himself significantly and was on the ground within a minute.

Oh yeah, Jason's uncle did not teach taekwondo or karate but taught krav maga. The purpose of this fighting style was to be fast, efficient, and vicious. It was not called one of the best fighting styles and adopted by militaries around the world for no reason.

Someone threw some water on Jason's face to startle him awake. When Jason recovered enough, he looked up at all the people standing above him with gloating smiles on their faces.


Each person who went to the morning class would have been a long time student of the dojo. Jason was familiar with them all because he used to be apart of the group until he stopped coming when high school started. Even if he stopped coming, he was still close to all of them.

"What do you think Jason's mistakes were?"

Everyone shot up their hands as if they could not wait to answer. Jason's uncle pointed at a freckled boy.

"He came into the fighting area unarmed and did not notice everyone else carried a wooden blade."

His uncle nodded before picking on a red-haired boy.

"He walked right into the middle of an obvious trap and was expecting a fair fight."

His uncle nodded once more before picking on a blue-haired girl.

"He forgot I love to bring a guy down to his knees with a good low blow like a kidney hit or kneeing them in the balls."

"Good. All of you are correct. Even if he was out of shape, as long as his mind was mentally prepared, he should not have gone down that easily.

Now that he is up again though, I will let everyone have a 5 minutes spare with Jason here. We will start with Franklin."

Jason got up and into position. He knew those guys would strike him while he was on the ground and vulnerable.

--1 hour later--

After nearly a solid hour of getting his ass kicked, Jason was finally allowed to hit the showers. He showered and changed before walking back into the main room and giving everyone the bird before he decided to head to school.

'Never coming back here again.'