
The Wrath of Alex

Alex finds herself in a world full of cruelty and evil,being manipulated by a misterious figure.she sets out on a mission to finding the murders of her parents.she stumbles in on an abandoned house where she finds.....

Trisha_56 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Fucking Bastards!!!

We got to the station. My eyes were still red, I was eager to hear what it is the police had to tell us, all I wanted to hear was that they had found a suspect or the criminals behind the murder of my parents. We sat down together waiting for them to call us, it was almost an hour since we got here and have not heard anything from anyone. Soon sergent Mike came out and required that I was needed in the investigation room, my aunt wanted to go in with me but she was asked to wait behind. I wondered why they wanted only me in the room. Well we got there, I was offered a sit and then the detective came in, he introduced himself as Vishan. "Urrgh! What a weird name."

"What did you say ma'm?" He asked me with a weird creeping look on his face.

"Nothing." I replied him. He sat down on the sit opposite me and looked me straight in the eyes; he is cute tho, I thought to myself.

He started asking me questions about my parents. He asked if they were in good terms before the incident occured.

"Yes ofcourse, my parents loved each other; my father has never raised his hand on my mother. My father loved his wife and would never do anything to hurt her." I explained to them with a surprised look on my face.

"Wait is this why you guys brought me into this room; to ask me if my parents were at peace with each other, like the fuck!! My parents were murdered by God knows whoever and I was also raped by the same people, my brother taken and your job is to find those killers and bring them to book and not to sit down here to ask me some stupid questions about my parents." I said with anger and tears ony face.

"You have to calm down miss Alex, we are only try....

"Don't ask me to calm down, Don't fucking ask me to calm down." I shouted not letting him complete his statement.

"Be careful with the words you use in here little miss, your mother killed your father and also shot herself to cover the crime she committed, the whole rape story was made up by you and you guys hide your brother miss Alex. True or false?" He asked as he hit the table with his fist causing the table to shake.

"I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I was almost loosing my breathe; did this man just say my mum killed my dad and I faked my rape. Godamn it!! Tears ran through my cheeks as I could not say a word, I was speechless.

"I just asked you a question miss Alex; are you deaf or did you swallow a toad that suddenly you can't talk again. He screamed at me.

I broke down in tears I was crying heavily, this was too much for me.

"Sir don't you think you are been a little harsh on her". Sergent Mike suggested.

"We don't go soft on criminals and it seems she is a hardened one". The detective said, and this statement I could not take anymore; Did he just call me a criminal? Oh my God!! I can't believe this is actually happening. I cleaned my tears and looked up at the detective Visha or whatever it is they called him.

" The murderers who killed my parents are still out there breathing and causing more harms to innocent people. How much did they give you? How much did they give you huhh?" I shouted banging on the table.

Vishan trembled as he saw the rage and darkness In my eyes but he still tried to act calm. I could see the fear in his eyes, he didn't reply me. All he could was to order me to keep quiet but I was not ready to back down. I have always had this feeling that things would end this way.

"Miss Alex this case has been closed due to the fact that the two people involved in this case are gone and we have no evidence or proof that you were raped. All information gathered was pointing towards murder and sucide, so I will advise you to mourn your parents in peace and we will be keeping a close eye on you." He said to me as he stood and left the room.

I could not believe that my case was just dismissed like that, I should have known better that finding justice in this current generation without money or connection is nearly impossible. It's a shame that we couldn't lay our hands on my dad's money before it disappeared. This was just too much for me, I'm too young for all this, this wasn't how I planned my life, I sat down on the floor hopelessly, I felt a sharp pain in my chest; it was pain! Tears flowed freely from my eyes, I was sobbing profusely. My aunt came into the room and met me sobbing, I could see tears in her eyes even though she was trying to fight them back, I guessed they might have told her about the closed case.

Indeed this world is a cruel one. My aunt stood me up, she held my hand and we left for the taxi waiting for us outside.

Through out the entire journey back home no one spoke a word, we were all quiet. Soon we got to out apartment opened the door and went to our separate rooms. "What a bad day!" I sighed.

I wondered how my aunt was doing if she was okay because she hasn't said a word to me since the drive, well I guess she was hurt, I would just give her space.

I slept off still putting on the funeral dress. I felt someone caressing my hair, I knew it was my aunt.

"Good morning aunt Vera" I greeted her with a smile on my face.

"Morning virago. How was your night? She asked me still carreesing my hair.

"We both know my night was bad and what's the meaning of virago I asked with a curious look on my face.

"Check your Google" she said as she smacked my


"Auchhh! That hurts." I exclaimed.

"I will be leaving for work today" she announced.

"Why I thought you were on leave? I asked her.

" I want to distract myself from thinking and the only that can help me do that is work. I can't just sit home, I did be depressed if I don't and don't forget that I have clients to attend to and no will attend to them if I don't, and we need money to send you back to school." She explained as she took her coat and left for the door. " Don't forget to clean up the house!" She shouted before she disappeared.

I got up from my bed, felt dizzy tho but I managed to clean up the house. Soon I was done with house chores. I had breakfast and took my journal to write.

I have taught myself never to dwell in sadness for too long, I taught myself that crying makes me weak and it doesn't solve anything so what's the point?

I have already cried enough, all I needed now was to seek vegence but the government has already failed me, they have denied me that right, all I just have to do is sit and wait for karmar to hunt the bastards down;either ways , they would still pay for thier crimes.

Vishan's pov:

I saw the tears and pain in her eyes. Those eyes filled with darkness and hatred, I could hear my blood steaming when she stared at me with those murderous look, fear engulfed me. I pitied and I wished I could give her what she wanted "JUSTICE!"

Ha ha ha!! Justice without money? I asked myself rehetorically as I sat down in living room, waiting for the parcel promised to me by the unknown caller.

I had gotten a call right after Vera called me that day to report a suspicious movement at her late brother's apartment. It was an unknown number, I picked the call and heard this strange voice. It was the voice of a lady asking me to dismiss the current case that I will be giving a parcel and if I didn't I would be murdered. What could I have done, had to save my life first and for the parcel it was mouth watering and I couldn't say no to it.

Soon I got a knock on my door.

"Who is there?" I asked as I got from my sit to check the door. I opened the door and found an envelope lying on the floor, I looked around and didn't find anyone. It was strange. I picked up the envelope and locked my door. As soon as I got inside, I received a call from the same number but this time around it was a male voice I heard.

" Have you gotten the parcel?" The unknown voice asked. His voice was deep and hoarse and scary at the same time, I almost trembled.

"Mr Vishan" the voice called me again. "Have you received the parcel?" He asked again, this time it was deeper and sounded angry.

"Yes" I replied with a shaky voice.

"Ha ha ha !!! Goodby Mr Vishan." He said as he ended the call.

That laughter was creepy. I thought to myself, I opened the parcel and found a note. The envelope was filled with papers that was when it dawned on me that I have been tricked. I picked up the note and read it:


And with that I heard a blasting sound!!!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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