
The Wrath of Alex

Alex finds herself in a world full of cruelty and evil,being manipulated by a misterious figure.she sets out on a mission to finding the murders of her parents.she stumbles in on an abandoned house where she finds.....

Trisha_56 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Karmar will always win

I was in my room lying down on my bed when Aunt Vera called me. It's Saturday night and we were obviously done with clean ups and house chores. Yesterday was really a bad day for me starting from the funeral down to the scene at the police station, I just mumbled a prayer to God and karmar because they were my source and only hope of getting justice for my parents again. I had just finished my bath when I had aunt vera calling my name, asking me to come downstairs.

I came downstairs and met her watching the BBC News, that was one of her favorite news channels. I am not a news fan though but she pointed at something that caught my attention.

" Is that not Detective Vishan?" I asked. His picture was on the news only God knows what had happened to him that they had to put out his pictures on the news. I became curious to find out what actually happened and why his picture was on the screen of the television.

Broadcasts pov:

Just early this morning we received a shocking news that a building exploded today. It is said that this building belongs to a law enforcement officer who goes by the name Stephen Vishan. According to the results and information given to us by the ongoing investigation team, it is been said that Mr Vishan recieved a parcel containing explosive substances from an unknown person this morning which lead to his untimely death. Only some part of his body was found and we are yet to unravel the mystery behind his death and also the culprit.....

" Wonderful! Wow just Glorious!!! Who said Karmar isn't a bitch? Huhh!". I exclaimed with a satisfied and surprised look on my face as my aunt paused the Tv.

Deep down, i really wished his death was more painful, I mean his death was too easy though I was glad he paid for his crimes.

I knew he took a bribe and maybe they wanted to get him out of the way so they won't be traced.

But we all know is that you can't run away from your crimes no matter how much you try to cover it. I thought to myself as I took a deep breath.

I was still dealing with my nightmares when another sad news hit me!

My aunt just lost her restaurant, she left for work this morning only to discover that her shop has been burnt down, though we didn't know who this culprits were but something in me told me that those bastards had something to do with it. I tried to console my aunt and assure her that we would be fine.

" Did you just say that we would be fine?

This place isn't safe for us again Alex, I mean this monsters know that you are still alive and they won't rest until they have eliminated every single human that is connected to my brother" she said as she paced around in the room trying to come up with something.

I was quite surprised. Did she know why they were killed my parents? She knows something.

I mean I have always been curious about finding out what happened and why those monsters did what they did to I and my parents.

" Aunt Vera!" I called her. Is there anything you are not telling me? I asked with a curious look on my face.

"See Alex this isn't just the right time for this conversation. we have to look for a way to get out of this town before next tomorrow. I'm just trying to figure out where we will move to now that all the money I've been saving for this was burnt down together with my shop."

I was still very confused, I mean she has been planning for us to move out of the town all this while, and she didn't tell me.

"Why did those people kill mum and dad? Why did they rape me and left me to die in that cold room? Why did they take John with them?"At this point I became scared for my brother I just hoped that my brother was still alive.

"Aunt vera!!!" I screamed. What the fuck is going on? I asked as tears rolled down my cheek. Can you just talk to me, I'm loosing my mind!!

"Alex baby" she called as she tried to hold my hands. I moved away from her but she pushed on.

"See there's a lot of things you need to know but I can't tell you now, this is not the right time for me to tell you about this. We have to get to a safe place first and I promise to tell you every single thing from scratch."

I was not satisfied with this response, I just left her there and went up to my room. I sobbed and cried myself to sleep. The next morning aunt vera came into my room, she sat down on my bed and said she wanted to tell me how everything started, I said okay and then proceeded to listening to her.

Aunt Vera's Pov

There are so many secrets your parents kept away from you and your brother . They were waiting for you guys to come of age before the ugly incident happened.

I and my brother worked for a particular man,

He sold drugs, trafficked and hajacked young girls and boys for his dubious business. I mean he gives these girls off as prostitutes or slave girls for big politicians and also force them to make babies for sell.

While he used the young boys to push his drug businesses and also initiate or force them to join a secret assain group where he trains them on how to kill and assassinate people for him.

I, your father and mother were all victims of this man.

His real name is Devi but he is known as the white devil.

Your father and I were adopted by this man and his men on our way back to school.

We were forced to sell drugs at that young age, we tried to escape from his grip so many times but we failed. He suddenly started liking my brother for his special skills and decided to put him in charge of his drugs business which was my brothers plan and a way to get us out of that warehouse. Your mum was a business partner with this Devi but she plotted with my brother and I to escape and run away from his grip. My brother made away with a lot of money and ever since then they have been searching for him. I don't even know how they got to know that we were here in las Vegas, I mean we have been running all life and your father wanted to fight back and got himself killed.

This is just all you need to know and am deeply sorry that I kept this away from you for long and I promise to make it up to you once we get to somewhere safe;

"See Alex these people won't rest until they have wiped us all off and that's why we have to leave here. If not for anything let me keep you safe please." She said as she looked at with a sad and pleading face.

This was really too much for to accumulate but I had to just listen to Aunt Vera and get to safe place first.

We started parking and arranging our stuffs that morning, Vera had already booked a flight for us. We boarded a taxi and headed down to airport. The driver taking us to the airport was really slow. Aunt Vera asked him to increase the speed of the vehicle that we needed to get to the airport as soon as possible but the driver pretended that he didn't hear her and asked her not to disturb him, that he is just doing his job. They started arguing when suddenly we got hit by a vehicle.

Our car turned over so many times and then we had footsteps approaching us, I became scared for a second as I was trying to get off the car with aunt vera when suddenly a hand grabbed me and punched my face
