
Start of the Change

"We're back!" they announce on their return when they reach Nana's for lunch.

"How was your class? I heard you got A's and B's in your tests. Very good. Aunt & Uncle would be so proud. When is Uncle coming back though? Wasn't he supposed to be back last week?"

"I don't know a thing! Mom says he called late when I'm sleeping so I couldn't talk to him. It has never happened before. 3 weeks! I didn't talk to him for 3 weeks!"

"Where is he? Wasn't he in Shanghai? How bad the timing could be?"

"I don't know! What about your tests? I heard you again got punished for sleeping." Lily is already getting tensed about the subject, she needs a diversion.

"It was your third day of the month. What is going on?"

"Yeah. Dad is taking me to all these museums and curators and art dealers gathering. They often start late and end super late. That's messing up my sleep. But tomorrow weekend starts and I can sleep!"

"You are going to these things every day?"

"No. Once or twice a week, maybe. He says I need to be recognized with this field soon so that I can support both you and me with our career. I'm a senior you see. And I need to know how to take care of you. We will be adults soon."

"Ha, ha. Don't worry. Dad has taken care of my part. We will get an assistant as soon as I get into art school. All I need to do is draw to my heart's contents! I love drawing."

"But I want to be the one who takes care of you?", Dom has stars in his eyes. He loves taking care of Lily and he is determined to do that for a lifetime.

"What about the competition Dom?"

"Oh yeah, right. It's the day after tomorrow. Have you completed your part? Let's see if something is missing?"

"OK." They continue with their work. They are so excited about their future.

Next morning in Lily's house.


Lily comes down in her creamy silk night suit rubbing her eyes. Her mom was sitting on the floor, not moving. She runs to her. There was a broken vase, her mobile was lying on the floor with a broken screen. She hasn't cried but her face says she has encountered something horrifying.

"Mom, what happened? Did you stumble on the table like me? Are you hurt? I'll call the doctor."

Mom looks up to her and forces a smile. "Don't worry sweetheart. It is cold to sit on the floor. I am fine. You go freshen up. I will clean this mess and make you a delicious breakfast."

"But you look devastating. Is everything alright, mom?"

"Oh. There was a big spider with its tentacles all over the place. Go, now."

Mom said she will take care of everything. And Lily does not like to worry about things. She never needed to. Lily comes upstairs and goes to brush her teeth when Dom calls.

"Little Lily!", it is Dom's ritual to call her every morning and make plans for the day.

"Morning Dom" she smiles with her brush in the mouth. Lile likes Dom a lot. His existence is a must in her life. Something she is so used to that his subtle gestures fall blind in her eyes.

"You up? I just woke up too. We have such matching timing".

"Why?! Hurry up, Dom. We were going to Nana's for drawing."

"Sorry, Lil. Dad is taking me to his company's golf match or something. I can't go with you."

"How long will you be gone?"

"The whole day, most probably. Don't be sad Lil. Our drawings are complete. I will come to your place as soon as I return. OK?"

"OK. But what will I do the whole day?"

"Mmmmm. Why don't you go to the park and watch kids playing? You can draw them.

"I'll love to but what if a dog bites me, you are not there."

"So what about the beach? No, wait. What if you got washed away. Don't climb trees too. You slip a lot. OK. Best option. Stay at your playhouse. I have put my new comics there and also a brand new color box, 432 pieces in total. A very posh assortment. Got it from France.


"Isn't it? Play with that. I will be back before you can even use up all the 432 pieces."

Lily comes down. Her mom gives her breakfast and strawberry milk.

"Lily. I need you to stay at home today and not go anywhere."

"I've nowhere to go today either. Dom is out with his dad, leaving me behind. Everyone leaves me alone. Dad is not coming back too. Lily is not happy."

"Now Lily, listen to me. No one leaves you, at least not the ones who love you. It is time that makes you separated. Dad, Dom, Nana, mom all of us love you. We always want to be with you. But there are times when people can't be together even if they want to. Circumstances keep them apart. Time is what you need in those circumstances. There will be bad times and there will be times that will bring all the good things too and the people you love and also the people who love you. Sometimes waiting for the right time to come is the right thing to do. Nothing in the world is forever"

"You all are forever, right?" Manee's heart wrenched at her daughter's words. At this moment she doesn't even know what will happen in an hour how can she guarantee her about forever.

"Yes, we are always there in your heart."

Manee and Lily finish their breakfast. Manee didn't eat anything, just sat and stared at Lily as she ate her breakfast. She is seventeen soon to turn 18, in less than a month. Manee and Mongkut had planned to celebrate her birthday big. They thought of traveling to Paris with Dom's family so that the children could see their dreamland.

Mongkut had planned to give Lily a nice bike so that she can ride it in Paris when she goes there to study in a few years. He had planned one for Dom too. They were so happy but everything is uncertain now. Everything is changing. Seems like, somebody has jinxed their happiness.

All of these begin since that day when Mongkut went to meet a potential investor. He was way too happy how the investor agreed so quickly, how they agreed to send the money so easily for the first transaction. Then, the Lord knows what happened.

Mongkut became tenser and tenser, tensed Mongkut turned depressed than in no time he began to get worried way too much. His health deteriorated too. Suddenly there were people from the witness protection program and they took Mongkut with them for some update. A small trip they said. But the trip is not coming to an end.

Their lovely days were invaded by unruly winds. A cold was coming towards them. And Manee knew it would not leave soon and will make such changes in their life that they won't be able to mend. Lily will have to find out everything.

"Mom I'll be out in the treehouse. Let Dom know if he asks. Bye."

"Lily, wait."

Manee hands over lily a nicely wrapped gift.

"Wah, mom! Thanks. But why?"

"You will need it."

Lily tears open the gift nicely placing the blue wrapping paper away.

"A new cell phone! But my cell phone is just fine. We got it a few months back?"

"This is a secret phone only between you and your mom. Don't share this number with anyone. For now, don't even give this to Dom. OK? This is for your safety. All this time you were in front of us right here"

"And always will be until we leave for Paris. Love you mom. It is pretty."

Lily hugs Manee and leaves with her drawing stuff. Manee keeps on staring at her from behind.

The morning passes and the daybreak comes. Bright blue sky with white cotton clouds hovering above the head. The sweet brightness of the sun cheers you up. There are noises everywhere as if life is rushing through the veins of the smallest creatures. Manee brings snacks, drinks, and lunch for her in the playhouse. Both mom and daughter spend time there. They talk, laugh, draw, and eat. It was the longest time Manee had spent with Lily in a long time. She was happy. Both the lovely women were happy as they were together enjoying just a lazy day.

The sun slowly begins to go down. Manee and Lily both lie down on the green soft grass and take fancy on the particularly mild and pleasant surroundings. Slowly, they get engulfed in the twilight. The slow breeze takes away all their tiredness and sadness with it. They fall asleep.

Suddenly, Manee feels her phone vibrating. She wakes up in a fright. She looks beside her, her lovely and naive daughter is still fast asleep. She takes a shawl and covers Lily with it and then darts towards the house.

Sometime later Lily wakes up too. She had too much fun. Her mom was with her. It has been long since they shared so much time together. She packs her things and starts walking towards the house.

There was luggage in the hall. At first, she thought maybe her dad had arrived so she hurried to get upstairs. But poor clumsy Lily falls and hurts her toes.

Upstairs her mom was standing with her head down, her face was covered with her black short silky hair. Lily also has black hair but hers is a bit curly. She always used to envy her mom's hair. She loved how they were so gorgeously soft and silky no matter what. But today even her always tiptop hair couldn't hide how devastated her mom was.

"Mom" Lily cries out and runs to her.

Manee hugs her tight and breaks down into tears. "Mom! Mom! What's wrong? What is going on? You are scaring me."

"Lily, love, listen to me now carefully. You have to leave. Now! I'll tell you everything but at first, clear off your tears. First thing, from today onwards until we all are united again you will not break down. You will not shed your tears in front of anyone. Remember what I said. Nothing is forever. There is always the sun after a big storm. There is a storm right now in our life but I promise I'll make it go away. Then your favorite sun will smile. Lily, your dad is a witness, a whistleblower. He helped cops to catch some really awful people a long time ago. All these years we were hiding from them. But they tricked your dad through a business deal and found out real identities. These people are very dangerous. And they are after us. Your dad, me, you - they want revenge. We have to hide. And we have to hide separately. Your dad was..." she broke into tears. "He was attacked this morning while he was under police protection."

"Dad", Lily's voice broke.

"They say he is out of danger now but they can attack again. Any of us. I'm leaving for Hong Kong to be with your dad. You will go somewhere else.police there will protect you. Stay there until we come back to take you back with us. Do you understand?"

"Yes mom, I understand."

"I know dear you are scared so am I? But we can't. We have to save our family. Chartpong family's women can't break like this. We will save our family. I know everybody calls you clumsy and a troublemaker but Lily you also can take care of those troubles you do. You always have. You even fix Dom's mistakes. You never came out of your shell because we didn't allow you but Lily you are as strong as your dad. I know you can overcome anything. And don't worry I'm sending you to a very good place. Those people will love you a lot, just like us and Dom's family. They will spend more time with you, more than I ever did. You don't have to worry about a thing. Those people will take care of you. Trust me, trust them."

"I trust you, mom."

"That's my daughter. My brave daughter. When you were born everybody said that we were blessed by a goddess. You are a goddess, Lily. Just don't give up."

"I'll never give up and will wait patiently just like you said."

"Good now go and pack if there is anything important. Pack light. Only take the stuff that you will need for traveling. I have packed your clothes. See, if there is anything else you might need. Lily where is your phone?"

"I...I left it in the playhouse. I was waiting.....", Lily managed to speak between her sobs.

"It's fine, I'll go and bring it. Keep it in a safe place. I'll contact you when the time comes. Now, go."

Lily rushes to her room. And Manee goes to pick up Lily's phone. When Manee returns with it their landline is ringing. She knew it was Dom. But Manee ignores it.

"Lily, do not pick up the phone. Until you reach that house, do not let anyone find out who or where you are. Not even to Dom. Also, don't show you are afraid. You have to pull off a brave façade for you and your mom and dad. We are counting on you. Our only daughter is our greatest treasure. Please stay safe."

Lily nods her head in approval. Both mother-daughter eyes are filled with tears but they both know it is not the time. They have many important things to do.

"Mom I'm almost done. What about you? I'll go and get your medicines."

"Okay. I'll go and lock the house properly."

"Lily, what about your inhaler?"

"I have both of ours. I've packed mine. And here is yours."

They hurried and took only the things they will need the most. Manee took all their files and documents, with few clothes and other necessary stuff. Lily packs her certificates, and a few pictures, and the color box that Dom gave her.

"Lily you know the way to the airport, right? Here, your passport, money, and other important things. Open this envelope when you get on the plane. Take a cab there from the next stop. And in this envelope is your flight details."

"This is a new passport. Thailand? I'm going to Thailand. Visa? What about the visa?"

"You are a Thai Lily. Now silently leave the house without anyone noticing. I'll go up and guard if anyone is around."

Lily has so many questions. Her mind is running thousands of miles per minute. But she can't do a thing about it. She knows now is the time of waiting. She leaves.

That is the last time Lily saw her mother before leaving. She silently sneaks out of the house and walks up to the next stop. From there she grabs a taxi and leaves for the airport.

Just like that within a few hours, everything changes for her. She leaves her home without saying goodbye to anyone. She couldn't. There was no chance. She found out things she didn't know, her dad's life being in danger, their past, their true identity till now, her being a Thai.

She is worried, very worried. Trembling. She is not sure if she can really pull off a brave facade until she reaches her destination. She feels like giving in.

Looking out of the taxi window now the once known city has become so unfamiliar. What once was her safe spot suddenly has become a threat. This is not the place anymore where she would come to rest.

The new place that she never knew off or that is what she thought, is going to is going be her new safe spot.