
Dom & Lily Part 2

Dom & Lily Part 2

That day later at night, Lily is drawing in her room when Dom calls. "Hey! Little Lily, what ya doing?"

"Lily is drawing her shared dreams of flying with Dom for the competition. How is your work coming?" Lily chirps. They are supposed to take part in an inter-school competition this weekend. They came up with a unique idea. That is to make a continuous drawing of their dream of a world tour. Along they are complete but together they tell a whole new story.

"My one is almost complete. We can have the last check on it at Nana's tomorrow after school. What do you want to eat tomorrow?"

"Mmm. Spaghetti with cream sauce and basil leaves, chicken fries, and Hawaiian Salad for lunch and anything will do for breakfast."

"Fine. I'll let Nana know. After having breakfast there we will leave for school. Your bike still needs repairing so I'll give you a ride until it comes back."

"Okay! Night Dom"

"Night Lily"

Next morning.

"Lily! Dom is here come fast" her mom calls for her the next morning. "Coming mom" Lily runs down the stairs. "Be careful Lily you may fall, you are so clumsy", warns her mom.

Mom hands Lily a glass of strawberry milk. She gallops it in one breath. "Good girl. Nana has packed sandwiches and fruits. Do not forget to eat them during the break. And also make sure Dom does too. He will not eat if you don't pay attention. Lately, he has been skipping food a lot. His mother always complains. "

"Mom when is dad gonna come? He is already a week late. He doesn't even call. I miss him when he is gonna come?"

"Very soon. He called last night but you were sleeping. You know dad never likes to wake you up from sleep. He will be back soon. Now go, Dom is waiting. Here milk for Dom too. Bye sweety."

"Bye, mom."

She runs out of the house and gives Dom a high-five and his milkshake. Dom asks her to hold onto him tight and leaves for the school.

Her mom Manee Chartpong stands before their family photo. She, Manee Chartpong, her daughter Lily Chartpong and her husband Mongkut Chartpong are smiling. They were a very happy family. Though Manee and Mongkut could never give Lily the time she needed, Lily was a well-behaved girl. They loved each other and always stuck together.

It has been months now since Mongkut went to Hong Kong to seek help but he hasn't been back or found any help yet. At first, he used to call. But for the past two weeks, there is no contact. Manee is scared but what to do. She can't panic. Lily is yet young and very soft at heart. She might break down if she finds out what is happening. And also outsiders can't find out too. It is about their safety. So, all the mother and the wife could do is wait and protect her home silently.

In front of the school

"I'll park the bike. You go first Lily."

"Okay, Dom. Hand me your bag. I'll take it in. Dom, do not forget the lunch boxes. I'll take the color boxes in too."


Lily darts in and Dom scolds from behind for running fast. She places all the things in their locker and only takes things for the current class for both of them. Suddenly a boy appears from behind her and puts his hands on the locker restraining Lily from leaving.

"So you are the famous Lily. Everyone says you are cute. And I can see you are cute. I'm Marco, the new guy." Marco introduces him. "Wanna go out after school? We can hang out. I'm new here you can show me around."

"Ah, I would love to show you around but sorry. I have an art competition coming and have to prepare for that. Maybe next time. We, Dom and I can take you around."

"Dom? Isn't that your boyfriend. The rich guy, dad is the owner of the school, the douchebag has a big name here?"

"Aah! No. he is not my boyfriend and uncle is not the owner. He is a trustee of the board. And Dom is a nice guy. That's why everybody likes him. And I'm his best friend. So, you got it all wrong."

"Hahaha! So you don't like him? What about giving me a chance then? I swear you won't regret"

Right then he gets punched in his face and falls down. Lily stands there shocked. Not at the fallen Marco but at Dom. "Dom!!! You will again get in trouble with the principal for this."

"You do not get to even talk with her in that tone", Dom was furious.

He charged forward to attack him but other boys held him.

"Let him go, Dom," says a boy.

"He is new here, doesn't know", another boy adds.

"Stop it Dom", one command from Lily and Dom calms down.

Some boys help to pick up Marco and take him away. Dom straightens his tie and leaves for class with Lily. So does everyone else.

In break time Dom and Lily go to their regular place to have lunch, on the bench under the big tree at the corner of the ground. The spot provides a nice long view of the ground and some parts of the school. Being a bit far from the grounds it is a bit quiet too. The huge branches and leaves of the trees provide shade. A nice sound is created when the wind rustles through them.

Open sky, dense tree, greenfield, and the wind, these are the criteria of Dom and Lily's peaceful place. They also have the same atmosphere in both of their houses where they spend their time together whenever they want. Lives of Dom and Lily have always revolved around this town and each other. At least what Lily remembered did.

When they were eating Lily saw the boy from earlier.

"Look that is the new boy Marco. His face is swollen. You must have hurt him badly. We should go and check Dom."

"No, Lily, what he did was bad. So never ever go and talk to him especially when I'm not around. Got it?"

"OK. But he sure seems hurt, has he been to school infirmary yet, I wonder?"

"You are so dumb, Lily. That boy bullied you and you are worried about him. Don't look for a boy like him."

"He was just trying to make friends. He must be lonely as he is new here. And also, what if he complains about you? There is no news from the principal office so surely he hasn't complained but what if he does? You should ask other boys to keep him company so he doesn't bully anyone else out of boredom."

"Wow, Saint Lily. You should win a bobble prize for being considerate and thinking about the consequences at the same time. Don't worry. I know. He will never complain. He has an ego."

"You sure know how to read people. But what is a bobble prize?!"

"You don't know the bobble prize? The one that is given to everyone who does.... You know the good stuff. Like for peace and business sort of. The teacher was saying it in the last social studies class. Bobble prize. That one?"

"Oh!.... A Nobel prize?"

"Really? Then the Nobel prize shall be. I don't remember much. But you... You don't go to people like them alone. It is dangerous. Aunt and mom always say not to leave you alone and they are so right."

"Yes, yes. I know. I mess up things very easily. I'll be careful."

This is how their normal days in the Philippines are. Lily messes. Dom tries his best to clear up. Dom messes. Lily does her best.

A pair of a mess.



"Let's bobble our head"

She starts wobbling her head. Dom follows her.

"Let's bobble dance", Dom breaks into a silly dance and their laughter rings in the sweet air.