
The Fight That Became Legendary (1/2)

Mosquitoes buzzed around Max's head, occasionally landing on his neck and biting down, but this didn't bother him nearly as much as the 15 people standing side by side in front of him. Each one was a head taller than he was, which was saying something since he had hit a growth spurt in the middle of the week, making him 5'7 and a half. They looked intimidating and all had serious looks on their faces, but what irritated him more then anything else was the sight of a very familiar face that he had now grown to loathe.

"We're here for your challenge," Caitlin said condescendingly as she stepped forward, her hands on her waist. She was the shortest one among them, making her stand out from the rest of the nobles. Her long black hair flowed smoothly, giving her an air of beauty that would've been breathtaking had Max not found her more then a bit annoying and thought of her as a complete moron.

He had already let the girl go once before and it was clear that it had been a big mistake on his own part. He imagined that her one win against him lead her to believe that she would actually have a fighting chance, she probably thought she could beat him if she tried hard enough. He planned to show her just how delusional that thought was so she would finally know her own place.

"Well thats pretty obvious," Max said, responding to her claim. "If you werent here for the challenge then I'd be wondering what the hell your doing on other peoples property!! Its SOOOO good to see you again you skank." Max readjusted his hoodie and tucked his necklace into his shirt. He was all set and ready, but Caitlin seemed like she wanted to keep on talking so he simply listened patiently.

"Skank? I'm no skank," Caitlin responded with a smirk, clearly amused by Max's insults. Years of being treated like she was something special was evident in that simple smirk, an expression that screamed condescension and an air of superiority. "The real skanks are those royal hussies sitting in the corner." She gestured to the three women sitting at the edge of the field, merely observing.

Mereleona, Mimosa, and Noelle had all wanted to be present for when Max fought against the nobles, refusing when Max had told them to wait inside. Even though there was 15 of them, Max didn't think it would've taken so long to defeat them, but the females just ignored his reasoning and did as they liked. Being outnumbered, Max decided to give up and let them stay on the condition thta no matter what happened, they were not to interfere unless absolutely necessary.

"If their skanks then what does that make you, whose lower then even a hoe?" Max asked, mentally noting that he really had to work on his one-liners. "Anyways, enough talk, lets just skip to the part where I hand each and every one of these guys their asses. After I finish with them, I'll come after you and send you packing to whatever bridge you crawled out from."

Caitlin grit her teeth and clenched her hands, visibly angered by Max's remarks as she looked at the 15 men next to her. "Fine, then how do you want to play this? One on one? two on one? Just name it and I'll gladly do it!!! Each one of these guys is a senior ranked magic knight and could easily squash an annoying insect like you."

Max rubbed his temples with the tips of his fingers, already tired of hearing her voice. "Lets do this five on one, and do me a favor and dont talk unless its necessary as your voice is really beginning to piss me off. Just choose your first five guys and send them forward." Max took a stance and activated his grimoire.

Caitlin stomped her foot in outrage but didnt say anything, instead she chose five of the nobles and sent them into the battle zone. It was clear that she was angry, so Max assumed that she would send out the stronger guys first in an attempt to see him get injured. He wasn't really into hitting girls but he was very close to slapping the shit out of this one, purely because she was annoying him.

"Are you guys ready?" Max asked as he tensed his muscles, preparing to move. "If you are then continue staying silent for five seconds." He counted slowly in his head for a full ten seconds but the only thing the nobles did was to activate their own grimoires, standing there silently with cold eyes.

"Okay then, I gave you more then enough time," Max said, his eyes now filling with determination. "Speed Magic- Hirenkyaku" The familiar feeling of mana rushing to his legs returned as he pushed off the ground, ready to take on his opponents. He needed to finish them quickly because if he took too long then the others would only have time to analyze his spells.

He pushed himself to his maximum speed, choosing the closest male as his first target. He ran past him before circling back and skidding to a stop behind him, swinging his leg towards the back of his opponents head. However just as the kick was about to connect, the blow was blocked by something hard and even forced Max to take a step back. Using his speed, Max hurriedly retreated a safe distance away before getting a good look at what had stopped him.

A thick dome shaped shield of ice had surrounded the five challengers, protecting them from Max's kick. He didn't know which one was responsible for casting it but he knew that it wasnt enough to actually beat him. It seemed though that it would be sufficient enough to test his sound magic on.

Taking a deep breath, Max flipped to another page of his grimoire and shouted out his next spell. "Sound magic- Disruption Wave." The invisible waves of sound began to disperse forward, emitting a shrill sound as it travelled over the dome of ice. Cracks began to appear in the ice which then started to spread as the spell was slowly being cut off by the sound.

The thing that bothered Max though was that the mages in the dome didn't seem to be either impressed or worried about the collapsing ice. In fact one of them even smiled, raising his hand and pointing it at Max. "Ice Magic- Spears of Ice" the male chanted, his smile showing a hint of smugness. Some of the collapsing ice began to rise up, shifting into sharp pointy shafts of ice, each one pointed directly at Max.

"Crap," Max muttered under his breath, flipping quickly to a new page. "Sound Magic- Sound Vibration." The spell activated but instead of spreading out in every direction as it was intended for the sound waves compressed themselves around Max's body, giving off a shimmering appearance. In theory, with this spell, Max could easily punch through each of those spears with ease. Of course if his hunch was wrong then he would seriously regret having done it..

The spears began spinning in midair before shooting forward at an alarming rate, almost too fast for him to react. Luckily for Max though, he was used to dodging from the first week of training and reacted on pure instinct, rolling to the side to avoid an ice spear before charging forward, making a mad dash for the five nobles. The one controlling the spears snorted in amusement before readjusting their trajectory to more accurately target Max.

Max quickly kicked away two of the flying projectiles, but five more immediately took their place, putting him in a dire situation. Compressing the sound shield around him even more, he poured mana into it, a clear plan coming to mind. If he could compress the sound barrier around him and then release it all at once then he could potentially create an opening to strike the Ice mage down.

Gritting his teeth, Max charged at them once again, his feet moving quickly as he hurriedly weaved his way through the oncoming spears being thrown at him. He was about 30 feet away when he decided to unleash the sound barrier, releasing the mana that kept the spell intact. Once the mana was cut off, the sound waves that had been compressed arojnd his body rapidly expanded, dispersing in every direction, shrieking loudly. The shockwave spread outwards at the speed of sound, creating a sound so high pitched and heavy that it not only crushed the ice to powder but it also pushed everyone back a couple steps.

Max, despite being mildly suprised by the effectiveness of the blast, took the opening the spell had created and rushed forward. He took three powerful steps when he was close to the ice mage and jumped into the air, doing a full turn and kicking the man square in the jaw. The Ice mage flew back a few feet before landing with a thud, not moving a single inch after he hit the ground, appearing to be unconscious.

"Okay, thats done," Exclaimed Max afted he landed back onto the ground, ready once again to fight. "Now, which one of you is next?"