
The World to Change

"ugh! I just wanna survive" Jay who lost his parents when 6 years old, knows how cruel this world can be sometimes. Now 18 years old with no one to trust how will he survive in this cruel society. but he still has a hope when his life was just falling apart he saw a hope of light. what was this hope of light! the system! But was crushed when system required the only thing he didn't have MONEY! What will jay do? will he go on a wrong path? or this world has still to redeem itself? all these questions are yet to be answered So, Follow jay on his journey to become rich with his help of a System. How did he get it ? For that you have to read the story. "With this system I will rise to the top." Or get a normal life at least. p.s. This is not a get quick power bs novel so character will have some slow developement he will get beaten and betrayed a lot.

avit · Urban
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Chapter 6- Shopping Spree

so I got ready and was thinking where is should go to buy the stuff

going to the mall would a big waste of money

call me frugal but that is the reality

so I was still wondering I remembered that near the station, there is a used shop and a one dollar shop

I went straight to the shop and started to find a laptop and headphones

After literally hours of searching I finally found the gold!

I found a brand new laptop which had headphones too at just 200 dollars.

Lol just kidding! After so much struggle I didn't find anything

Shit! Today is just my bad luck to be honest

Just I was about to leave with no hope I saw the owner with a laptop in his hand and headphones too

I was just in awe like he was sent from heaven

Before even he placed the laptop on the counter I run like a bolt and went to him and asked

| how much for the laptop? |

The shop owner gave a astonished look like I asked for his wife

[ what? ]

He asked! And I thought that he didn't hear me properly so I asked again in a louder voice


To which he replied to me in a sarcastic manner

[ every thing you see in this shop is not for sale you dumbo, if you see me caring around a phone that doesn't its for sale ]

I was so embarrassed when he said to me, and it was not his fault too I was just so much desperate that I would die for a laptop now

Not exactly but yeah along the lines,

|do you have a laptop which is on sale right now? |

[ did you find any in the shop ]

|no? |

[ that means there is no laptop on sale in this store, try some other place ]

I was just crushed after hearing this, it was my only chance but now!

I just walked out of the store is when I saw a man carrying a laptop and a laptop walking towards the store

That's when I realized maybe he is going to sell this in the store

| hey! Big bro! |

I reached out to him

He was astonished to see someone calling

[ hey! Yeah are you calling me? ]

|yeah big bro! are you going to sell these to the store |

[ yes but why? ]

|bro why don't you sell me the stuff! I have been looking for a laptop, in this way we both can profit from it without the middle man right? |

[ yeah sure! How much are you ready to pay ?]

| how much are you asking for |

Now we both were looking in each other eyes I was so tense, I was like lover looking into each other eyes

But only men can know these were not the eyes of love but the eyes of competition.

We both knew who ever said the price first would lose

To be honest I was all in until it was 300 dollars because I need a laptop for both uni and personal life

|okay! Bro but why are you selling it |

I don't know why but it felt like I won the competition after I popped this question

[ haha! You see actually there is slight problem with the software of the computer so I had to sell it ]

What! I was just now going to buy a faulty computer

|what problem? |

[ I don't know whenever I start my computer I goes back to shutting down the computer I tried to find the solution but couldn't find ]

I was thinking Is this person dumb? I think its just a Trojan and would get fixed If reset the system

|okay so here is my price |

| 150 dollar with headphones |

I could clearly see his expression of

"do you think I am stupid"

|bro, I am just asking for the hardware and headphones rest of that that machine is just trash to be honest |

[ you know what deal!]

Whoa he just agreed on 150, I think the headphones alone were about 70 dollars

What a steal

Right now I was just bursting with happiness

Then I took the laptop from him and realized it had some piano stickers on it

Then I asked

|bro, do you play piano or something |

[ yeah! I am a music producer and rapper, I am not that good in music but you should hear me rap ]

| bro crazy! I am too learning to make beats |

[ what really bro! here is my email if you make some fire beats just send it to me bro ]

|sure bro by the way thanks for the gear, what's your name bro |

[ you can call me snacky ]

[ I go by that name on stage but my real name is kim joon ]

|ok! Big bro If I make something I will send it to you |

After that I just parted my way with him

To be honest I was just so happy from inside, I was almost about to explode with happiness

I then decided to go to the café near by to find a charging port for this laptop

When I read the café I saw a really hipster crowd so many young people and so fashionable too.

They looked like they were going on a fashion show or something I was standing out like a prick in this crowd

Sometime I do sound like a old man, but what can I do its just my habit now.

I then thought to order a drink because people may find it rude that I am using their stuff without paying

So I went on the counter and I got the greatest shock of my life

I was so shocked that I almost spoke out loud

5 dollars for a drink and that was the lowest

What 5 dollars!

You could eat a one time meal and pack the leftover for the another meal

Shit! Young people are really wasting their money like crazy

What will happen to these millennial

Then I just paid for 5 dollar for a cappuccino latte

When I heard the bling sound of the cash register

I could here my ancestors crying

I just successfully wasted 5 dollars on a single cup of drink

This drink better be tasting the best drink I ever had because I just paid 5 dollars for it


When I got the drink I was astonished and I was still thinking is this the right drink

Didn't I order coffee latte

Then why do I see some so much less coffee with shit ton of ice and a whole lotta whip cream

And I just paid 5 dollars for it shheeessh!

And when I tasted it my mind was just blown away on how much crap they were selling

It was so much sweet that it tasted just like a store bought coffee with ton of sugar syrup and ton of ice and yeah don't forget the whip cream

How do people even drink this, just because it is pricey people use it as status symbol

To be honest most of the expensive brands are just crap

People mainly buy them not for the quality but as a social symbol

Like they want to show look look I have money

Oh! You cant buy it you loser, you poor!

Okay I am exaggerating a little but it is the sad truth

It's the sad truth of this society

Any ways I then found a charging port and charged the laptop

I then started the laptop and then checked whether its working or not

And as I expected it was just a Trojan

Then I just reset the system and saved the previous files to be safe

Voila! It started while it was starting I just looked around and my eyes went to beautiful girl who were sitting with her group of friends

She looked like she was one of the most famous girls in the group

I didn't find her attractive I was just trying to find out the reason why she was so popular

You ask why, because the laptop was still rebooting and it would take about 10 minutes

Then I saw her looking at me and giving me that " what a creep look " and whispered to her friend the same

How do I know it

She was making it to obvious, it was like she was clearly trying to make it obvious

It was like she was saying to me that she was way beyond my league

Which was kind of true

But I was not creeping her

Okay I will admit I was a little creepy but still

Then I realized that they offered free wifi here

What! Yes finally a better news!

Finally I saw the laptop has been rebooted

I connected to the wifi

I paid 5 dollars for a crap drink now I am going to use their wifi like there is no tomorrow

I then started to download some songs form snacky, chloe, Daniel, nam joon, and other artist

I just wanted to know a gist of what was popular

I just realized that snacky was decently popular

Her had around 100k listeners

I think I will contact him afterward

This sucker had the best app jl studio installed already

Jl studio is one of the most famous apps for music production

Then I made social media accounts where I can collab with others

I named it "jay made it"

now all things done I packed my things and left the coffee shop

while I was leaving I saw some the people from my uni too

they were mostly insiders

I then went to buy some clothes from the one dollars shop

I had already seen some of the clothes trend from the people in café

I bought some shirts, some fitting jeans, fitting t shirts jacket

I bought fikking shoes, I almost never bought a sneakers in my life

I had only worn school shoes

I was looking good to be honest

I had lose weight, my skin had became clear,

I was looking ugly just because of baggy clothes and my hair

My hair looks like hair of the homeless

Yup its decided I need to have a haircut

Then I went to a salon had a haircut

I had fade from the sides, long on top

The barber was real good my hairlines were looking crisp!


I then went to departmental to buy some necessities like cup noodles

And basic grooming.

I then went straight home and took a shower ate something and went to sleep.

Tomorrow is a big day, tomorrow the uni is starting.

" some of the toughest place to be in this competitive society and a massive killer of dreams, also known as college "