
The World to Change

"ugh! I just wanna survive" Jay who lost his parents when 6 years old, knows how cruel this world can be sometimes. Now 18 years old with no one to trust how will he survive in this cruel society. but he still has a hope when his life was just falling apart he saw a hope of light. what was this hope of light! the system! But was crushed when system required the only thing he didn't have MONEY! What will jay do? will he go on a wrong path? or this world has still to redeem itself? all these questions are yet to be answered So, Follow jay on his journey to become rich with his help of a System. How did he get it ? For that you have to read the story. "With this system I will rise to the top." Or get a normal life at least. p.s. This is not a get quick power bs novel so character will have some slow developement he will get beaten and betrayed a lot.

avit · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 5- Bitter Truth

New day, new morning

Now I had 200 bucks more than the last time.

Just like other day I woke up and went to exercise today too

Today I could almost finish the workout but still I had to take the help of the system

That 10 kilometer run! That's the only thing that scares me the most in this workout.

Today the man was not here so I don't know where he went

I am now starting to sound more and more like a stalker

Am I going crazy

Anyways tomorrow is Sunday and after that my uni is starting

Shit! I have to deal with those bullies too ,

So while I was still checking the skill list I saw music production which cost about 100 points

Music has always been a passion of mine but was never able to pursue it.

Because entertainment industry has always been dominated by good looking people

Either they are always good looking or have connections or are godly talented

And to be honest I was nothing in these categories.

so my next that I will be purchasing will be music production

I think I will be able to make some money through it and also I think I will be able to collect points till tomorrow

Anyways when I checked my mission tab

The appreciation mission was gone

Wow! No way! Then how will I gather points

Now my only way is to exercise or increase my money.

Then after sometime I left my apartment to go to work this was my first as a chef and also today was weekend so its gonna be tough

On my way I meet landlady cho who just came from departmental store

[ jay! Going to work]

|ah! Yes! Big sis cho|

[ I heard from zoey that you got a promotion, keep up the good work and if you want any help let me know ok? ]

|ok! Big sis cho|

[ by the way, did you lose some weight jay? You even look a little bit taller, and oh! Your skin is in so good condition too ]

|Really! I haven't been doing much though |

I see myself everyday so I don't see a major difference but someone who rarely sees me will always notice a difference

But my height though in don't know how my height increase, I think its all thanks to the system

|anyways I should leave now ! bye! |

And then I left for work

I think with this system anything is possible

But first I need to find some way to earn more money

Then I reached the restaurant started to work and was so immersed in the work that I didn't know how the time went by

This is a very tiring job but I still feel happy because of it

The staff treat me as their little brother

Boss Zoey came into my life when I need the job the most

Then I had food, to be honest the food is really good here

I can see why so many people come to this restaurant

Even boss Zoey she is the wife of a wealthy business men but still treats everyone equally and respectfully

It is because she also started from the bottom and rose to the top

Her husband also he is someone who came from a middle class family and is very humble person

I have never meet him but have heard form different staff that he is a very nice guy

I can see why people like working for boss Zoey.

While I was going home I saw a really beautiful girl singing on restaurant television

I asked one of the staff who looked really interested in her

|big bro! who is she |

He gave me a look like I asked something really dumb

[ jay! You don't know who she is ]

|no! is she a daughter of some famous actor |

[ you don't know who chloe park is ]

|no! that why I am asking who is she? |

[ okay! So chloe park is one of the most famous singers she is you can call a global superstar ]

|really! Is she really that good! I mean she look good but I don't see the fuss about it|

[ are you kidding me ? she is one of the most beautiful girls out there, do you know how much boy die just to get a look of her in real life ]

|really! I didn't know that |

[ she also is known to be seen in this area but I think it was just some rumor or something ]

See I told you! Mostly dominated by good looking people if she was just average then half of her fans wouldn't even look at her

And I think she sing pretty good so I cant blame her on that

But still its really unfair

|doesn't she have a boyfriend |

[ no! her fans would go crazy about it if she had, not a long time ago a famous actor kan Daniel proposed her but she turned him down instance ]

| then? What happened |

[ after that she obtained her nickname "the unobtainable flower" ]

| pretty bold nickname for someone like her! |

[ don't go bad mouthing about her jay! Her fans are really crazy about her ]

| big bro are you a fan too |

[ of course, but my girlfriend doesn't know about it still ]

| okay I think now its my time to leave |

Then I left the restaurant

To be honest I don't care about the star life I just want to do something I like and have the freedom to do whatever I want

I think becoming a celebrity comes with a great price and I don't think I will be ever ready to pay such a big price

If I ever become one I want to become someone who is liked for his talent and not his looks

I don't care about look to be honest

I just want someone to spend my time with.

People say love someone who always makes you feel excited, who make your time interesting and that's where most of the people are wrong

Our life is not just about happy times or not like its gonna be interesting all the time

And if you think like that then you need a big spank on your arse so that you can just flush out the non sense inside you

Life can sometime be boring sometime be sad

Find someone who have the power to spend this boring time and someone who doest nag about it

Its always about communication, if you think your partner should know what they want you are living in a fiction world in real life no one like that exists until you communicate with your partner.

If you think I will fall for someone really beautiful who is just really good outside but is trash inside then you are wrong

Cause beauty will decrease by age but her nature and personality will not change

After working in a restaurant, date someone on the basis on how she treats the waiter.

And please stay away from your stereotypical karens

When I reached home I was extremely tired and decided to sleep for longer as tomorrow I my day off and I can just doze around

Next day when I woke up I went to workout and today I was able to complete the workout with out the help of the system

Am I really progressing? I don't know because I don't see a major change yet

I think I will progress slow and steadily then I went home took a shower made me something to eat

And now was ready to buy a new skill

I had already decided I would buy the music production skill

| system buy me the music production skill |

After I bought the skill, immediately information about scales and sound started to flood my brain

I think now I have the basic knowledge to play all the instruments I think at the beginners level

While I was going through all the information

I just realized that

| oh shit! I don't even have the basic equipment to produce music |

How dumb can someone be to make such a mistake !

Now I have successfully wasted about 100 points on a skill which I cant even use

But I have already decided on this and hence decided to go buy a second hand laptop for it.

I got up, got ready to go to the second hand store to buys some equipment for music production

like some headphones i guess

but how will i even sell my music i think i need to start making connections soon

you know most people say

making connection is more important than making music

i think online will be the best way too

now a day most of the things can be done online

but where will i get the internet?

shit its going to cost me a lot of money

and i don't think i will be able to make it big with just basic skills but yeah!

like everyone say basic is the foundation and rest is the cherry on top

while is was still thinking about all of these.....

oh no! how did i forget it?

That's when I remembered that from tomorrow my uni is starting

why old clothes wont fit me, from many day i have wearing my work dress wherever i go and gym clothes are in universal size

I need to buy new clothes, I cant go to uni in these old clothes

so i need to buy laptop, headphones and clothes in 400 dollars

oh! thats gonna be tough and

That's when I realized my pocket is going to take a big hit!