
The World Of Mushrooms

When a completely ordinary teenager finds out he isn’t quite as ordinary as he first expected when the world went to hell. He doesn’t realize just how truly special he is. I do not own the cover, I got it from a screenshot I took on istagram when I was looking at a band called infected mushroom. It is also the band that made the music that inspired me to write this novel

Ikizumari · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter Three: Annihilating The Faceless Creatures

An hour later, Kris's group was still preparing while Paul's group was busy resting and sitting on their asses, which was quite ironic since they were the most elite members of Great Haven.

Suddenly though, an incredibly loud roar echoed from in the direction that the Guardians were estimated to be coming from, and slight vibrations could be felt through the ground.

Nothing could be seen because of the mountain ridge, so Karl, who was the one who had his Raven the closest, took the chance to hop atop his Raven and fly towards the mountain ridge to see what exactly caused that roar, but he already had a guess in the back of his mind.

Reaching the mountain in just under 30 seconds, he reached the peak and gazed in the direction of the roar that was still echoing throughout the mountains, but what he saw slightly terrified him.

A giant wave of Sporelings, mutated animals, and some kind of unknown flying creatures were heading in his direction. Most of the Sporelings were over 30 metres tall while some reached over 900 metres tall which was the limit that regular Sporelings were able to grow too.

The two Guardians were over 10 kilometres tall, which meant that they were many times stronger than the one that he had luckily killed back in the city. As for the flying creatures, he had never seen them before, either in his dreams or reality.

With a wingspan of over 500 metres, a height of 600 metres, bioluminescent red and white skin, dark blue horns, 10 metre long claws that were sharper than the best knives on Earth , no eyes, a malnourished body, and a large lipless mouth that stretched all the way across it's face.

There were thousands of these flying creatures along with tens of thousands of Sporelings of differing sizes, a hundred thousand mutated animals, and the two Guardians, which was a force that no one on Earth could currently defend against.

All of these enemies made for quite a horrifying force, which was also quite blinding since they were all glowing with bioluminescent light of hundreds of different colours, and what made it more horrifying was the fact that it hadn't even been a year since Earth became apocalyptic.

After a full minute of gazing at the wave of enemies, Karl regained his senses because of how fast they were approaching, and he flew back towards were the others were currently waiting for him to bring back the information of what he saw.

Landing on the ground, Karl didn't even explain anything before shouting out, "RETREAT!!!", and then he ordered his Raven to pick up Kris, Matthew, Thomas, Greg, and the higher levelled Stalkers that were all sitting around a small fire.

Everyone was stunned as they didn't expect Karl to do that and they were slow to react, but they soon snapped out of their revelry when they realized that the ground was progressively shaking more and more.

Some of the smaller mushrooms were that were only 7-10 metres tall had started to be uprooted and fall to the ground. Other mushrooms that were taller had started to shake violently because of a sudden wind that had picked.

Receiving some sort of information from someone or something, the faces of Paul and the Angelic beauty had both changed as they also got on their Ravens and started to fly away at a speed that was twice as fast as Karl's Ravens. Paul had taken the chance to grab Jashuri just before getting on the Raven and he placed her in front of him as he flew off.

Unbeknownst to anyone other than than Paul and the Angelic beauty, at least in Great Haven, you could actually infuse mana into your Raven and Dog, this would make them grow faster and also make them stronger, and they could also level up as well.

It took another few seconds before the other members of the group that went to face the Guardians had reacted and started to fly away on their Ravens, but it was too late. The first type of the enemies to reach the group was the flying creatures that had no facial feature other than a mouth, and they immediately tore apart the Ravens and their riders into pieces.

Taking the pieces of flesh that were made from their enemies being torn to pieces, the faceless creatures swallowed them in large mouthfuls, and they even fought over some of the pieces of the higher levelled people.

Covering their eyes, most of the people other than Karl had started to dry heave as they had never seen such scenes before. Other creatures would only kill people, the larger ones would eat people and Ravens whole, but that was quite different from ripping living beings into pieces and shoving their still steaming flesh into a mouth dripping with saliva.

As for the reason that Karl didn't dry heave or feel disgusted is because he had noticed that he had started to loose certain emotions a while ago, those of which included physical disgust, lust, joy, exhilaration, boredom, sadness, pity, sympathy, and empathy.

Emotions such as anger and disgust towards people who committed disgusting acts had stayed though. Joy had started to come back as he talked with Kris, but that was it, all of the other emotions still stayed as far out of his mind as far as edge of the universe was compared to the center.

Smiling evilly, the Angelic beauty had been peeking over her shoulder as she watched the people be torn to bits, and a sadistic gleam flashed across her eyes as she watched it happen. Karl had noticed this and threw it to the back of his mind as he had more important things to think about.

Paul's and the Angelic beauty's Ravens were fast enough to outrun the Faceless creatures while Karl's would have been if he hadn't been carrying so many people, but the thought of abandoning some had never crossed his mind. He stubbornly told his Raven to keep flying as he periodically glanced back at the enemies behind him.

Seeing as how they were getting closer, he made a decision that he didn't currently think was a good idea, and knocked everyone out with smack to the back of the head, and the he jumped off the Raven and shot towards the ground like a meteorite.

"Keep flying! Get to Great Haven and tell everyone to fortify the defenses, I will hold them back as long as I can!" Shouting loud enough for Paul and the other two, Karl looked at Jashuri's rapidly fleeing back, and then he turned to stare at his Raven, which had stopped moving forward and was hovering in the air.

Feeling his gaze, it knew what it had to do, and it continued to fly after the trio that was continuously widening the distance between them. Hitting the ground and making a small crater, Karl climbed out and gazed at the Faceless creatures that had stopped and were looking down at him.

The being from the portal had done something to all of the creatures that had appeared alongside the Guardians as well as doing something to the Guardians themselves. It had made it so that the main target was Karl and that if he stopped fleeing then all of them would have to stop following the other people that were also fleeing and focus on him.

A stare down ensured for a total of five seconds before the thousands of Faceless creatures had converged down upon Karl and covered the sky. Taking out his secondary weapon, the spear, Karl injected magic into, which was something that he didn't normally due since doing so would make the durability of the weapon rapidly deteriorate.

Throwing the spear with all of his strength, it tore threw the air at a speed of 2600 hundred FPS, which was just under 400 kilometres over Mach 2, and he had rotated the spear as well, so it was also rotating at insane speeds.

Creating a tremendous vacuum because of fast it was rotating, it drew in the Faceless creatures and shredded their flesh and bones into bloody mist before it was sucked back towards the spear. Hundreds of the creatures were killed with his first attack, which was devastating, it surprised the creatures.

Jumping as hard as he could, he pulled back his arm and shot it forward faster than lightning, which caused a condensed blast of air to shoot forward like cannon and blast threw tens of the creatures, and he was able to do this ten times a second.

Taking the chance to glance of the name of the enemies he was currently killing, he was beyond horrified at what he saw. (Congratulations on killing " ******** Army; Foot soldier" LvL; 0.1. You have gained 10,000 EXP. Two times the EXP has been awarded for killing this enemy for the first time. 1% of EXP has been gained for killing an enemy far below your LvL)

Bewildered as to the level and name of the enemies, Karl then realized that he would've gained 1,000,000 EXP if he had killed this "Foot Soldier" at level one, but that was an impossibility since it could instantly kill a level 40+ Human.

In that moment of distraction, some of the Foot Soldiers had taken the chance to attack him and try to deal a fatal blow by destroying his entire body by smashing it into pieces, but their attack wasn't as successful as they had hoped it to be.

Three of them had used their hands to try and decapitate Karl, but they had only been able to break his armour before they were forced to a halt by a seemingly unbreakable object, which caused their hands exploded upon impact of said object.

Because the force of the blows had stopped on Karl's body, it caused him to shoot back down to the ground at a speed faster than when he came up, and a crater 400 metres in diameter was created along with a shockwave that uprooted hundreds of mushroom trees.

Circling around in the air and waiting to see if their enemy had been killed, the Foot Soldiers were smiling while happily wondering if Karl had been killed, but they were severely disappointed when he shot out of the crater.

With his armour in scraps, Karl's body was seen. Removing the rest of his armour scraps, Karl looked at the Foot Soldiers, who were still circling above him, and he picked up his scythe from off the ground, which had been automatically removed from the space inside the armour and stayed within a metre of his body.

His body had changed slightly since before had started to wear the armour, at least on the outside that it is. Compared to before, he looked indistinguishable from a human, except for his head that was still a skull and his tail was a few feet longer than before, other than that his body could pass off as human body that was extremely pale.

Sprouting from his back, a pair of bone wings covered in blue and green flames flapped gently. That gentle flap caused him to fly so fast that he tore through the bodies of multiple Foot Soldiers before he came to stop over a kilometre away covered in the flesh and blood of the Foot Soldiers.

Evaporating the blood from his body, Karl gazed at the thousands of enemies apathetically, and then he raised his scythe far above his head with both arms. So far in fact, that his arms were removed from his body and started to float upwards, and then it stopped after floating for a few metres.

Swinging his body like a whip, the arms and scythe flew back to Karl and reconnected to his body just in time for him to complete his swing, and then the Foot Soldiers arrived. A blade of wind was swept out and cut through the entire wave of foot soldiers before dispersing into the air.

Bisected bodies fell to the ground like rain from the sky, some hit the ground and bounced while others just splattered like a tomato, and the last few that had only been hit on their arms of legs still charged relentlessly at Karl. The trademark of the ******** Army was that they had no fear.

(AN. I wrote this on a laptop and not an iPad, so I apologize for any typos, also I'm trying to write a chapter a day, but I only have a time window of 2-4 hours just before I go to bed and 1-3 hours when I wake up. Peace out and I hope you enjoy this chapter, when you can that is)