
the world of magical dragons

In the vast continent of Asbenia, where magic and dragons exist, humans rule thanks to magical contracts with these powerful and wise creatures. For millennia, this continent has guarded mysteries and secrets yet to be discovered.

carlos_durte_caliz · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Island Swordsmanship

Island Swordsmanship

So, just thinking about it, although I was happy, I was also a little sad. I didn't know my dragon had one of the weakest elements that existed.

Comforting me, Olwen encouraged, "You don't have to be discouraged, there's still a small chance that there's a third element. Honestly, I don't know very well how to identify them. If it weren't for Kevrey's comments, I wouldn't be sure."

"So, Grandpa, what about the lightning your friend's dragon had?" I asked, even though I had heard it was a mid-tier element, I wanted to keep listening.

"Well, just like there are low-tier elements, there are also mid and high-tier elements. I only know that lightning is one of the weakest elements in that tier. I've heard there are seven elements, but I only know about lightning, light, and darkness."

I was amazed by all this new information and was quite excited. "And Grandpa, why is your friend Kevrey here? Isn't he native? Couldn't his dragon fly everywhere?"

Olwen replied with a snort, "First, he's not my friend. Second, even though his dragon seems strong, it's just in the rare dragon range, not even reaching the uncommon ones. The highest I've heard of are the epic ones, used by nobles. Although I know there are more, no one has told me about them. Kevrey is just an illegitimate son of the House of Ocirin, a house of viscounts."

Then, as he was swallowing before his plate got cold, he paused briefly. "He and I met when we were young. He was expelled because he couldn't form a contract with a more powerful dragon. Deciding to leave his home, he followed me."

Olwen paused and then continued. "Kerin, I've been thinking. You have a great spirit and a brave heart. I'd like to propose something: would you like to learn to be a knight? Like I was in my youth."

My eyes lit up with excitement. "A knight, Grandpa? Really?"

Olwen nodded, smiling. "Yes, a knight. You'll learn the art of fighting alongside your dragon. Although it's small now, dragons grow quickly. You'll learn to train it, understand it, and fight with it. You'll be a force to be reckoned with, Kerin."

I felt full of determination and gratitude. "Yes, Grandpa! I want to be a knight! I want to protect the village and the island, bring back peace and prosperity, and bring happiness!"

Olwen looked at me with pride. "Then we'll start your training tomorrow at dawn. Now, eat and rest. You have a long journey ahead."

And so, in the warmth of Olwen's humble home, the seeds of a new future were sown, full of promises and challenges for Kerin and his dragon.

The next day, at dawn, while others rose to continue the rebuilding of the village, which was beginning to take its former shape and even look more special this time, as compensation money and savings were used, and news had spread that a three-year tax extension was achieved, which was a significant expense. They decided to build all the houses with white stone, which is hard and gives an elegant touch.

Olwen and I searched for an open space around the village, avoiding disrupting activities like the construction of the magical stone wall, which was being built thanks to the efforts of the mages who had come.

"Grandpa Olwen, what's the point of that wall if dragons can fly over it?"

I asked, wondering about the purpose of this wall. Although dragons are hard to come by, it doesn't mean there are very few. For example, there are six villages on the island, and each one is protected by at least one dragon. In the main city, there are seven councilors, each with their dragon, not to mention other people like mercenary leaders or lucky individuals. There are dozens of dragons on this poor and backward island; I can't imagine the continent itself.

Olwen calmly responded, looking at the free terrain to start training. "Well, Kerin, the truth is that the wall's function is to create a magical shield. Although it doesn't last long and only protects us from rare-ranked dragons, you must remember that there are also magical creatures that don't fly, and it slows their advance just as much as armies."

Olwen explained the wall's function while pointing out the importance of cities or villages having one.

"Then, Kerin, the art I'm going to teach you is the island swordsmanship, an art that uses bold, strong, and light movements, like the sea."

He pointed out and explained little by little how it was. Although he was now old, his movements still showed the strength he had when he was young.

"Kerin, although what I will teach you won't help you in the sky, it will ensure you are at peace on the ground."

I nodded, letting him know I understood what he was teaching me.