
The world of Gamindustri is Tough for a DxD Devil of Shadows

In order to stop Vali from being a threat to his plans, his grandfather and father decide to pull the problem out by the roots by tossing him into the dimensional gap. Through some luck and chance however, he ends up in Gamindustri… though, not quite the original Gamindustri.

Dark_Spider · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Chapter 5

Alright everyone just to clarify on those who want to see Albion awakening, it's not happening for a while yet. The only reason how Vali managed to awaken Albion when he had, was because of Vali experience the family abused in DxD where his father beat him up that caused his emotions to awaken his Sacred Gear early. In this story, he has never experienced such family abuse (minus Zora) so he hasn't awakened to it yet. I'm going to put a similar situation where Issei awakened Ddraig when he was strong enough to awaken him. Vali will awaken Albion but not sooner, only later. Now that's out of everyone's chest, let's go to the story!

'Damn... what the hell was that dream about?'

Whilst groaning in slight irritation under the scorching morning sun, Vali walked towards the Academy after having docked his new Airship which Luxon, whom Vali had learned was really the AI of the Ship which could upload itself onto mechanical devices, had taken back to the deserted island. The two Elf Girls Alpha and Emilia had already gone ahead of him since they were getting rather excited to study once more at Gamicademi, not like the silver-haired boy didn't mind since it gave him some precious alone time. Something which NORMALLY, Vali would have used for training purposes.

Speaking of that island, since the island itself was considered a Lost Item as well, it fell under Vali's ownership according to Luxon. This meant that he essentially had his own privately owned property which he could do with in any way he so desired, which also meant that he had the means to potentially life the life of a noble all on his own or whatever, maybe even train there for eternity since that had been what he liked to do most other than fight.

Such a revelation had taken a while for the silver-haired teen to process. There were all SORTS of things which he could have done with it, especially since Luxon had scanned it, finding it to be rich with all kinds of resources there, but he hadn't chosen much for it��s future development just yet, mostly due to lacking experience in that sort of thing. Once things settled down, he intended to ask his father for advice about that, since he had experience in developing lands. It had been that method which had resulted in his family becoming a Barony after all.

He hadn't shown the Island to his parents until the following morning after him, Emilia and Alpha had spent the night in the Bartford family home since that would have likely given his family a heart attack if it were combined with the Airship. Not to mention he wanted to have another ace up his sleeve in his secret (yet so many people knew of it) battle against the bitch known as Zora. That bitch would have flipped even MORE if she knew about it, though Vali bet she would find out before long, but he could still use it for his own needs regardless since it fell under the same category as Luxon and the Airship along with it's contents.

However, this wasn't what occupied Vali's thoughts right now, nope, instead he was thinking about that strange dream that he had last night. It almost felt like......like it had been REAL, something which had given him goosebumps. No matter what he did, the boy just couldn't ever stop thinking about it, no matter what...


Vali was walking endlessly in the void. It almost feels like an eternity when he walked, trying to see if anyone was there but not a single voice responded back to him. It would have seemed that Vali had been alone in this world, with practically no one to speak with or hang out. Something which he found… quite eerily unsettling, having grown up being used to having people to speak with on a daily basis. He didn't know how long he had been here either, Vali had long since lost his ability to tell the time in this void, resulting in him being fearful of how much time had passed. Should he manage to escape this place, what would he find? The same world he knew, or something completely different?

He didn't know…

And that gradually started to unnerve him further.

Yet, all of a sudden, something happened which had quickly taken away those feelings of restless unease, replacing them with shock as Vali gasped, quickly covering his face, a fierce gale force wind blowing in front of him. It lasted only a couple seconds, but when it eventually DID die down to allow Vali to lower his arm, his eyes widened when he saw something that hadn't been there before: Ice, not to mention that it was snowing around him.

"What....the......fuck…...is this?"

"Hmmmmmm... so, you managed to get this far... have you, boy?"


All of a sudden, a deep, guttural yet distinctly masculine voice erupted forth, filling his ears with sound for the first time in what felt like an eternity to the teen. The voice sent shudders down the boy's spine, along with a couple of chills which nearly rooted him to the ground right where he stood… ground which looked to have been replaced with a sheet of ice now, without him noticing. Now that he looked around though, Vali saw everything having become ice as if he had entered an entire DOME made from the stuff. Still, wanting to know the source of the voice that had spoken to him, Vali turned around till he had pulled a complete 180, and upon doing so his eyes became greeted by the sight of a... silhouette, a LARGE one from what he could tell. Though, that had been ALL since he couldn't see much else, although he got the feeling that something MASSIVE had been speaking to him just now.

His mouth then moved as if it had its own will, words spilling out slowly like a single-shot pistol. "Who..... Or rather WHAT are you?!"

"I would answer that question, boy, but I can't. You're not strong enough to awaken me fully. When you're strong enough or when the time comes you'll know."

"What do you mean I'm not strong enough, answer me!! WHO ARE YOU?!"

"You'll know soon enough, now it's time to wake up boy. We will meet again, young hybrid boy."


Flashback ends

That had happened only once back in his family home as per mentioned previously, but a vision regarding the dream had assaulted his senses during the time where he was in his Airship, almost preparing to land in the academy's airship landing ground. Luxon had asked if he was fine due to the rapid heartbeat he'd just had, only for Vali to tell him that it was only a nightmare since it was just a dream. Even so, he just couldn't stop thinking about that creature, it's almost like the creature is also within him all the time.

Taking a puff of air, Vali exhaled once as his shoulders dropped, all before he made a determined face with a matching gaze becoming evident in his blue irises, a slight silver glow starting to emit from them. A new goal got settled for Vali: The sooner he got to graduate, the sooner he could become stronger and get the answers from that creature he had dreamt about.

Anyways, Vali had been registered to the advanced class since he had become a Baron, so that had been where he was going to. The reason how he had gotten a rank up was because, according to his father, he'd received a letter from the Leanbox CPU's assistant known as the Oracle. It had detailed that he had not only discovered Lost Items but also had found an uncharted land, it is enough to rank him up to the Baron class.

Of course, Valli had absolutely ZERO fucks about the title, but it DID help that he got to have that Land to himself. Aside from his unknown future plans for the Island, Vali DID figure that he could use this to get away from Zora whenever she visited, not to mention he could have his other companions visit him without that old hag's influence, something which he REALLY looked forward to, although he would never admit to others. Therefore, Vali mentally decided that after this academy's year, he would invite them to his Land for a catch-up, see what they had been up to.

'Shame that this class is apparently filled with bitches like Zora… Ugh, this will cause me no small amount of migraines. Maybe I should ask Luxon if he could acquire medicine for headaches…' the boy thought to himself, rolling his eyes as he pocketed his hands in his trouser pockets. All the while, Vali entered inside Gamecademi's main building for his journey to the advanced class.

Though, if his experiences with women like Zora were to be believed, Vali could imagine the amount of times he would be unleashing his Mana on their asses...

During his walk, he already started to see girls acting like Zora and the boy wasn't even at the classroom yet. They were just sitting around all posh and ladylike… though in terms of personality they each had grins and smirks of superiority on their faces, looking like they believed the whole world revolved around them. Not to mention there were boys gathering around in a small group in front of a few girls, trying to impress them and screaming at their servants who are so much older than them.

"Ugh great, now I really wish that I was back at the regular class..." Vali muttered whilst he facepalmed, already feeling a headache coming on.

"Kyyahh look! It's the prince entourage."

'.......Fucking great, now those morons are also here? I really should stop jinxing myself.'

Upon hearing the sounds of squealing girls from behind him, Vali glanced to his rear and saw the source, a source which made multiple veins of annoyance form on his forehead. The source of his current mood turned out to be several males:

Julius: A handsome young man with dark blue hair and matching eyes,

Greg: A tall, well-built teenager with reddish-orange hair, he even still has that cocky smirk at him.

Chris: A handsome young man with light blue hair and matching eyes hidden behind rectangle shape glasses. Not to mention the cousin to Reinhard Van Astrea, the current swordsaint in Planeptune and the only man Vali considered a rival and friend.

Jilk: a man with similarly handsome features as the rest of the Princes, with waist-length wild green hair and matching eyes, looking fairly muscular yet slim in his build.

Brad: a man with dark-colored hair and eyes and a slightly slimmer build compared to Jilk.

All of them wore the male school uniform in its standard appearance, unlike Vali who, as a 'Prince' in name himself, had made his modifications to his uniform which helped him stand out. Although Vali didn't like that about his modifications, it had been a fact that they made wearing this uniform so much more bearable, the standard version just felt WAY too restrictive for him plus, with his build becoming bulkier the more he trained, Vali felt like it wouldn't have been long before it would have been impossible to wear it the standard way anyways.

'Those lot, they're going to cause trouble, I just know it. Causing ME trouble is one thing, but if they try to get their claws onto Alpha, Emilia, or the others then they will NOT get away so lightly… hm? Someone's behind them…'

Whilst Vali mentally predicted what these guys would do to him, the boy then arched a brow when he noticed someone walking behind them in a leisurely, polite and formal pace, like a servant to their master. It didn't take him long to recognize her though: Angelica Rafa Redgrave, the supposed fiance of one of the princes. She seemed to be a girl with blonde hair that seems to sparkle with an upswept hairstyle along with white skin and fierce red eyes. She wore the standard female uniform with a black pantyhose as a bonus, adding to the whole sophisticated look she had going for her.

Whilst they walked, Angelica took a quick, discreet glance at him, seemingly for a few seconds with a blank gaze on her face, one which Vali returned as he looked back at her. It didn't last long before she pulled away though, all whilst going in her way with the group. Said group not even caring about Vali's presence, though Vali would have done the same for them too.

'....Whelp, best go on my own way before-'

"Oh, look girls! It's the silver-haired unbeatable prince!"

"........shit, I just had to open my mouth. Better get out of here fast!"

With that said, Vali promptly turned on his heels, then took a quick sprint to the academy with an army of fangirls before they could even catch him.

"And with the coming of quiet spring, we welcome you all to these halls as first-years-"

'This is so boring... it's on a level of boring that I'm almost getting sleepy.'

Vali groaned mentally while listening to Julius' speech towards the new students, having taken a back seat so he wouldn't be close to many students. Thanks to that light jog which he had called that run, Vali had managed to escape those damn fangirls before he arrived at the Amphitheater, which took the form of a glass-domed amphitheater with raised bleachers arranged in a circle around a circular stage that has a tall, ornate (possibly wooden) backdrop with blue lights. There was also a large, open area in front of the stage where rows of seats were there.

'I guess even ceremonies can be such a drag.'

"...They're here at last, I've waited ten years for those Princes..."

'Huh? who was that?'

All of a sudden, Vali heard a female voice hear him, but that wasn't what truly surprised him. What he DID get surprised by was the emotions which got conveyed by the voice, the looks of excitement that could only come from having waited a long time for something. Think of it like a worker finally getting paid extra after having to work overtime for a while. Vali then looked at the voice's source, before seeing a girl sitting near him, cross-legged. She looked rather… small, smaller than even EMILIA and that said much. This girl had long blonde hair that framed her face with sky blue colored eyes. However, despite these things, Vali still felt something… off, about the girl the more he looked at her. He narrowed his eyes at her when she said that, he doesn't know what her deal was, but his instincts told him that, in the future, she would cause no small number of troubles. He might have to keep an eye on her, but right now he saw that students were getting up, and started to leave before he did the same.

Timeskip two weeks later

".......can you tell me the reason why we have to do this tea party stuff?"

"Because Vali, this way we can enjoy ourselves without some girls or boys going at us when we do a tea party. Plus, this way, with you inviting us to your tea party, there will be a rumor that you're already with us so that the girls and boys will stop coming after us."

Vali just stayed silent as he listened to Alpha explanations in convincing him to do a tea party. Apparently, according to them, he could invite both Emilia and Alpha so that way they can enjoy peace and quiet from the consent nagging of the boys and girls trying to get them to marry them. It sounded like a good idea so far, but he did have a few issues with this thought process: Since they had been together since they were kids, and for multiple years at that, shouldn't there already be rumors of that sort going around?

Now that he thought about it, Vali hadn't actually heard of such rumors up till now, were people really so focused on proposals and marriage that they didn't notice this? Also, even with them being together as often as they had, the teen didn't believe them being at a tea party hosted by him would deter some of the more… eager, students.

Vali wouldn't put it past them, considering his low opinion of said students.


Before things could continue however, Vali and both Elfs glanced to the side when they saw the so-called 'prince' Julius and Jilk walking away from a group of girls trying to get a conversation with them.

"Will you be holding a tea party, Julius?"

"I'd love to attend!"

"Me too!"

"......Oh great, not even two weeks before they cause problems." Vali mumbled whilst planting his right hand onto his face.

He wasn't the only one disgusted with those two either, since Alpha shared her opinion with the trio whilst Emilia kept hers to herself. Although, just by looking into her eyes one could tell how she felt about those two guys. "This year the so-called princes and the sons of the great houses are attending the tea party, so it's hard to even compete against them. However, with you around Vali, maybe this could give us a chance to even get away from them."

Shaking his head whilst no longer being capable of even standing their appearances, Vali turned his head back to his two companions. "Maybe so. Still, I'd rather go to the arena and relieve my stress from those idiots than try to cater to females in something as pathetic and stifling as that." Vai retorted, missing the slightly saddened and disappointed looks which briefly appeared on Alpha and Emilia's faces. However, something else registered in his mind, causing him to ask another question. "Come to think about it, haven't Chris and Greg been trying to get you and Emilia's attention?"

"I don't know Vali, I heard that there was a girl that-"

"Marie! Thank goodness we were looking for you!"

Vali, now confused about what that idiot Julius intended, became even more so when he'd realized that he had done this while Angelica was standing there. Boy did she look mad as all hell at the situation occurring in front of her. Did that idiot find interest in women like some sort of womanizer (a rare thing in this world since women did that more than men) or was it something else?

Then came a surprise to Vali, as the VERY SAME girl that he'd seen from the assembly, standing not too far off from the Prince. It looked like she felt nervous judging by how she held a hand to her chest whilst looking around in discomfort, although just like back then Vali still got a very bad feeling about her.


"Eh?" Emilia blinked when she heard Vali sound like he had seen this girl before. A pang of… something, exploded within her chest at this revelation, although she didn't get what it was since it vanished seconds later. Therefore, she just asked him another question relating to this new girl and how he apparently recognized her from her. "Do you know her, Vali?"

Then, like most of his replies to things, Vali responded blankly. "She's the girl I saw in the assembly."

"Well, you're in for a surprise Vali, because that girl is the one that everyone was talking about. According to what I've heard, she's becoming quite famous despite being born from a Viscount family. One time, I even heard she had the gall to slap Julius, although this just heightened his interest in her." Alpha explained, surprising the other two down to their cores.

Although, a few seconds later did Vali start to grin with a pleased expression forming on his face. "She did? Now this is something interesting, hearing that this girl slapped that idiot 'prince' makes me wish I could have been there to see it." he remarked, showcasing just how much he disliked that idiot for how he acted, not to mention how pathetic he truly was.

"But that's not all, I heard that she was eating with one of the noble houses and she almost swallowed a steak!"

".....Okay, now that's even more strange for that girl."

While he was thinking about that strange behavior, the silver-haired male recalled something about her: she didn't present herself like those other girls just by simply walking past him, ignoring him and the Elf girls. Maybe she came from a different family like Emilia or just simply wanted larger recognition, fame, and fortune than she'd get from being with him. While he was still thinking that, he saw that Angelica was finished with her conversation trying to get the prince from that lowly girl, but she failed epically.

The prince even almost got mad at her, which resulted in Angelica choosing to leave, though not before giving an angry expression at Marie before leaving. After the blonde woman had left, Marie began talking to both Julius and Jilk at the same time, seemingly almost like an angel. However, that didn't fool Vali and Alpha as they can see the smirk on her face that was almost devil-like.

Seeing this, the silver-haired male narrowed his eyes with a heavy gaze of suspicion. ".......I don't trust that girl, I can sense that she's using that idiot prince, I can feel it."

Alpha nodded in agreement with Vali's words whilst Emilia frowned deeply. "Me too, Vali. It's best that we be weary at her, it's almost like......she's manipulating Julius and Jilk."

In the end though, as interesting and concerning as this was, Vali decided that he was done with the situation in the form of him shaking his head and prepping to continue their previous chat. "Well, whatever the case, let's just ignore them. They're not our problem."

As much as she wanted to disagree, Alpha didn't think she could convince Vali otherwise with the way that he looked right now, so in the end, she reluctantly accepted the scenario. "Alright whatever you say Vali. Oh! Emilia can you tell Vali that you made a new friend?"

Now THIS got the boy's attention as he turned to Emilia, a look of surprise on his features as he placed his cheek on his closed fist. "Oh really? It's rare that you made friends other than Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon."

Hearing that, Emilia blushed slightly knowing that it was true, she DID find it hard to make friends even on a normal day. But, with the students here the way they were, it became even harder. "Why, her name's Olivia, Vali!" She hotly replied in an embarrassed manner, yet also a happy one.

"Olivia?" Vali paused, blinking a couple times as he felt a sense of familiarity with that name like he'd heard it before from somewhere. A couple seconds later, the teen's eyes perked up when it hit him. "Oh right, you mean that commoner who managed to get special privilege, resulting in her getting into the advanced class?"

Emilia nodded again, this time more happy than embarrassed, mostly since Vali wasn't ridiculing her like she feared he might do. Even though the silver-haired teen never ridiculed her for anything like that before. "Yes, her!"

Alpha then asked her a question while crossing her arms, looking like she only knew a bit of this story herself despite being the one who'd brought it up initially. "How did you even make friends with her Emilia? Let alone meet her considering the differences between you two..."

"It was just a week ago that I met her in the library. At the time, she was being bullied by some of the other girls because of her being just a commoner girl, with no one helping her... So, I tried to convince them to leave her alone, but they tried to bully me so instead I........" Emilia began strong, but the more she spoke the more embarrassed she became. In the end, she looked to be blushing crimson as she glanced down at the table, before saying her answer whilst shuffling on her seat in nervousness, knowing what would be coming from the two. "I......froze them alive."

Vali and Alpha just blinked before smirking at her in unison.

"So you finally managed to stand up against yourself didn't you, I'm proud of you Emilia."

"Me too, wait until aunt Fortuna hears this."

"Oooohhhhhh!" Emilia just put her hands at her face as she tried to hide the embarrassment that she did in the library, wishing that she didn' do that… well, actually part of her had to call out the B word on that one since she did sort of feel partially satisfied. Perhaps this incident had marked the first time that she'd experienced a certain thing Vali had once told her about when she'd told him of her fears of hurting people with her powers: that violence may be frowned upon by the majority, but it's also the thing people listen to the most, there was NO way one could get around that.

".......Oh look at the time, it's almost for class."

"Huh?..... Your right Vali. Shame that we aren't in the class."

"Ehhhh it doesn't matter if we are in different classes, that doesn't stop us from hanging out. I quite enjoy your company." Vali admitted with a shrug of his shoulders, yet the intensity in his voice told the girls he meant it.

Still, his words had an effect on them as two pink blushes formed on their faces amidst their smiles.

"Mme-me to Vali."


Vali was confused yet again as he saw Emilia and Alpha's expressions before they turned, what the hell had happened to them? Maybe he could ask his parents about this, since this somewhat reminded him of how his mother reacted around his father a few times. He shook his before leaving to his class

Later, Vali walked through the halls as he began to recall the lessons he had with the teacher. The same one who he had met during his first day in Gamiacademi's Elementary Division. He had been paying attention to class like any student should, when he had chosen Vali to do a practice round. So far........ he was able to make Vali SLIGHTLY impressed about tea preparation, about how it had been more of a reflection of the person that held the mirror and the contents of the character.

Seemed as though this tea stuff had more merit to it than he had initially anticipated, something which Vali had learned when he had sampled some of the Teacher's tea in that practice round. As such, the silver-haired teen decided that he might as well give doing the tea party thing a shot. He made sure that Luxon was giving an invitation to Emilia and Alpha, no one else. The reason for this was since he didn't want to be overwhelmed by so many girls trying to get his attention.

Yet, whilst he was walking, Vali then turned a corner and became witness to something that made him mad.

"You were invited to Lord Brad's tea party?! That those two are an unseemly match!"

"But the invitation said-"

"Who gives a crap about an invitation know your place idio-"


The girls stopped what they were doing after they yanked the paper from the poor girl's hand, about to rip it apart when all of a sudden a HUGE Mana presence bore down on them, making them stumble onto one knee. Turning their shocked gazes to the source, both girls became pale with fright when they saw the approaching Vali, or rather… an MSK-clad, FURIOUS Vali with his hands in his pockets and a glare that seemed so sinister that they felt like they would be impaled by something right at that moment. Strangely enough, the other girl on the floor didn't feel anything, just watched on in shocked awe at what had just happened.

"Ah, it's the unbeatable prince!"

"What... the fuck… were you... doing?"

"Ah! W-we were just-"

"You know what…? I don't fucking care. Leave... get out of my sight... before I lose it."


Before they could continue to protest with their beliefs, Vali's eyes widened so much that they became bloodshot, to which the girls lost any and all color that still remained. In their eyes, the Mana rolling off the male became so intense, so MASSIVE like it was on a colossal scale, to the point where they began to see images… images of themselves. Themselves being shredded to pieces in multiple different, unique yet horrifically grotesque ways… by Vali's hand no less.

As a result, the now utterly HORRIFIED girls quickly got their act together and fled with their tails between their legs like the pests they were, not staying for fear of facing the silver-haired prince's wrath and those visions becoming reality.

".....hhhhaaaaaa... sometimes, I wish I could just graduate early and get out of this damn academy."

Once those two bitches had left, Vali gave a sigh as he calmed down and retreated his Mana, turning his gaze to the girl on the floor who had still not been affected by his Mana presence. Which had been Vali's plan from the start since he had intentionally directed it to the two bitches in the first place.

As for the girl herself… She seemed to be an ordinary girl, with light brown hair with a medium length bob cut, along with greenish-blue eyes. She wore the standard girl's uniform for this Academy, a simple brown blazer, dark red skirt, tan socks, and brown shoes. Whilst he stared down at the girl, Vali stayed silent for a moment, contemplating something in his mind... before putting his hand towards her, seemingly helping her to stand up.

".....do you want to come to my tea party?"

"...thank you, I will."

Moments later, Vali experienced pride for something OTHER than his own skills, as well as anything regarding his few companions, for the first time in his life...

"Thi-this is the first time I had sweets this delicious, and this tea looks quite expensive. Is it really okay for me to drink it?"

"....Yeah, sure."

Right now, the teen stood, clad in a butler-like uniform akin to the one which his teacher wore, beside a posh-looking Table that he had prepared for this occasion. He only had one other person with him right now, and that was Emilia's friend, Olivia whom was currently experiencing what she could only call heaven. Sitting at a table full of nice, expensive sweets and coffee like this could be considered to have been a mere fantasy of hers growing up, but here she was, sampling them with a boy close to her age present them to her.

Meanwhile, Vali himself kept a neutral demeanor around her, but his eyes showcased the surprise and, dare he mention it, delight he felt inside. For the first time in a while, he had found someone whose company he didn't despise other than his family, Alpha, Emilia and the others 'Damn, this girl is incredibly nice. No wonder Emilia managed to make friends with her...' the male thought to himself, amazed at the fact that such a girl had gotten into Gamacademi.

Still, he found himself wanting to hear her side of things, so with a clearing of his throat to get her attention, Vali decided to pop his question. "So, your friend is Emilia right?"

Olivia, upon hearing that question, lightly jumped in surprise at the fact that he had mentioned her friend out of the blue like he had. "Why yes! How do you know her?" she questioned him back whilst confirming his own.

As such, he felt it only necessary to return the favour by nodding his head in her direction, his hands behind his back like he had been taught by the teacher. "It's simple, I'm her friend too."

His short and simple answer served to surprise her for a moment, her eyes looking at him like she had seen someone whom she could get along with… something which the boy internally reciprocated, actually. "I see...…..wait, does that mean that you're Vali Fou Bartford?"

Why did the male detect both shock, surprise, excitement and slight sadness when she had asked him that? "That's me." Vali nonetheless replied, nodding for extra confirmation.

Upon doing so, Olivia's eyes perked up, the first few emotions he'd seen in them before taking complete control over her, resulting in her excited glee. "Ohhh, Emilia talked to me all about you! Like how you're friends with Alpha."

Hearing the names of his two friends, Vali arched a brow. "Really? And how come you never even approached me when Emilia talked about me?" he questioned, cause normally if a female had heard about him from one of his friends, they likely would have tried to talk to him in person. A lot of other girls did, and that had been the norm which he had grown up under… much to his internal dismay.

Although, soon he realized how what he had said turned out to be the wrong choice to go with, for the other emotions he'd seen took control as Olivia looked down, her previous happiness now replaced with dejection, loneliness and sadness. "Well, I would have, but… it's just…...everytime I wanted to try, people would say that it's impossible to even speak with the unbeatable prince, and that I should know my place.�� she explained, her sadness increasing into downright despair.

'.......Maybe I should've been harsher to those bitches.' Vali thought to himself, mentally growling like an animal whilst, behind his back, his hands clenched themselves into fists tight enough to almost draw blood.

Still, unaware of his reaction to her words, Olivia gazed at the teacup in front of her, gazing into the liquid contents within as she remembered the past, a past that while filled with happy memories, had more bad recent ones as of late. "I….wanted to study more of the magic mysteries, but I'm not familiar with so many things. Things like the unspoken etiquette and regulations of the academy, and lately people bullied me because I'm a commoner. If Emilia hadn't been there then....it would have been very difficult for me."

Olivia begins to almost bring out tears from the horrible memories, likely having had to keep it all inside since coming to this Academy since nobody would care if she did. Actually, they likely would jeer at her further if they knew, if one asked him. As he watched this happen, Vali mentally struggled to try to at least find a way to help her. The reason why was because Olivia almost acted like his mother just now, during the few times when she almost had a breakdown from the abuse handed to her by Zora. Plus, if Emilia had become a friend of hers, then he would be considered a friend to her friend. Right now, in order to find an optimal solution to this problem, Vali begun having a mental conversation with Luxon

'Luxon. Who can help Olivia with the etiquette and regulations in this academy?'

'Calculating…...from your experience from those they would accept your invitation, in addition to how the academy girls act like, it would be almost impossible. However, results indicate that there is one who can help her.'

'Who is that person?'

'Angelica Rafa Redgrave, the same family that approved your adventure license. You can send a request to her to teach Olivia on the regulation of the school, but it will take almost about a month to reach out to your request.'

'Then what is the fastest way to get her to accept it?'

'From my calculations regarding the school, the students initially send a present whether it's money, the sweets or the tea. Such items from a popular store would make a fine present for anyone that wants another to accept their requests.'

'......Luxon, send me three hundred credits and direct me to a popular store where I can find such items.' Whelp, according to this information, he had some stuff to do. He had been so looking forward to spending some training time, but upon seeing how sad Olivier had been and being reminded of his mother, Vali's conscience told him to forego that for now.

/Acknowledged/ finding a popular would take time.'


Once this mental conversation was finished, Vali returned his attention to the depressed Olivia, although she wouldn't be this way for much longer if he had anything to say about it. "Olivia I know just the person who can help you with the regulation."

"You do?! Thank you so much Vali! But why are you helping me?"

"Heh its like the old saying if a person friend becomes a friend of theirs, then that person would be considered a friend to their friend."


"Your welcome Olivia." Vali nodded, retaining his cool demeanor although internally one could just FEEL the pride within him for managing to bring back that happy smile of hers. Externally though, Vali proceeded to give her some advice, believing that it would help her out quite a bit. "One thing: Just don't forget to visit me, because no matter what those bitches say to you, your not just Emilia's friend, you're now MY friend also."

Was it just him, or did Olivia look like she would break into tears all over again? Vali wasn't sure, because they vanished moments later after she wiped them away with the right sleeve of her uniform.

"......I won't forget this."

"Don't worry about it, if there's one thing you should know about me, it's that I keep my word. Now let's continue our tea party."

AN - Hunter here, here’s the next Chapter. It’s out a bit earlier than normal, but that’s because we have a lot of reference material to work with… plus our work rate and a lot of free time thanks to the lockdown. Now, as stated by Darklord at the top, Vali hasn’t awoken to Divine Dividing yet, mostly due to different circumstances compared to CANON. Now, however, we are slowly seeing signs of Albion awakening, though speaking of DxD, who would you like to see cross over into Gamindustri when the time comes? They have to be villains though, cause in most stories in general not just DxD, the Villains usually discover these things first. Plus, Vali’s harem is expanding, with a whole RANGE of different girls… though, I hope people notice and appreciate that he’ll be taking action quite early on with regards to figuring out their feelings. Now then, hope you like this chap, let us know what you think, and look forward to the next one.


Yo Darklord here and bringing you another chapter of the story! So to clarify some stuff you know when reading the manga, Marie is a reincarnated person that tries to manipulate the story to her own bidding, she never even thinks about getting close to Vali since she thinks he is a mob, and Vali’s promise to Olivia, he keeps his word like keeping his promise in killing his grandfather which he never forgets, like Naruto keeps his promise in getting Sasuke back to the village. Thank you everyone for reading me and Hunter's story, be sure to check out his new release story called AOTD in his profile and I’ll see you next time.


Dark_Spidercreators' thoughts