
The World of Demons And Gods

Killed by the assassins, Cyrus the master of different martial arts that his family taught had died in a raid by his family's rival killing him and his clan. Losing his hope to seek revenge for his family. On his last breath, a mysterious light came out on his parent's necklace bringing his soul to different space and world. He was born anew in a world full of magic, martial arts, qi's, and mysteries that science cannot explain. Losing his hope to return to his world, Cyrus sees his new family and protects them with his strength, but there was a problem. The necklace of his parents in his previous life was carved into his body causing him to suffer from pain and experienced multiple near deaths! However, it was not enough for Cyrus to stop his aim! This aim is to protect his loved ones, save people from the darkness preventing them to suffer more, and explore the world. With his advance thinking and martial arts knowledge that he accumulated and trained in his previous life, he will use this to fight and continue his youthful life that he has not experience completely in his previous life. "I don't care if evil begged for mercy, mercy is for the goods... But evil? Heh! Death is my answer!" However, Is this is a right path for him? If not, what path he should take? ........................ All the resources I used to make the cover of the book remained to their respectful owners, I do not own any arts that I used for the book cover. ....................... Discord nickname: Dicky_Cummie

Dicky_Cummie · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
76 Chs

‡※‡Arriving at Jade City‡※‡


"Noo! I refuse to believe that master would hate me!" Lynae yelled with her tears flowing on her eyes, she was extremely nervous on the accident that had happened today due to her carelessness.

She's aware that she was at fault, but because the floor is filled by her thick saliva, she couldn't wipe it easily, especially the saliva down her is already a puddle. She was very nervous and kept thinking of a way to hide and clean this mess she had made, but nothing came out from her mind and she's on the verge of crying.

When suddenly…

She caught a glimpse of cloth inside her thought and she felt bitter wishing that she could get the cloth to wipe her mess, and with that thought alone, her hand glowed and soon, a single cloth appeared on her hand out of nowhere.

Lynae's quickly beamed into smile as she quickly throws the cloth beneath her feet and used her foot to wipe the puddle of saliva turning the dry cloth into a damped cloth.

Lily was stunned to see this, in fact, she had no idea where she took that cloth! But when she saw the cloth that Lynae used to clean the mess, she quickly recognized it and grinned.

"Hey third eye,"

"Stop bothering me, I'm cleaning."

"That clothes… That's Cyrus' clothes."


Lily sneered while Lynae was frozen in place with her face looked stunned as she stared on the cloth below. She quickly recognized the design and patterns of the clothes and indeed, it was similar to the clothes that her master used to wear!

"Wawa~" She quickly stopped wiping and nervously lifted the damped cloth that drips with her saliva, she turned to look at her sides thinking of a way to hide this mess, and soon, she though of something and suddenly, the damped clothes disappeared instantly!

Seeing this, Lynae had a smug smile on her face as she lifted her chest up as if she were proud and have solved a world crisis problem.

"I'm actually amazing ah!"


While Lynae was puffing her chest up, Cyrus suddenly stood up. When Lily had noticed him, she quickly ran towards him without being noticed by Lynae. She ran towards him while smiling and if Cyrus had seen her face, he had thought that she was thinking stupid again.

She ran in tiptoed, leaned on Cyrus' shoulder.

Cyrus blankly stared ahead of him when Lily pressed herself in him making him feel the very nicest part of a female body. Lily leaned herself without care and whispered on Cyrus' ears, "Hey, why don't you try to look at Lynae?"

"Huh why?" He asked, completely oblivious to what had happened.

Lily snickered, "Just do it!"

Not really how to respond, Cyrus could only nod his head, he only needs to stare at Lynae right? It's not really a big of a deal.

Cyrus sighed and walked towards Lynae who's still proud of herself along with Lily, and when Lynae noticed a figure approaching she took a side glance and quickly noticed Cyrus approaching her with a stare on her eyes.

Cyrus was actually oblivious to his appearance, because in reality, his natural face was quite fierce and in his idle face he looked like he could threaten anyone with his normal stare which comparable to a cold stare.

"Lynae." He called casually, but that call alone made Lynae's heart jump in cold.

"Y-y-yes master?" Lynae stuttered with cold sweats appearing on her adorable face.

This girl… Cyrus's brows were lifted as he looked at Lynae he had already noticed that Lynae is hiding something from him.

Not only her voice and appearance were tensed, her voice was nervous as well. This alone made Cyrus think that Lynae indeed something and was not honest to tell him the thing she had done.

Behind him, seeing the nervous and timid Lynae Lily was on the verge of laughing once again but tried to held in.

"Lynae, what did you d-" Before he could even finish asking, Lynae quickly kneeled on the floor with a solid *thud* she quickly bursts into tears.

"Master! Uu- *Sniff* This idiot sword had done something bad! Uuuuu~"

Seeing her cry and blaming herself like she had done something extremely bad, both Lily and Cyrus was stunned.

Cyrus turned around to look at Lily, and Lily looked back at him with a nervous smile on her face as she scratched the back of her head and she quickly told what happened.

Cyrus after listening, he found this matter although everything that had happened was unnecessary, he was still shocked, soon a thought came from his mind but temporarily held it on the top of his head.

"Lynae stop crying and blaming yourself, this matter isn't really a big of a deal. Don't cry." Cyrus softly comforted Lynae as he slowly helped her propped up from her kneeling position.

Lynae stopped crying, but faint sobs and hiccups could still be heard from her. She looked adorable.

Cyrus kneeled down and now that his head level was about the same of Lynae's height, he looked at the little girl and with a smile, "Don't cry anymore, I don't blame you nor angry towards you… But I'm a little confused, how did you do that?" He softly asked with a smile on his face and slowly caressed her cheeks and wet azure hair and fixed it on the back of her ears.

Feeling the comfort, Lynae felt very warm and soon, her tensed heart relaxed a lot.

"You see-" Lynae explained slowly what she had seen on her thought and she told him what she had felt and what she did.

"Master, I don't really mean to take your stuff… It's really an accident." Lynae lowered her head as she felt guilty after explaining everything.

Suddenly, Cyrus grabbed both of her arms which shocked Lynae, she was terrified a little and when she lifted her head, she was stunned to see Cyrus beaming in smile.

"Hey isn't this amazing! This really not bad at all!"

Eh? Lynae was dumbfounded.

Cyrus quickly stood up and turned to look at Lily with the same smile across his face, "If things really worked that way, then with this capability, I could buy the two of you things from the outside world and bring it here! More importantly, I can buy the two of you your own bed!"

"What!!!" Both Lily and Lynae were shocked at Cyrus' words and soon followed by extreme excitement!

Lily quickly grabbed Cyrus shoulder and forcefully made him turned around at her, "You really mean it!?" Her excitement were practically showing on her face as she smile wide.

"That's right." Cyrus smiled and nodded his head. There is no point on denying it, and he felt guilty to look at these fellow spirits on his dantian sleeping on the cold floor. And since he is the owner of this place, it's only natural that he should serve them with comfort because after all, these spirits of him will accompany him for the longest and experience hardship together.

"Yeah boi!" Lily quickly released Cyrus and jumped from excitement. It's hard to think that this adult lady that had turned into teens because her powers have been reduced to half would act like a little girl, did her mentality decreased also?

Meanwhile on the other hand, Cyrus turned to look at Lynae to make her feel great only to find her already both knees kneeling on the ground, while both of her hands are clasped together and her azure watery eyes were looking directly to his brown eyes. Lynae looked like she was praying to a deity, "God, thank you!" She exclaimed and then kowtowed in front of Cyrus.

"H-hey!" Cyrus was shocked and quickly made Lynae stop from doing that action.

Are you guys really desperate to have a bed!? I know sleeping on the floor is cold, but do you have to take this far!?

Cyrus was stunned and screaming inside his head, he quickly helped Lynae to stand up and quickly said, "Don't call me like that."

"T-then my lord!" Lynae cutely stuttered.

"No, brother is fine." Cyrus smiled.

"I can't do that, you're my master!"





"Lynae! Listen, I don't want you to order around as my slave, so, call me your brother!"

"Then calling you God is better!"

Cyrus: "(ಥ﹏ಥ)"

Lynae come on! Do not be like that! She is so hard to deal with! I think I do not want to have children if this is how they behave, she is more spoiled than I was when I was a kid back from my previous life!

"Sigh~" Cyrus gave up at insisting Lynae to call him her brother, but despite this, Cyrus will always see Lynae as her little sister no matter what.

He turned around and faced the almost crying Lily from controlling her laugh as she gave Cyrus a thumb up as if she were amused by what happened earlier.

"But at the moment, I can't immediately buy you guys those things. I can't afford to lose too much money on this forsaken country." Cyrus had apologetic look on his face as he explained to them.

Lynae: "Okaay!"

"Mn, that's fine as long as you keep your words." When Lily had said that, her eyes suddenly flashed terrifying flash that scared Cyrus due to how terrifying strength that he had sensed in that single flash.

She is threatening me!

For a freaking bed!

"Of course."

Lily had actually heard the conversation earlier in the noon, and for her, she find things absurd here.

Cyrus talked to the spirits for a while before bidding a goodbye and returned at the real world.




The moment Cyrus opened his eyes, he saw a moving ground, no, he's the one moving, but he feels that he was moving up and down. Not long enough, he found himself being carried on the shoulder of a man when he noticed he position and the foot below.

Cyrus didn't panic as he knew who the person is.

"Father, you can put me down... The way you carry me is like carrying a sack of rice in your shoulder." Cyrus laughed.

That is right, Cyrus was being carried by his father, James like a sack of rice on his shoulder, he couldn't imagine the reaction of people when they saw him being carried like that.

"Oh you're awake," James quickly puts Cyrus down the road, "Sorry about that, your mother and I thought of waking you up when we arrive at our destination, but then we decided to carry you like that because I noticed that you're cultivating and we didn't want to bother you."

"It's fine father… By the way, are we already heading towards the Jade city?" Cyrus turned to look at the surrounding and find the unfamiliar land very exciting as he was anticipating for something good to see.

There are things that he wanted to learn, how the way the city looked, what type of city is it? What is the architectural style of the buildings they use, are they like medieval? Or renaissance? There's a lot of question appearing on his head.


Once Cyrus and his parents crossed a top from the hill on the road, Cyrus was finally amazed at the sight he had seen. Far away from the plains, Cyrus could see a towering wall that had almost looked like it reached the clouds; however, Cyrus had estimated that the wall is approximately fifty meters high.

In that tall wall, Cyrus could see on this view a huge gate full of crowded people ranging from Civilians, Traders, Mercenaries, and soldiers that guard the city. From this distance, they looked like small ants.

The three continued walking towards the city, Cyrus looked at his mother as he asked, "Mother, I've been wondering, why does this city have a huge wall?" This is the question that he wanted to ask when he thought about it and finds himself baffled on the purpose of such a tall wall.

She puts her forefinger on her chin and summarized an answer, "You see, every city on this continent that have doesn't have much power, they have these walls build tall or even taller like this wall. The sole purpose of this city was to protect the citizens from the beast raids and wars."

"Beast raids?" Cyrus was slightly stunned, he had read the same kind of explanation back on his previous life about fantasy worlds.

"That's right, every year before the winter strikes. A horde of demi-beasts would move out from their nest to feast on people because they find demi-humans a good source of food for them to hibernate on the cold weather of winter. These beast raids are all demi-beasts ranging from thousands to millions of beasts that have a grade of 1 to 3 accompanied by an alpha beast that has a rank of 4 or 5, and in the recent history, the strongest leader of beast raid was a grade 6 demi-beast on a human form and easily destroyed a city and feasted everyone in that city." Shane explained. Due to Cyrus being homeschooled, he had not learned things about the outside world and could only listen on their words but had no idea what reality is like.

Cyrus was shocked and terrified by that explanation; he could not imagine such scene happening in front of him. The rank of demi-beast could not be taken lightly as they have more advantage than demi-humans!

While Cyrus was pondering such things, they walked near the city gates. Both Shane and James puts their mask on and soon, Cyrus felt that the two had very unique aura that he could not describe and the pressure it made is actually terrifying that could make them utter the word 'scary.'

Cyrus looked forward after having a glance of his parents. He did not bother to ask why they did that, but since her parents wants to hide their identities, why make them exposed? Their position on this continent is definitely not simple, and if this lowly kingdom have caught a news that the appearance of this two, it would cause a huge ruckus here in the kingdom.

But Cyrus had no idea how terrifying his parents are and how he had taken lightly their position in the continent as being 'terrifying figures'

Once the three had stepped in the gates, other travelers did not dare to look at the three as they felt that these three have a powerful background not only because they wore different unique clothes, they also have terrifying invisible pressure coming from them.

The gates have blockade as they investigate and inquire information on the travelers causing to have a huge line of common folks.

When Cyrus' group was next to enter the city the guards turned to look at them and three guards blocked their path with their fierce look on their faces, this action made the rowdy and noisy surroundings turned quiet and made Cyrus' group stop.

"What's your purpose of coming into this city?" The skinny guard in the middle arrogantly asked, he stared at Cyrus with a threatening look, however, this gaze did not faze Cyrus, as he could only pity the guard deep in his thoughts.

Cyrus had sensed that this three are demi-humans and only at Rook Rank so by means, they are not much of a threat to Cyrus, much less to his parents. He'd flick these three people only with his fingers and made their brains explode easily.

"We came here to stay for a single night. That's all" James spoke, however, his voice was heavy and deep, even Cyrus could not believe that this voice came from his father and this voice is much unknown to him, because that voice was very distorted.

Hearing this, noticing his dominant voice, and finally noticed that they cannot seem to read the strength of this group, they couldn't help to have a cold sweat running on their backs and gulp a mouthful of saliva.


The guards could only utter this word in their nervous minds.


The second guard immediately smacked the skinny guard's head, "My lords, please forgive this disrespectful fellow here." Knowing that their league was out of them, the second guard grabbed the neck of his fellow skinny guard and the three of them made a bow.

The third guard immediately looked at his fellow terrified guards on the back as he yelled, "Let them pass!"

Without a hitch, Cyrus and his parents silently walked inside the city.


Rewritten as of April/26/2020

Dicky_Cummiecreators' thoughts