
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs


The so-called ice spirit effect in the end, Zhang Yi will soon get the answer.

Zhang Yi dismissed the people, let them be vigilant in recent days.

After all, the news of an attack in three days may also be false.

Nowadays, no one can be trusted.

Maybe tonight, the big army will attack.

The people also knew that this war was no small matter, so they went back to prepare.

Can be said to be prepared, nothing more than to have already arranged things in the mind over.

Wait until the others leave, Zhang Yi Zhou Keer called to one side.

"Ke 'er, you are responsible for watching Yang Mi. She was given a dose of muscle relaxants and tranquilizers to prevent any abnormalities."

Zhou Ke 'er nodded, "Yeah, I know. I'll get the medicine right away."

Her small mouth pursed, as if she could hang the soy sauce bottle, looking a little jealous and dissatisfied.

Zhang Yi could not help laughing.

Of course he knew what Zhou Ke 'er was upset about.

Because he chose to give the ice soul to Yang Mi, and did not give her use.

He took Zhou Keer's hand and gently reached out and rubbed her white face.

"Fool, do you really think I didn't let you use the ice spirit because I cared more about her?"

"On the contrary, it is because I care more about you! My feelings for you are as long as the Great Wall."

"I am afraid of ice soul will have side effects, this is not for you to use ah!" Don't you understand my pains?"

Zhou Ke looked at Zhang Yi in surprise.

"So... Is that what you think?"

"But didn't Xin Xin say that the ice soul has been tested by several major bases and has no negative effect?"

Zhang Yi said faintly: "In theory, drinking urine can also survive, but there is water to drink, no one will choose to drink urine?"

Zhou Ke 'er drew the corners of his mouth, "What kind of metaphor are you?"

Zhang Yi pulled her with a smile and said, "Never trust what strangers give you." Any carelessness in the last days can be fatal!"

"Kerr, you are a very important doctor on our team. With such abilities, you are even more important than inhumans."

"But Yangmi is different. She has to fight hard to prove her worth."

"That's why I chose to give her the Ice Spirit, you know?"

After listening to Zhang Yi's explanation, Zhou Keer understood his painstaking.

At the same time the heart also arises a warm feeling.

The original Zhang Yi does not let her use ice soul, is out of her ability to recognize, as well as her protection!

Zhou Keer pursed his lips, accepted Zhang Yi's statement, obediently went to the infirmary to dispense medicine.

And Zhang Yi is in her left after the smile on his face, a person silently returned to the bedroom.

Now the picture is complicated.

The four forces of Tianhai City, intrigue between each other, not harmonious.

Two families and Zhang Yi have hatred, more coveted this territory, so the heart of the iron to knock out the shelter.

The other two are on the fence, in a wait-and-see state.

No one wants to lose anything in this war, but they are willing to seek the best interests.

No one can be trusted, anyone can betray, anyone can be a helper.

Zhang Yi even believes that if they put the plan to worship the snow to tell Yangsheng base and toward the rain base, they will first play a wave.

But does that mean anything to Zhang Yi?

Green blossom base, worship snow teaching with him no hatred.

His biggest opponents are Yangsheng base and Chaoyu Base.

So for now, the main goal remains to attack both.

Zhang Yi lying in bed thinking for a long time, the heart finally made a decision.

Since war is inevitable, choose what is best for you.

He picked up his cell phone and made a robocall to Torture Day.

"Hey, Zhang Yi, you figured it out?"

Zhang Yi nodded: "I figured it out, we can cooperate." But I want to work together in a different way!"

A curious look flashed through his eyes.

"Oh, how do you want to cooperate?"

Zhang Yi said: "According to the amount of food you said, I will give you twice more!"

"But this is your fight!"

Xing Tian he sneered: "You want me to help you?" This is impossible! Qinghu Base has always been not stirring up trouble, I do not want to fight with you, let alone offend the other three forces at the same time."

Zhang Yi shook her head.

"No, I don't need you to fight anyone. All I need is for you to come with your men and pretend to be attacking."

Torture Day a look suspicious: "Let me take people in the past acting?" Zhang Yi, what kind of medicine are you selling in your gourd?"

"You don't have to care what I want to do, but there is no conflict of interest between us, and there is no grudge," Zhang said with a smile.

"If you bring someone over and put on a show, I'll give you double food." Will you take this job or not?"

The eyes of punishment day flicker, this good thing has no reason not to pick up, but he can not think of the purpose of Zhang Yi.

But on second thought, just in the past to play a show, his people will not lose.

Zhang Yi has no reason to design him.

So he smiled and said, "Ha ha ha! Yes! I can't say no to something like this. But not before you send the food, as a gesture of good faith!"

Zhang Yi said, "I will give you a third as a deposit. I'll give you the rest when it's done."

Torture day thought about it, but also felt some sense, "Well, tomorrow afternoon at 2:30, we trade at the original site of the Xishan base!"

"Yes, it's a deal."

Two people ended the call, Zhang Yi heart plan has been close to shape.

He clearly can choose to let Qinglin base not to send troops, but he still chose to pay more price, ask Qinglin base to be a qualified actor.

This serves two important purposes.

First, if the Qinghuon base does not send troops, then the Chaoyu and Yangsheng base will be more cautious and will be prepared for the worship of snow.

So worship snow teaching when the time as promised back thorn, the effect may not be so good.

And the Qinghu base is also in, will make the Chaoyu and Yangsheng base more confident.

When people are too confident, it is always easy to expand, which reveals all kinds of defects.

Second, Zhang Yi has enough certainty, can rely on the shelter to block several joint attacks.

Once the other party's attack failed, worship snow teaching from the side back thorn, plus Zhang Yi side of the initiative to attack, will bring the rain and Yangsheng two major bases a major blow.

When the time comes, the Qinghu base will not let go of this opportunity to beat the underdog and join the war group.

Help them more effectively destroy the two bases of Chaoyu and Yangsheng!

Just because he has no ambition does not mean that he is pedantic and stupid.

Who would turn down a chance to pick up the fruits of victory?

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