
The World: Era of change

The year 2031 did have some advancement, but not as expected. However, it did bring some change to the climate. A bad one. let's Say, it's a little bit hotter, not much. Just enough to sink some islands around the world and reduce the landmass of Earth. But worry not my brethren. When there is a will, you can change anything. The only problem here being, whose will is it this time. Change is coming, and the world we know is not the same anymore. Will this change bring destruction and chaos or new opportunities. No one knows. So let's follow our protagonist as he explores the new Era. -------------- synopsis is subjected to change. -------------- Hello everybody! Author here *wave* :) I have been reading web novels since 2012 and finally decided to write something on my own. before reading, I hope that you could keep in mind a couple of things: 1- like many authors here on this platform English is not my first language. 2- it's my first time attempting to write anything other than school/college papers. advices are much appreciated :) note: If the story is too slow for you, please consider adding this novel to your collection and coming back later when there is more chapters. This work is purely fictional.

peddler · Urban
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46 Chs

Chapter 38 - Go P**** I Choose You!

Please drop a power stone on your way~~


"Why did you stop?"

Walid asked confusingly.

I rolled my eyes at him then took a small bag of bullets from my backpack and shook it in front of his face. Then I poured half of it in an empty pocket on the side of the backpack and handed the rest to him.

"Keep these, just in case."

I said.

Salem from the side couldn't help but ask,

"Why do you have so much ammo in the first place?"

Looking back at him with a puzzled look, I asked in return,

"This is considered too much? I was about to call Walid to bring a box of ammo with him."

The three looked at me speechlessly, and big mouth Walid said,

"Do you always think of yourself as Ramboo or something? Although the law isn't good these days, nobody would walk around with a box of ammo."

The other two nodded in agreement. What the f*ck!? A condescending expression appeared on my face while looking at the three.

"Why are you looking at us like that!?"

Walid couldn't bear the condescending look and asked in a fit of mock anger.

"Can't you see our situation? Won't an extra box of ammo make you feel safer!? Maybe you could add an M-16 or some other rifle, then you feel even better!"

Hearing my reply, the three looked at each other, trying to find a rebuttal, but none of them could come up with one, so they just chose to shut up.


After a small smirk for my victory, I returned to the matter of course.

"What do you think we should do? We have 2 minutes to discuss because by now they would have already known that we have passed. If we don't show up they would move toward us.

We started thinking about how to proceed, and in a couple of seconds, each started giving his own suggestions.

Adam was the first,

"Why don't we just leave the fuel truck here and run away with our car, although I don't think it will reach the point where they would kill us, it's safer this way. It's not like we are in a movie where it's kill or be killed."

What he said makes a lot of sense, things aren't that rampant. However, I shook my head.

"What you said is true, but it's possible that they already recognize my car. If they stopped us, even if they don't do anything, at least the money, guns, and the rest of our possessions will be gone *puff*"

"Also, we have to bring the fuel today. I don't want those old men to say we couldn't even do a simple thing!"

Hearing the words 'old men' the other three nodded in agreement. Of course, the 'old men' are my father and the bunch.

Then Walid looked hesitant. Adam, who noticed him, gave him a small elbow to the ribs, and said,

"Just let the fart out, it isn't healthy if you hold in."

Walid staggered a step to the back while holding the place where he was hit and yelled exaggeratedly.

"What fart!? You let my F*cking soul out!"

Adam pinched his nose and replied.

"Your soul is a bunch of farts anyway."


That gave us a small chuckle and lightened the mode.

Walid then asked,

"Why don't we call Laheeb, although we have our doubts. I really don't think it was caused by them. They wouldn't risk it."

I thought about it for a moment, however,

"Even if he comes to help, by the time they get here we will be either robbed or have already fled from here. Also, we only have one more minute."

I said while checking my phone for the time. Seeing as no one has added any new suggestions, I took the liberty to say,

"Their original goal is to steal the fuel truck which means that even if there are guns in the play, they won't fire them lightly. Especially when they are near the fuel truck."

I gave a slight pause to let them think, then added.

"I think we could be one step ahead of them."

Salem asked in an uncertain tone,

"What do you mean by one step ahead?"

I left my hand and made the shape of a gun with my fingers, aimed at him and,

"*bang* *bang*"

"We shoot first, they won't expect that they have already been discovered by us."

The three have heavy faces after hearing what I said. Although we have played with guns too many times, and have been checking ammo and what not just now, the truth of the matter is that we haven't thought of really shooting at anybody.

No way, we are not some kind of psychos who could shoot people at will. Hey! Don't look at me. It's the same with me….

Nobody talked for some time, looking at the time, I reminded them,

"We still have 20 seconds."

Salem asked with a frown,

"What if we killed someone?"

I looked at him,

"What if we got killed instead, would that make it lighter for you?"

He didn't, reply, I looked at the other two helplessly, seeing them still hesitating, I said,

"What a bunch of p*ssies! We aren't gonna shoot with the intention to kill! Just shoot to scare them away or stall them enough, so they won't have the time to catch up with us. Once we reach inside the city, even if you have them grow 10 balls each, they wouldn't dare do anything."

The hesitant expression on the face was reduced, then all of a sudden Walid yelled at me,

"Who do you call a p*ssy!"

Pretending to throw a ball at him, I then yelled,

"Go P*ssy! I choose you! Help me catch them all!"

The three gave a deadpan face, but didn't last for too long, as their lips started to arch upwards, then,


We had another short burst of laughter.

"Okay! Let us go kill the ***** "

Walid yelled loudly, ready for the battle, thankfully it's kinda like a wasteland here with sparse buildings so nobody heard him.


Adam grabbed his hand and stopped him. Walid looked at him and said indigently,

"Why are you stopping me!"

Looking at him and gesturing with my hand for him to calm down.

"We have to do a simple arrangement even though we are already late."

I said while looking at the time, then lifted my fist and continued.

"First, keep the call between us connected at all times."

My index finger pops up, indicating the first step.

"Second, don't shoot to kill, this is the last resort. Aim at their tires or the car body so that will hinder them from moving."

The middle finger pops out.

"Third, we drive the car in front of the truck as we did just now, after we pass them we will drive behind the car, just in case they followed us, we could keep shooting at them."

"From what I read in the status window, they only have 6 members waiting for us. We could assume they only have 2-3 cars, if we managed to stop the cars from driving, that would be the best result.

And the thumb joined the party.

"Lastly, if there is no other way, we can blow up the fuel tank. Muahahahahaha!"

Hello *wave*

Goodbye *wave*

peddlercreators' thoughts