
The World: Era of change

The year 2031 did have some advancement, but not as expected. However, it did bring some change to the climate. A bad one. let's Say, it's a little bit hotter, not much. Just enough to sink some islands around the world and reduce the landmass of Earth. But worry not my brethren. When there is a will, you can change anything. The only problem here being, whose will is it this time. Change is coming, and the world we know is not the same anymore. Will this change bring destruction and chaos or new opportunities. No one knows. So let's follow our protagonist as he explores the new Era. -------------- synopsis is subjected to change. -------------- Hello everybody! Author here *wave* :) I have been reading web novels since 2012 and finally decided to write something on my own. before reading, I hope that you could keep in mind a couple of things: 1- like many authors here on this platform English is not my first language. 2- it's my first time attempting to write anything other than school/college papers. advices are much appreciated :) note: If the story is too slow for you, please consider adding this novel to your collection and coming back later when there is more chapters. This work is purely fictional.

peddler · Urban
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46 Chs

Chapter 28 - I.. I'm A More Like Sh*t Vampire

*rumble* *rumble* *rumble*

A sudden rumble, loud as thunder, well, not really that loud however you get the point.

The rumbling was continuous, like a car engine after it started running and the source of the sound came from my stomach.

Ahh, whatever enters, will have to exist at some point. I have been knocking one pastry after the other nonstop, and with the speed I'm digesting food…

"Bathroom! Get me to the bathroom!"

I yell while clenching my butt cheeks muscles to prevent me from fertilizing the car.

This time the other three in the car got scared for real, with a pale frightened expression Adam and Salem started shouting.

"Omg! Walid, Drive Drive!"

"Go to the end of the street! I saw a public bathroom!"

Walid fired up the card with trembling hands, then started driving like a Tokyo drifter.

*vroom* *fwoosh* *shiiik*

Within 15 seconds he stopped in front of the public bathroom.

*click* *fwoosh*

Stepping out of the car, I ran to the nearest cubicle, then I had my greatest contribution ever to fertilize mother nature.

It took me a full 5 minutes to finish, my legs growing numb at this point and I felt drained. Like my soul was pulled out of me.

Only then did I register the smell, I almost vomited what was left in my stomach. Not sure if the smell was originally from the bathroom or from my splendid job just now.

I barely prevent myself from throwing up, then I wash my a** with the water hoe, yes we clean our bu*ts with water, it's more hygienic. Then I put some coins in the vending machine to buy a pack of tissues.

I sat up from the seat with trembling legs and flush the toilet before going out. Looking at my pale face in the mirror, I look like a vampire, a sh*t vampire that is.

I wash my hands, like a normal decent human being, yes I'm talking to you, the one who doesn't wash his hand after doing the business.

At that moment Salem came through the doorway to see If I was done, seeing my pale face he asked.

"Are you okay?"

"If you still want to eat food in this life don't move forward."

I warn my friend for his safety. He did stop with a puzzled expression, then realized what I meant and retreated quickly to the doorway.

"Wait for me in the car, I will be back after washing my hands."

I finished washing my hand after the fifth time, my strength finally returned to me at this point.

I buy a small bottle of perfume from a vending machine that sells toiletries and sprayed myself up and down. Then I spend another 5 minutes outside to make sure there is no smell.


Going back to the car, I breathe a sigh of relief as I sit down, only for the hunger to return again.


I curse as I grab a pack of meal replacement jello and eat slowly.

"Are you okay?"

Walid asked with a weird face.

"What do you think?"

I snapped back.

"Are you sure we shouldn't take him to the hospital?"

Adam asked Salem with a doubtful face.

"I… I still think we shouldn't."

Salem had an uncertain tone, not really sure if this was the right thing to do.

"There is no need."

I shake my head and refuse.

"You went through all kinds of sh*t today, like literally!"

Walid asked, not sure if it's out of concern or if he is gloating.

I gave him the side glance of contempt.

"There is really no need. My digestive system is working overtime, I ate too many pastries and they have to go somewhere."

"Stop reminding me now! Let's go get the f*cking fuel, it has been how many chapters and we still didn't get it."

They looked at me with a surprised expression.

"Please don't break the fourth wall, we will get in trouble."

Walid said with a scared expression.


"Anyway, let's go."

Driving back to the highway it took us 30 minutes to get out of the traffic jam.

After another ten minutes, we arrived at the outstrike of the city, to an area that could be called a slum at best.

You can see Dirty streets, bare buildings with no paint, and walls filled with bullet holes. However, unlike what you would think of this place, the streets were bustling with people and activists, with vendors and shops selling all kinds of things.

"Is the place in the Copper Door area?"

I asked Walid.

The Copper Door area or market, previously known as the Golden Door area, was once the most prosperous market in our city.

All the gold and jewelry shops were located here because the old international highway used to run through this area. Then the civil war came.

The once brilliant market became the first target for looting, not a single piece of gold was left in the market after the repeated raids at that time.

Now the place has become something similar to a slum, where most of its residents are poor people, adding to that is the new and better international highway being built at a different location resulting in degrading its name to the Copper Door.

Later it became something akin to a gray area market because of the gangs operating in it and causing chaos, which resulted in the military having to station a unit inside the area to end the gray market.

Though that only managed to suppress it for some time, then the gray market started operating again, only more secretive this time.

"No, we only need to pass through here. Otherwise, it would take us an extra 20 minutes to reach our destination."

Walid shook his head and denied.

"You don't have to worry. during the daytime, nobody would cause trouble here because of the military presence."

Adam from the back piqued with a careless tone.

"There is no time to mess up. We have to be cautious at all times. Having those muscles won't help when you are at gunpoint." *sip*

I said with a frown while looking to the back. Of course while taking a sip of jello, hmm grapes.

He smiled and lifted his T-shirt a little, revealing the gun hidden under it.

"Don't worry, I got this friend right here."

Good guy, I wasn't the only one to bring a gun with me.

"Hehe, I also brought mine with me!"

Not to be outdone, Salem also revealed the hidden hostler under his shirt.

The two were acting like kids showing their favorite toys.

"I also brought mine!"

Walid said with a loud voice, wanting to pull out his gun to show us.

"Keep those hands on the steering wheel if you still want them. If there is even a scratch on the car…"

I said threateningly, not wanting my car to have an accident because of his carelessness.

"Bro Chill!"

He put his hands on the steering wheel obediently.


Took a sip, yummy.

I'm trying to space out the intervals of eating, so it's enough to reduce the feeling of hunger without me having to go to the bathroom so soon.

Then looked at the back and reminded,

"Even if you have the gun, don't let it get to your head."

"""Yes father."""

The three replied in a sleazy tone.

"F*ck off!"



We laughed and talked for 10 minutes while passing through the Copper Door area. After that, it took us another 5 minutes to reach our destination.

"We are here!"

Walid yelled again while pointing to the right.

Looking there, we didn't see anything.

"Eh? I don't see anything there!"

I said to which Walid replied,

"That is because…."


Hello *wave*

I only rememberd that haven't released today's chapter after a freind reminded me :P


peddlercreators' thoughts