
The World After The End : JP version

The world is Doomed. Nuclear war and now everyone is dead. Let's see if we can have a better life in our new world!

Hadest_1304 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

First magic!

I see a bear. And not just a bear. But Giant F*cking Bear

'How the f*ck does it get this big?!' I look at it and from my estimation. This thing is around 15 feet tall. Maybe even more

'God damn look at those claws. Nope i am not messing with it' the bear have a black fur and some kind of weird patern in it's back. But the claws is the one that looks rather different.

It's big. Like super big, holy shit how can it get that big?! Each claws is around 1 foot long or even more i don't know and i am not going to get close enough to measure it.

I step back trying to get some distance from it when suddenly

*Snap!* 'God damn it' i thought and i feel like my soul is leaving my body.

'this is the only downside of being in the forest!'

The bear immediatly look at me form the sound and when it sees me, it charge straight towards me


"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!" I ran, i ran as fast as i can without caring to look behind and see if the bear is still chasing me

But then i remember that i have wings i immediatly bring out my wings and fly upwards leaving the bear behind

"Huff huff huff.....*inhaleeee Yes! Take that you stupid bear! How does it feel like being on the ground?!" I mock the bear and it scowls at me.

And suddenly it did something that i will never forget for the rest of my lives.


"Holy shit!" The bear jumped at me and it almost reach me but i fly higher and it falls down

'That was too close' i try to calm my heart after that little jumpscare(hehe)

i mean seriously. Imagine a 15 feet tall Bear suddenly JUMPED at you in the air. How would you feel? Yeah my heart is trying to get out from mouth as well.

"Well atleast i am safe up here" i said while crossing my legs and begin to think on how can i kill this monster.

'I need a ranged attack. What use would my flight ability be if i don't have a ranged attack?' then i remember it. Magic!

I immediatly open my status panel and see my status

#Name : Takayama Akane

Race : Dragon-born (E)

Level : 1 (0/10.000)

Mana : 9.950

Strength : 1000

Resistance : 1000

Magic : 1000#

'Huh, i lost 50 Mana from flying. Kind of weird but okay' after making sure that i can use magic i start to make my own magic attack.

I point my finger towards the bear that are still trying to jump at me but i fly higher every time it almost hit me

"Alright, dragonborn. If i don't an affinity for fire then i am gonna be so mad" i try to gather my mana at the point of my finger and try to imagine a fire ball appearing from it.

And soon enough a ball of fire the size of a tennis ball appear on it

#Name : Takayama Akane

Race : Dragon-born (E)

Level : 1 (0/10.000)

Mana : 9.900

Strength : 1000

Resistance : 1000

Magic : 1000#

'I lost another 50' i notice that my mana keep going down. But something struck me.

"What if.....?" I then begin to pour my mana into the fire ball

It grows bigger and bigger and bigger until it become twice my size

'It's hot!' even i as the maker of this fireball still feels the heat from this massive ball of fire.

#Name : Takayama Akane

Race : Dragon-born (E)

Level : 1 (0/10.000)

Mana : 3000

Strength : 1000

Resistance : 1000

Magic : 1000#

'I lost more than half of my mana!' I thought but this is all worth it. The ball of fire is so big if this does not kill that bear then i am gonna go. I am not going anywhere near anything that can survive this ball of fire.

And as soon as the bear try to jump at me again. I launch my attacks

"Eat this you stupid Frog bear!" I throw the massive ball of fire to the bear.

The ball hit the bear and it push the bear down to the ground. And when it reach the ground it keeps pushing downward until half of the ball is completely submerged in the earth

And when that happen the ball explode into a massive dome of flaming fire twice it's original size.

The dome burned anything that it touch. Anything that stood on it's path got melted

I look at the masterpiece bellow me and i admire it. Trully, art is explosion.

But then i remember something

"My dinner!" I remember that originally i was hunting for my dinner when i met that bear and i thought that i can just make the bear into my dinner. But if that bear melted then i can't eat it.

A few second after that the dome of fire finally fades away and leave a massive crater with nothing but melted ground on it

"Please be safe please be safe!" I decended to the melting ground and the temperature is f*cking high!

I don't know if it's because i am a dragon born that i am not too affected by it but i don't care. The only thing on my mind right now is my dinner!

I look around trying to find anything that resemble the bear and after a few seconds i found it.

The massive 15feet tall bear is dead for good and it's fur are all charred nicely. Maybe i can use it for something?

But that does not matter. What matter is the inside.

But since i don't have a knife or a sword right now i try to use magic to solve that problem.

I lift my hand in a karate chop style and make a wind blade from my hand to my fingers. I chop the bear's head off and i see something that make me relieved.

"Oh thank god" i sigh in relieve at seeing the pink meat on it's neck. The meat survive! I then lift the bear up and it's surpisingly is very light. Must be my dragon born strength

"Now where should i make my base?" I originally wanted to make my base to the west from the waterfall but obviously i can't do that anymore because of the melted crater

Whoever make that crater is so irresponsible.

'Anyway if i can't make my house to the west. Then i will make it to the east! Onward! To the waterfall!' i walk happily towards the sound of splashing water with smile on my face from the massive success of my first hunt ever.


A crackling sound of a camp fire are heard.

On top of the camp fire is a giant piece of meat being roasted.

Near the campfire is a river flowing from the waterfall

"It's so goood!" A man said while eating the roasted meat.

"Man this thing is amazing. The bear meat is so juicy and it taste better than anything that i have tasted before" he keep on eating the meat with a happy expression

'And now i have enough meat to last for days from the bear. Trully it's a blessing that i met that bear before' he finished eating the meat and take the one that are being roasted from before and eat it again.

While eating it he look at his own status to see if it have improved or not

#Name : Takayama Akane

Race : Dragon-born (E)

Level : 1 (6.500/10.000)

Mana : 6.700

Strength : 1020

Resistance : 1000

Magic : 1050#

'My magic and strength got improved a little. But the XP is already halfway full?' he look at the xp bar on his status while biting his meat

'the god said that the XP that i will receive from killing anything is equal to it's Power level. Doesn't that mean the bear from before is 6X stronger than me?!' He shuddered at the thought of the bear being so much stronger than him.

'Thank god that i can fly. If not then i will absolutely die if i fight it head on' He keep eating the meat and he close the status panel.

'hmm. I have so much food right now so i need to smoke it if i don't want it to go bad after a few day. Good thing i learn how to smoke meat in the military' he thought and he look at his opened palm, he focused and make a small fireball from it.

'and this magic will come in handy as well' he close his palm and the fireball disappear then suddenly a rustling sounds are heard behind him.

He quickly ran towards his food supply and prepare for what is coming.

And suddenly 3 girls appear from the woods

"Hi?" He said while looking at them


"Okay. So we have made the most balanced team we can. Now we need to share our job" a brown haired girl with a star hairpin said.

"The hunter team 1 should go and scout the area, your top priority is to find a water source for us. Team 2 and team 3 need to find as much food as possible. But don't go too far, we don't want any of you to go missing" Sora command the three team and they all nodded.

"The forager team 1 and 2 will try to find as much edible plant as possible. Koyori you go with them to make sure they don't touch any poisonous plant. and the Guard team 1 will go with the forager team as well for extra protection" Sora said and they nodded again.

"Forager team 3 and the magicians will stay here and develop our base. Make some place for us to sleep in and maybe make some walls if possible. Guard team 2 and 3, help them out if possible but still keep an eye out for anyone that is coming" Sora said "Leave it to us!" Shion said with vigor at them and they chuckled.

"Alright then. That's that, i will follow the forager team 1 and 2 and get as much vegetables as possible. Aki can you watch the base for us?" Sora said to Aki and she nodded

"Of course! Leave it to me!" She said while having a hand on her chest with pride

"Alright everyone! Let's do our job but make sure we all survive. Safety is our number 1 priority after all" Sora said and they all begin to disperse.

With the Hunter Team 1

"Are you sure it's this way Mio san?" Roboco said to Mio.

"I am sure! I can hear the sound of splashing water from here. But i don't know how far is the water" Mio said with her ears twitching a few time swatting some bugs.

With her enhanced hearing, she is the best option they have for finding some water.

Roboco is following her lead while mapping the way the entire time. Her cyborg brain can easily remember every single detail she see along the way.


And while they try to find the water source. Suddenly they hear the roar of something. They don't know what make that sound but they know that it's dangerous.

"M-mio san. Maybe we should go back and try to find the water somewhere else?" Mel said to Mio, afraid to see what kind of beast make that sound

"We can't. This is the only water sound i hear for now. There isn't any other water source that are close to our base" Mio rejected her offer so Mel can do nothing but comply.

And suddenly a few minutes after the roar came.

*BOOOOOOOOM!* it sound like a nuclear bomb explode near them.

"Hiii!" Mel go and Hug Roboco out of fear

They flinched and Mio even fall to ground because of the earthquake.

"What was that!" Mio said looking at the big dome of fire to their right

"Whatever it is we don't go near it. Maybe we should go around to the left so we don't meet with anything that cause that?" Roboco said to the girls and they nodded. They then begin to walk to the left

a few minutes of walking after the explosion.

"Hey, Now that i think about Lui chan can fly right?" Mio suddenly said to them.

"Well. We don't know that i mean sure she have wings but who's to say that she can use it?" Roboco replied to Mio

"Well, yeah i guess that's right. I am also still trying to be comfortable with this body. I mean i feel so powerfull and i smell everything" Mio said.

"Talking about smell. I smell iron, and something being burned" Mel suddenly said while closing her eyes and sniff the air.

Mio did the same and she open her eyes.

"It's... Not iron. It's blood!" Mio said to them and Roboco look at her.

"Are you sure? Where does it come from?" Roboco ask her and shr sniff again.

"I smell it near the water. Whatever it is. It must have been at the water. Maybe somebody fight there?" Mio said.

"Neee maybe we really should go back? if it's blood then it is a serious fight right? Somebody might die there and we could be next" Mel said trying to convince the two girls that are hellbent at finding this water.

"We have come this far Mel san. If we come back empty handed now then our friend will have nothing to drink. We don't want that now do we?" Roboco said while petting Mel's head.

"Ummmm" Mel still wanted to go home but Roboco is right. If they go back now then they won't have anything to drink

They finally reach the water source. The sound of it's splashing are heard very loudly,

'That's good. It will block any sound we make while we are walking' Mio thought

They reach the giant bush that looks like a wall and they walk pass it.

And near the water they see a man with a bunch of meat packed with somekind of leaf and also a bear skin being hung

"Hi?" The man looks stunted at seeing them and they are equally as stunted.