
The Wonders Of Magic

Magic. The ability to make anything that you can possibly wish for become reality. Something that humans in this reality do not have the luxury of. So, take a peek into the veil and glimpse the story of a boy that delves into the mystery of magic and make all his dreams a reality. A story that shows his hardships, and victories on the road to be free of all constraints. *This is my first story. I plan to write a novel that shows a boy's journey into a man that has the world at his fingertips. *This is a Harry Potter fanfiction *I do not own Harry Potter or any other references that may occur in this story

KingEngineer · Book&Literature
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Author Note: Decided that it will be a African American OC with African heritage. This will be his mother's side of the family. His father side will be a magical lineage that's very talked about in the Harry Potter world (Pretty sure every know what it will be). If the beginning sound familiar, then it's because the main character was originally Harry Potter. This story will be weak to strong so don't worry about him being stronger than everyone by the time he gets to Hogwarts. Will also live his own life outside of the Harry Potter story. He will be in most of the events, but he will not be a Harry Potter follower.


A tiny whimper is heard from a cupboard underneath a set of stairs. Inside a small 6-year-old boy cried silently while hugging his legs close to his chest.

"I wish I could get out of here." whimpered the boy "I wish I could get out of here and never have to suffer like this again"


An hour ago, Malik's Monday started like any other. His cupboard was opened at 6 am sharp to make food for his "family". Not that they ever acknowledged him as their family. He was making pancakes and sausage like he was ordered to by his aunt Leona every Monday.

Today Malik could no longer stand cooking for the Howard's and not being able to eat except for the daily leftovers they left him after they ate dinner. He sneaked a sausage in the pockets of his oversized pants that was passed down from his cousin, Leo, from when he was 6.

Suddenly, Malik was grabbed by the back of his neck and was dragged towards the living room. "After giving you a home and feeding you for 6 years." Malik recognized the voice of his uncle, Leon, as he yelled in his ear. Malik started to panic not knowing what his uncle will do seeing him take something that he wasn't given permission to get. He tried to pry Leon hand from the back of his neck and run away but all that accomplished was for Leon's grip to tighten and for him to be dragged faster. "This is how you repay me. By stealing from me. By biting the hand that feeds you."

Malik's small body was suddenly thrown into the wall next to the fireplace. As Malik tried to scamper to his feet and look around the living room, he quickly realized by the blurry images that his glasses fell off while he was being dragged. Malik saw the blurry image of his uncle take up most of his vision with something in his hand held up in the air. "I will make sure that you never steal from me again freak.", he said while bringing the object down towards him.

Malik heard the sound of metal piercing the ear before he felt the heavy object hitting his stomach. "Argh" Malik screamed in pain while trying to cover his stomach to stop the pain. The only thing his actions accomplished was moving the next hit from his stomach to the back of his hands and wrists. For the next 146 seconds, the only sound in the house was screams of pain and metal hitting flesh.

The sound of the front door opening suddenly opening stopped Leon from hitting Malik again with the now bloody fire iron. Leona walked into the house with Leo next to her licking ice-cream he begged for on the way home. When Leona saw the bloody sight of her beaten nephew and her husband standing over she covered her son's eyes and yelled at Leon "What are you doing! Are you trying to kill him!?" she yelled furiously. Then her eyes traveled further to the blood dripping down onto her carpet. "And look at my carpet! Do you know how hard it is to get blood stains out!"

"The freak won't die. He heals from pretty much anything. Remember when he almost cut his finger off with a knife? It was healed by the end of the week.", Leon said uncaringly while dropping the fire iron on the floor.

Leona led Leo out of the living room while pointing at the mess and Malik. "I don't care! Get him out of here and clean this up before you scar my baby for life!"

"Fine. Fine." replied Leon with a sigh and started dragging Malik by the shirt to his "room" under the basement stairs. "Next time he steals. You punish him then" he whispered to himself. As he opened the cupboard door and carelessly threw the boy bleeding and moaning in pain inside without caring about his injuries, he told the boy "Make sure to clean the mess you caused tomorrow before any of us wake up." before slamming the door. A few seconds later the door was opened again, and Malik's glasses was thrown inside with the lenses cracked.

Malik barely hears the locks rattling on the other side of the door through his moans and stifled whimpers of pain.


Back to the present, Malik stares at the door through blurry vision trying to stay conscious. He feels more and more tired as time passes and he continues to bleed profusely from his wounds. As his body feels cold, Malik feels a warmth spread through him from his abdomen. He doesn't know where this warmth come from, but it fills him with comfort. Something Malik concentrates on, wishing that he can escape the hell he has been in ever since he can remember.

As that wish resonates with the rapidly rising warmth in his stomach Malik disappears from the cupboard with a pop. His last sight before he passes out is the blazing sun beaming on his head and the blurry images of dark-skinned people in tribal clothes rapidly closing in on his position.