
the wolf that walks amongst the herd

alright so this is a pet project that's just needs good criticism buy good criticism I mean that type that's a little bit Moline to the malicious level my idea came from lots of lucid dreaming when I was a younger child so I gathered all the memories or everything that I could find and created a character based off of it and then through so many obstacles at him that he just decided to do with what he can

Joshua_Burritt · Realistic
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33 Chs

chapter 3 crave

I don't sleep the whole night, the time hits four in the morning. Going through my morning routine just becomes natural, simple, and reminds me that I'm different, I now have and objective. Purpose is given or obtained, I learned this from a book I read written by Ray Bradbury, I know what my purpose is, there must be a way to figure out which one was chosen, or was I made to only serve one purpose. Finding it out will be interesting, after my workout I go to my office to see if Saya changed anything, it looks untouched, while checking my armory,everything is in order just as I left it when looking at my devtac helmet, my mind begins to wonder, to places beyond my own sight. Email notification then pops up on my computer, it concludes an apology from Overwatch for not telling me about are new local operator 'hello-p****'  and her vibrant personality, I call Overwatch for a conference call on my new objective "hi wolf I can only talk for a couple minutes…. Make it quick" (my objective) "your new objective is to enjoy yourself" (what do you mean) "I'll email you odd jobs, and frog work, if necessary, and if we have a hit contract you'll know who i'll call" (okay) " also if I need wet-work I can always get her to do it" ( the girl that almost raped me on corpses ) " I knew you liked her… I know she might be crazy, but she is just as fast as you… didn't you notice ? ( I did) "also before I leave, she will kill anyone you have relations, being she is bat shit crazy bye" I have no words. "What's going on" says Says as she leans into my office door (why are you half naked ? ) she rolls her eyes at me as she sips on some coffee, she comes closer to me and rubs her hand on my head "who are you going to kill today gangsters, political figures ?" She asks. I don't give her a reply I just check my emails, and they are mostly fixer jobs, being just delivery and extraction work, I can sense my instincts gnawing at me. Ordering a new biker helmet is needed so I call a number given to me by Overwatch if I ever needed new equipment, because wearing a devtac mask is… impractical. my ballistic vest needs more Kevlar weaving in the ribs as well. As Saya get ready for school I'm cleaning my helmet, though it is permanently scratched by what happened yesterday, I went to my room to change, Saya is still changing (where are my clothes) "in the dryer," she says, grabbing my clothes I can see that they have bloodstains on them, but they do have the scent of that crazy women from yesterday. We're in the garage checking are bags and straightening are uniforms, Saya straightens my tie she put her earbuds in, I put in mine. We share a quick kiss before we pull are shader downs. On the ride to school nothing felt out of the ordinary, though the smell was very pungent with disdain as we're walking from the entrance people are mummering about the hotel yesterday and the event that occurred, they whisper that one person killed three members of the Yakuza in the top floor of a hotel, walking to class, there is none stop talking about the incident, seems to be that the murder of Yakuza members is more important then the death of two individuals in an alley. Mr. Kotegawa stops me and Saya in the middle of the hallway, with great anger he shouts "TOO MUCH PDA" I look at him blatantly and stop stare, wait. He starts walking towards me Says let go of my hand, then walks into her class whispering"good luck" to me. Mr.kotegawa is right in front of me now, book in hand, he tries slapping me with it, but I caught his hand. I release, then he snarls at me. I, for 13 seconds I am thoroughly confused ? Realizing that his facade is on at the moment.  I enter class with a detached personality. As I take my seat I feel faded from my other classmates, looking at them I can see that they have already separated to their social grouping. One particular male though walk up to my desk, I blatantly stare out the window as he tries to speak with me. Class begins to start I detach myself further by putting in my headphones and listen to a woman say a span of numbers. I don't want to create relations with my classmates unless I have to, through the span off the class I stared out the window trying to understand my purpose. Time passes I don't know how much, but Saya walks into my class, it's easy to tell by the special fragrance she wears. She pulls a chair next to me, I haven't acknowledged her yet, but she seems to be rubbing my back incessantly. Looking away from my view, to gaze upon her, she seem to laying her head on the desk smiling at me. Grazing her cheek with my thumb we are approached by one of my classmates walks towards my desk, he says hi my name "Christian Lambert, but you can call me Chris" I stand up and shake his hand (my name is Huntley) his smile is fake he wants something "my sister Mikki can't be here to give you your tour today" (there is no need) "I insist" he says. I look to Saya to see if it's okay she seems to know Chris "if you keep him past dinner time…" Chris acknowledged her words with a frightened knod. (You two know each other) "are parents worked together," he says. Lunch ends soon after. I detach myself again from class again as they learn of history, shortly after that class ends Chris comes by to give me my tour, Saya walks in to pick up my keys to my bike most likely, seconds later she kisses me takes my keys and clenches a fist, insinuating something to Chris, then she leaves "she has never acted like that before, man you got your work cut out for you there man." Says Chris as he pats me on the back.  

 Are tour begins in the main building where most of the classes will be held every class studies different subjects periodically. Chris makes me aware that there are elite classes held at the school, also that underneath every building there are panic rooms, we take a walk around the large campus, Chris is going on about the history of the campus and how ten years ago there were a spree of murders, but then they suddenly stopped, also that the killer was never found. As the tour goes on, Chris would continuously ask me question on my relationship with Saya "so how long have you known her" (a couple of days) "oh… well I've known her for a while, me and my family are relieved her father's dead though… everyone knew he was hurting her, it's just whenever my father would do anything, he couldn't find proof" (who is your father) "the police commissioner, he's all me and my sister have since mother died from gang violence" (that's rough) "it sure is, Mikania has never been the same since…" are conversation ends when a group of girls walk up to Chris, and randomly speak to him. With him being detained, I go and check out the storage building, I felt someone looking at me from that direction. Making my approach I hear more rustling, I make my entry from one of the open windows, looking around I seem to be where they keep the grounds keeping equipment. It's quiet, someone lunges at me from above, rolling away, I look back at my attacker it's Hello her electronic helmet makes a smile as she lunges at me with a knife, while deferring her blows towards other objects in the room, she gets faster every strike, she would say I'm her autotuned voice "let me taste you". I got tired of toying with her so I finally got a chance to grip her blade by taking off my jacket and using as a wrap to grab it. "You dick" she says. I will throw her blade away from her and throw punches to her body, suddenly I hear another person's steps, I get Hello into a tight choke hold and turn, facing the direction from where I heard the other footsteps. Hello won't stop fighting it, I tighten my choke hold, a white figure appears in front of me, Hello is passed out, I drop her and prepare myself, the white figure is wearing a bright yellow helmet with blue flames, it seems to look like Hello's helmet. "Ah shit" says the white figure, the voice seems to be auto tuned to a male voice, the figure pulls out a gun I rush to him "not today" says the figure we get into a struggle which puts us in the ground, the muscle structure is built much like a male "stop !" Is said out loud, I do so, I know that voice. Overwatch shows up around the corner with Mr. Kotegawa, she comes up to me and slaps me "play along". She gets into one of her lectures and tells me that my handler is Mr. Kotegawa, and that these two deviants are the operators for this area, also they just wanted a better test of my skills. They both take off their helms, to my surprise it's the Lambert twin "hi my operator name is GOODBYE" says Chris with a smile "my operator name is… white cat" says Mikianea in a very sullen voice. Overwatch says if you kill them, she will kill my "eye candy" Mr. Kotegawa says " alright so in this precious place we live in there is a lot of bad people, it's my job to make sure you three kill all those bad people, now there are only three of you including myself, Overwatch will be around, but not all the time, Hunt over here has already took out an Ace of heart's in the past couple  of days he's been here, were on the right path, if we defer, or get distracted from are objective I will not hesitate to kill those you love and make you watch, you fail in anyway, Wich in all honesty is pretty hard will die are we clear" the twin both nod. I'm already out of the building.

I make my walk back home, I check my phone, I've got a message from Saya, she must've got a hold of my phone from yesterday, the text reads {call me after your tour😘}. Making my way to my house I put in my headphones and call Saya. After two rings she picks up, I don't say anything, she speaks very emotionally, she tells me about how she loves cooking, and how she looked up this vegan recipe knowing I'd like it. I get angry "when will you be back" she asks. I'm already at my house I just don't say anything "honey are you okay" she says this three times getting more serious every time I open the door from the back quietly. Making my way to my office, I go to sit in my chair, I just sit there, I pull out one of my pistols and one of my knives to clean them. I'm angry that I have someone that cares about me, if I remember I've never had a family, I've been told many times that I could  never be accepted in society. I remember a past where my own parents would take out their frustration out on me, I try hard to remember what happened to them, all I remember was when I was six a tall woman with brunette hair killed them, and gave me the gun, I start crying on my pistol, Saya walks in "there you are… babe are you crying" I look at her with a blank expression, my instincts take over, I life her off the ground and starts pressing my lips on places all over her neck, she digs her nails into my back, I lay her back on my desk ripping my clothes apart, she just slightly gasp as we lock are lips, as I enter her again and again, my mind goes blank,I hear nothing I feel nothing, I see nothing. No that a lie I see a young me, I see him in the reflection of a mirror. He smiles at me, I have a gun in my hand. I can't stop my hand from pointing the gun at him I shaking incessantly, the younger me says "do it" . I come back to reality laying on the desk in my office with Saya, and I'm holding a one of my pistols to my skull. I slowly get up, and get in the shower, while I'm in the midst of taking a shower I punch my tile wall, Saya walks in on me just standing in the shower, being who she is, she saw my hand was bleeding. Immediately she applied first aid, she knows how to perform first aid, because everytime her father abused her, she had to lick her own wounds. Looking at her wrap my hand, I see a small strand of her hair slowly cover her eye "alright… done, now!" She finishes with that line, also she plants a kiss on my cheek. I walk with her to go to bed early, because I have spent too much needless energy on the twins it angers me that I have to work with such asinine people. Thinking of the twins I saw a drastic change in Mikki personality, the thought flabbergasted me she very blood thirsty then she was very shy, Chris acts so sarcastic, his smile says it all. Looking at it disgusts me, when he pointed on gun at me his helmet made the same function as his sisters, when he pointed it smiled at me. While thinking on those two I get a call on my phone. I leave the bed to answer it {it's Mr.kotegawa… Lambert's father has been kidnapped and held for ransom etcetera etcetera they don't know this because I think no I believe they would fuck it up so your going to save him, I know it's late, but listen hear bud I have a rifle pointed right at your girl, don't get mad, but you know we're supposed to leave no ties, I mean you will leave her, you have to doing that would still basically kill her, anyhow go to the location on your nav pick up the gear… wolf… you there… oh aghhh} I left my phone on so I could get right behind him, I hit him again and again and again. 

 I made my way to the nav point with ease, the gear there was a silence Glock 23 with a karambit, light armor vest black compression shorts with tactical pants. Though the one item that surprised me was a white helmet much like the twins, it has "the hunt begins" engraved on the side, inside the helmet was a small oxygen container, a mouth piece, and not that says "play with me - M". Putting the helmet on was very easy, it fits really nicely, I then make my way to my secondary nav point, I make my way there rooftop to rooftop I get closer to the nav point something pops in my hud {user manual: update 1.05 unit 626} it's a large share of images telling me my helmets functions, it has night vision, thermals, a geiger counter, and it connects to my phone, useful, I turn on the night vision, I've used night vision goggles before though the illumination between the contrast is different, maybe because of the larger visor, anyhow as reach the nav point I get a look at large estate, there are mercenaries everywhere carrying large firearms, the estates walled up,both  entrances are blocked I see about 14 people so far, I head over one of the wall and make my way to the largest building believing that's where they are holding the police commissioner, I kill most of the mercenaries with my knife, even though I have a suppressed weapon in close quarters they sound like a stapler. Opening the main door to the larger building in the estate, the first thing I see is a large string of mercenaries arming themselves, the door shuts behind me, making a large enough sound to where it alerts them all. I immediately leap at the first person I see, bullets start flying as I return fire I hit most of my shots, I keep moving, because there are people firing from all sides. Can't help it though I'm excited, the feeling spreading these mercenaries blood all over the walls is enjoyable. I'm reminded of a time where I didn't like killing, It was around the time when I just turned 15, and I was gifted a dog, I hate dogs because the second gift was a pistol, I was forced to shoot the dog, I didn't hesitate, but it was the faces of the individuals that surrounded me, I don't really remember their faces just the expressions they made, expression of disgust, and hate. Clearing the main hall of the larger building of the estate took me longer than I thought it would, pressing a button on the back of my helmet releases o2 to my breathing apparatus to slow my breathing, so far except for some scars on my arms and legs I'm pretty much fine, I look around and see if I can find some clamores through the supplies they have, there are crates everywhere, looks as if they were planning to stay, luck enough I finds some and plant them near the doors, I then go through all the rooms finding stragglers here and there, I don't hear any sirens, that must mean most of the gunshots sound were hidden, figures, those mercs did fire at will. I'm getting a call from Saya it popped up on my hud, then a VI (virtual intelligence) tells me as well, (answer) "hey H I woke up and you weren't there… what's going on" I hear Saya's voice as I'm being shot at, the vi says [my name Michael the archangel I will be watching over you, no I am not a vi, but an AI, given your circumstances I shall help you out of this situation] Michael gives me the lines of there rifles on my hud and scans the room with sonar constantly so I can pinpoint their positions. (I'm on my run, I would have thought you knew that) "oh… sorry" (don't be) I found the commissioner "are you okay" (I am fine just… sprinting) I've killed his guards, he is unconscious I have to carry the body "I'm going to study for a science exam… you remember that's later today" ( I forgot) a large man hits me with a large club sending me flying "H are you there" I rushed at him (... I'm fine). "You don't seem fine!" we've escaped the estate (I'll be back in about 13 minutes) "okay..well… don't hurt yourself" [she seems nice] (shut up)'' What did you say!?"(I wasn't talking to… Saya ?) [It's seems that she is hung up on you] this AI is useful, but it's quirks are agonizing [were going to partners from now on] (if you say so). 

I drop the unconscious police commissioner off at the rooftop where I knocked out Mr kotegawa. Thinking on it, I enjoyed beating up that man he was much like me, but older and been through more. When his jaw is fixed I'll visit him, I drop my gear off with the commissioner except the helmet, I take his clothes to replace mine. I'm back at my front, bit I sense something is off. It's Mr kotegawa I can smell him [ projectile incoming, 100 yards top floor ] I turn and shoot in that direction "ahhhh" I heard Saya scream, "why the fuck is there an arrow in my door"  Saya screams with major distress. [Target has fled… nice shot] I take off my helmet and pull the arrow out the door. By now i thought Saya would cut that "surprised". I'm glad she didn't though, it gives me perspective. I get to my office and put on bandage and stitch up some of my scars, I don't want to get blood on my uniform again. my helmet starts talking to me [you know if you plug me into your PC I can set myself up through the house] (no) [ …c'mon] (alright helmet) plugging Michael intoy house could be useful whenever I mess up, and my group comes after Saya. [Alright I'm plugged in… your house is really nice, I'm also going to be talking you through the port set up on your phone via Bluetooth… you go have your coffee I'm going to make myself comfortable] the day goes by really quickly I didn't see the Lambert's at school or Mr. Kotegawa, Overwatch called me on one of her drunken rages where she spats out how lonely she is without me and she wishes we lived together again, I don't remember us ever doing that. When me and Says get home I get ready to go out, but before that she stops me and says "I know I can never stop you from doing what you do for your employers… ah I'm just going to get right to it, I know you put yourself into these no win scenarios, I saw you kill my father, I was so terrified (Saya) no let me finish, I was so terrified, but when you pulled me into shore, and held me, I felt so very warm… I was scared because my happiness came by the warm embrace of the man who killed my father, he would beat me and he would… I love you H, and it hurts I worry so much, everytime you leave I cry because I don't know if you'll be able to come back" I put my equipment on and sat to her (this is who I am, it's all I've ever known. I've killed so many people Saya, if I stop now) she grabs my hand and looks at me and cries with the most beautiful smile I've ever seen and she say "I know, and I won't stop you, because I can't stop you" I leave into the night after we part words Michael adds some input [you humans rely on each other… it's beautiful, I like you] (shut it helmet) I stop on a rooftop on the northside, and I accept this existence, as I go back to what I enjoy.