

Alexan is a 28 years old guy that one day in a visit to his grandmother's house he meets with the son of an alfa wolf. That day he encounters Jason the beta of the pack and found out that he is Jason's mate but Alexan already has a mate, what this all means? Did the moon goddess have a plan for these three?

Alcaxius · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 8: Knowing Of My Roots

Alen POV

A month has passed since my recovery and the last test that Cecil does to me says that I'm completely healthy. I will have my meeting with the dragon-shifters in a week. Jason still tries to make me change my mind and don't meet with them, but I told him multiple times that I need to talk to them.

Right now I'm at my grandma's house where all begins. I was outside on the balcony looking at my phone. I hear a car door closing near the house, I hear steps coming to the house and I thought was my uncle. When I raise my eyes I meet with Jason, "Jason what are you doing here?" I ask "Hey, well I wanted to surprise you babe" he answer and surprises I am but I don't think is a good idea for him to be here. "Okay, well you surprise me alright. How you found this place? I don't think you have come here before?" He looks at me and smiles "I ask around in the pack for the people that get Brandon from here and they give me the address". Well, that makes one question answer now how I will explain his presence here to my family.

Just when I was going to say something else he grabs me by the waist and kisses me, I froze in place by the move but respond to the kiss until I hear my mom's voice. "Alexan with who you are talking... ALEXAN! What is the meaning of this!?" "Mom!, I can explain" I can see my mother's face and see that she looking at me and Jason but to Jay, she has a cold glare. "You better begin," she says glaring at Jason "Okay but can we do it inside please?" I ask her while pulling Jason by the hand to what she looks then follow us. I seat in one of the couches and Jason seat beside me. My grandmother was in the kitchen when we get inside and comes out to the living when she sees Jason "And who is he?" she asks" Oh he is Jason grandma a friend" I answer and look at Jason to see that he doesn't like the idea that I call him a friend. "Oh, I see, well nice to meet you young man" she greets him with a warm smile, "The pleasure is mine, ma'am" Jason responded. That when my mom enters the house and sits on the couch that was in front of us "Friends don't kiss Alexan especially when both are males" she says while looking at Jason. At that moment my grandma look at us confuse "Kissing?" she asks what my mom look at her and nod her head. "Yes, I go to the balcony and found them kissing" the way she says it feels so cold and disgust "So you going to explain now Alexan?" she asked looking at me in the eyes.

I look at her and get more nervous, I don't know what to do, I didn't want to reveal this part of me like this. I wanted this in different circumstances, I take a deep breath and look at Jason then to my mom "Where to begin?" I ask what she just looks at me and at Jason in silence "From the beginning" she finally says. I take another deep breath to calm my nerves "Okay, first thing yes you found me kissing Jason, and to that, I need to say this I like males mom, and females too" I say and look at her face to see any signs for disgust but do not find any.

"So you like both?" It was all she asked "Yes" I answer and she nods her head "Seen when?" She asks looking at me "Since Highschool but I have a suspicion of it since middle school" I say. She looks at me surprise "From that long?" she asks with surprise and curiosity in her voice "Yes I begin to notice how I look at the guys in school like the girls" I say looking at the floor. "And why you didn't tell me anything?" she asks looking at my eyes "I was afraid of your rejection" I answer back to what she laughs "Oh Alexan I'm your mother how can I reject my own son," she said, all this time Jason and my granma were just listening without saying anything.

"I confess to Keliah about my attraction to males from the beginning and I'm grateful that she accepts me" I continue. My mother just looks at me while I continue "Sometimes we look at guys in the streets to see who can find the hotter one hehe" I say laughing to what I won a growl from Jason. My mother sees this and looks at him then at me "And where he falls in your life because you have Kelaiah and now a child this can destroy your new family" she asks looking at Jason with anger in her eyes. I look at Jason and then at her. "She knows of his existence and meets him in person," I say to her and she looks at me gasping "She knows? And what she did you both are not breaking up, right?" she says with worry in her voice. I look at her and shake my head "No we are not" I assure her "Good so you are breaking any contact with him right?" she asked while glaring at Jason.

I look at her and I don't know what to say about it, then Jason talks for the first time in a while "He will not break contact with me" he said looking at her in the eyes to what my mom looks at him up and down "So you prefer to break a newly form family apart?" she asked with anger. "I understand your point ma'am but I not breaking any family Kelaiah knows who I am and accept me in their life," he says and I can see that my mom is getting frustrated. "That impossible you need to leave them alone and don't destroy their lives," she says to him "I can't do that ma'am I need him in my life," he says now trembling with anger and frustration. My mom stan up and glares at him "There are more males in the world why him?" she asks.

He looks at her and shakes his head "I don't care about other men, the one I want is him and him alone" he said to her and my mom just shake her head "Well I'm sorry but he is taken and with a child, or you didn't know about it?" she asks, I look at both of them and I'm afraid of how this situation is going out of control I'm here in the middle of my mom and my mate fighting for what is better for me "Oh I know about little Micahel, I have held him a couple of times in their house" he said winning a gasp from my mom to she then look at me "He has gone to your house and have contact with my grandson?" she asked looking at my face.

"Yes he has very helpful this hall time," I say " I can believe this, well I dont like this and you need to leave and never get near them" she demands "Mom you can't," I say and look at her "You don't know the thing you are doing is wrong?" she looks at me " NO is not wrong you don't know anything" I stan up looking at her then she stan up and get closer to me "Yes it is the one that doesn't know what is doing is you" she yells at me, then Jason interven "Sorry ma'am but I can't leave him alone I need my mate with me" I look at him and my mom that have a face of complete confusion "Mate?" is the only thing she said, I look at him and plead him with my eyes to not say anything but he just shakes his head " Yes mate, I know you don't understan what that is but is something important to my people" he replied.

That when my grandma speaks for the first time since she sits in the chair "Are you by any chance a dragon-shifter?" she asks and Jason and I look at her with our mouth open. "Dragon-shifters what are you talking about?" my mom asks her, my grandma just ignores my mom. Jason looks at my grandma and shakes his head "No ma'am am not I'm a werewolf" he answers I look at him and gasp "Jason! Are you sure about this?" I ask scare, he looks at me and grabs my hand "Yes, something tells me we can trust her with this, plus she knows of dragon-shifters" he assured me. My mom looks at them and then to me "Werewolf doesn't exist please" she exclaimed we just ignore her for now and my grandma looks at us with tender eyes "I see, and my grandson is your mate then?" she asks Jason and he looks at me then to my grandma "Yes ma'am and I will not change it for nothing in this world, and I swear on my life that I love him with all my soul" he says to her and squeeze my hand a little to what I look away to hide my red face. My grandma smile at this "Thanks, and please protect them and love them okay" she asks Jason and I see him smile and with pride, he responds "I will ma'am" now I look at her "Now grandma how you know about mates and dragon-shifters?" I ask her, she just smiles at me "Oh that simple because of your mothers Father" she says looking at my mom "What?" is all she gets from her, my grandma nods her head "Yes, you don't know this but your father was a dragon. He reveals it to me one night after I confront him about his long disappearance, of course at first I didn't believe it, that when he gets me to this marvelous forest and change in front of me in a beautiful black dragon" she tells us. I look at her and see that she is looking outside but more like looking in her memories "I was scared at first but I knew he will not harm me and he was happy that I didn't run away" she continues "And what happens with him?" I ask she look at me and her smile disappear "I don't know one time he leaves like always do but never return" seeing this make me sad "I know what happened to him" I say and she looks at me confused "What you mean?" she asked looking at my eyes "He dies and now some of his followers are looking for me because I'm supposed to be next in throne after him" I explain she just looks at me "I see that explain the pain I feel one day like something was bein rip apart in my heart" she exclaimed then look at me again "So you are next in line for his throne?" she says like was the most normal thing "Yes but you knew this?" I ask her "Oh yes he tells me and that make your mother the princess hahaha," she said laughing looking at my mom "Oh that confirm my dragon heritage then," I say, and that when my mom talks again "You are not a dragon Alexan," she said looking at me.

I look at her and then to grandma "But I'm that make you one to I change to one in Jason home" I say to her "I'm not a dragon Alexan" she responds to what my grandma laugh again "Oh darling but you are a dragon, the second time I visit that marvelous forest you were little but you change out of nowhere in a cute black dragoness" my grandma tell my mom.