
On the run

They saw dead bodies all over the place. The palace smelled like rotten meat. The duo slowly made their way to the throne room and there it was the king's crown. It was sitting on the king's chair.

"Mama," softly said Nathaniel." Wheres papa." he finished his eyes focus on the crown stained with red. His mother quietly made her way to the crown and took a really hard glace at it. She grabbed Nathaniel's arm and rushed out of the place and hid behind a tree.

" Did you search the whole place," said a man." Did you find the queen and son," he continued looking at the people standing in front of her. It was the man in the black cloak who told his father about the attack. "We need to find them, the next time you come to me you better have their dead bodies" he screamed. Nathaniel was about to say something but his mother covered his mouth and looked him in the eyes.

After the men left she yet again grabbed Nathaniel's arm and they ran to the forest.

"Mam, why did we ask him to help us," he said while looking back. "Nathan, he's not a good guy," she answered and they continued their way. They spent several days walking until they reached a small town before they entered she looked at her son. She used the small amount of magic she had left adn changed her son's eye color making it brown. She cover her face and they entered.

Everyone they meet looked at them like they came from another dimension some even shot them disgusted looks. They walked until they reached a small house and entered.

"Nana," said Nathaniel's mother." Are you here," she continued. As she was about to move a short woman with black hair come downstairs. She looked like she was in her sixties.

"Coming," she said."What can I do for you," she continued. Nathaniel's mother removed her covering and looked the old lady in the eye.

"Sophia," said the old lady as tears existed in their eyes."My dear Sophia," she said hugging her with all her might." Nathaniel, off my little Nathaniel," she finished as she ruffled his hair.

"Nana," said Sophia as the tears began flowing like a river." He's gone."

"Stop crying my dear before you have our little prince crying too," she comforted her." Make selves are home, I'll be right back," said nana as she left heading to the kitchen.

"Mama, who was that," said Nathaniel looking at his mother with a confused look." That was is nana Mia," she said looking at him.

After a couple of minutes, Nana Mia came back with a tray filled with food and put it down on the table. "Dinners ready," she told. They all sat down at the table and began eating. It has been several days since Nathaniel at something this delicious. On their way here the only thing they ate was bread.

When they finished eating they cleaned up and were guided to the place they were going to sleep. Sophia tucked Nathaniel in bed and headed downstairs to where her Nana Mia was.

"Sophia you know I can't keep you guys here right," started nana Mia."But don't worry I found a place for you guys where you guys can stay unnoticed," she finished.

"Nana... thank you," responded Sophia.