
The Witchy Elf

She is famed as the Greatest of all Witches and yet one day she was found dead. What's more shocking is that she doesn't even know how she had died or who had killed her. Luckily for her, she got another chance as she reincarnated. When she came back to life, she doesn't recognize her surroundings nor the people around her. When she saw herself, she finally found that the body her soul entered was not her's but instead it belonged to an Elf. An Elf whom all the other Elves bully as a Good-for-nothing. It doesn't matter if she was a Good for nothing because her own talent was enough to strive any environment by herself. But what matters is that both the Magical clans Witches and Elves were said to be rivals for around thousands of years for now. How could she survive being a member of a rival clan? She thus starts a brand new journey of being an elf while using her techniques that she learned being a witch. She moves on finding the reason behind her death and the person who was responsible for the same. She continues proving everyone that she not only could be the Greatest of all the Witches but she could also be the Greatest of all Elves- of course by using a little, just a little, of her witchcraft. But can she stop by just being the Greatest of Witches and Elves? Maybe she could go beyond that? Follow her journey to find more... The Witchy Elf - Why just a Witch or an Elf when she can be both? P.S: Cover commissioned. Credits to the talented artist @_VA_ *** Talk to me (author), interact with fellow readers, catch a glimpse of sprinkled spoilers and most importantly BASH THE LAZY AUTHOR and force her for more updates by joining the discord server: https://discord.gg/k66qXaWMuD

Leorote · Fantasy
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171 Chs

The Cave of the White Beast 6

Her eyes turned red with rage as she narrowed her eyes dangerously while looking at the beast that was about to open its mouth so that it could gulp her whole in a single bite.

Tanzi gritted her teeth with anger and raised her wand and flicked it once. The wand instantly started changing its shape as it turned into a sword that was large enough for her to fight against the Beast.

Since she was in close proximity with the beast, she jumped and somersaulted backwards in the air to maintain a safe distance away from the Tiger.

Once she was at a perfect distance away from it, she raised her sword and blocked the upcoming Beast's attack.

Fresh blood gushed out of the White Beast's paw as it stuck its paw directly against Tanzi's sword.

The stronger a Wizard was, the sharper her magical sword would be.

With the strength that Tanzi possessed, her sword could be considered the sharpest among all the other magical swords in the world. It could very softly cut through even the strongest shield as if it was just a piece of melted butter, let alone the beast's paw, which was made of pure flesh.

With the pain that was just influxed through its veins, the White Beast roared. The magnificent Beast and its roar was a great sight to behold but it was also a sight that could make one's week go soft.

Weak hearted ones may suffer a cardiac arrest and their soul may leave the world for good when they see this mighty scene.

The roar vibrated through the air and went across the whole forest and with a gush of wind all the trees that had grown for a few centuries bent away from the direction of the cave.

The huge mountain on which the entire forest was stationed trembled as it resembled the occurrence of an earthquake.

Violet was scared as she bent down on her knees and squatted at a corner trying her best to stop her body from shivering while covering her eyes and ears as hard as she could.

She did not even care that all her hair was sprawled all over her face with the wind that just flew across her from the roar of the Beast. She is not in a mood to care for some hair on her face but instead she continued praying for the victory of her friend.

Once the Beast finished its act of roaring, it looked at the culprit that was standing in the front and with anger it opened its mouth once again flashing its sharp canines.

Just one look at the large and sharp teeth inside, one would fall to the ground but on the other hand, Tanzi scrunched her nose. Being a beast, it had never cleaned its teeth ever and thus it would be obvious that it's mouth stinks.

Tanzi wanted to close her nose as she felt that its mouth really stinks too bad. But unluckily for her, she had to fight the beast and couldn't use her fingers to pinch her nose at this moment.

She really wanted to cry at this predicament.

Maybe she should carry some cotton around for her next adventures and stuff her nose so that she wouldn't have to inhale the bad breath of all these wild creatures.

She sighed as she couldn't take the stench any longer and slashed her sword across the face of the Beast that just ponced against her.

In an instant a stream of white light flashed and the entire dark cave was flashed brightly making it unable to see what had happened inside.

Tanzi drew back her sword and once the light diminished, she saw the White Beast lying on the ground unconscious.

Violet opened her eyes and witnessed this scene.

She doesn't know if the Beast was alive or dead but she did not care either. She was just happy that her friend is still alive and safe.

She ran towards Tanzi and looked at her to confirm that she did not suffer any injuries. Only when she completed her search and did not find even a single scratch on her body did she finally relax.

She then turned her head to look at the White Beast that was on the ground. Even with its eyes closed and it was clear that it was unconscious, she still did not dare to take one step towards it.

Instead Tanzi took a couple of steps towards the Beast and opened its mouth after squatting beside it.

Tanzi frowned again and pinched her nose this time as she couldn't handle the stench any longer.

She really wanted to get a brush and clean its teeth until it shone brightly.

How could a white Beast have a bunch of yellow teeth?