
The Witchy Elf

She is famed as the Greatest of all Witches and yet one day she was found dead. What's more shocking is that she doesn't even know how she had died or who had killed her. Luckily for her, she got another chance as she reincarnated. When she came back to life, she doesn't recognize her surroundings nor the people around her. When she saw herself, she finally found that the body her soul entered was not her's but instead it belonged to an Elf. An Elf whom all the other Elves bully as a Good-for-nothing. It doesn't matter if she was a Good for nothing because her own talent was enough to strive any environment by herself. But what matters is that both the Magical clans Witches and Elves were said to be rivals for around thousands of years for now. How could she survive being a member of a rival clan? She thus starts a brand new journey of being an elf while using her techniques that she learned being a witch. She moves on finding the reason behind her death and the person who was responsible for the same. She continues proving everyone that she not only could be the Greatest of all the Witches but she could also be the Greatest of all Elves- of course by using a little, just a little, of her witchcraft. But can she stop by just being the Greatest of Witches and Elves? Maybe she could go beyond that? Follow her journey to find more... The Witchy Elf - Why just a Witch or an Elf when she can be both? P.S: Cover commissioned. Credits to the talented artist @_VA_ *** Talk to me (author), interact with fellow readers, catch a glimpse of sprinkled spoilers and most importantly BASH THE LAZY AUTHOR and force her for more updates by joining the discord server: https://discord.gg/k66qXaWMuD

Leorote · Fantasy
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171 Chs

The Cave of the White Beast 5

Tanzi continued gently patting Violet's back while softly muttering in her ears, "It's okay, Violet. I am here. You will be safe. Nothing would happen. Trust me, okay?"

When Violet heard her words, she nodded her head and relaxed her grip in the hug.

If she would dare to trust someone with her life, then it would only be Tanzi in the entire world and no one else.

Now that she was with Tanzi and when she heard that she would be safe from Tanzi's lips herself, then what more is there to worry about?

Without any single ounce of doubt, she released Tanzi and nodded her head to show that she was okay.

In this moment, rather than being scared and pulling Tanzi behind, she should be a good friend by supporting her by at least not being a dead weight to her friend.

"It's okay Tanzi, I am fine. I will not disturb you and stand by the side. Remember that I am waiting for you over there," She pointed her finger towards the entrance of the cave. She meant that Tanzi should remember that she was waiting for her to come back to her, safe and alive.

Tanzi understood her meaning and nodded her head with a promise. Once she received her promise, Violet released a huge breath of sigh and walked away from her so that she could no longer stall her.

She did not dare to take another peek towards neither the weakening shield nor the raging Beast.

Once Violet left, Tanzi finally turned around to face the beast, which was pouncing on the shield that she made with as much force as it could.

As soon as Tanzi looked at the raging Beast, her eyes narrowed and at once a force emanated from her. The shield that was weakening as time went on brightened as it expanded and pushed the beast away from its place.

The beast that was so many times huge by the size of a normal tiger was pushed away and it was without any doubt raged by this fact.

It instantly stood straight and was ready to pounce at Tanzi. It leaped forwards in her direction with a roar.

Violet, who was standing in a corner, closed her eyes and also used both her hands to close her ears. She trembled when she heard the sound of the Beast's roar but still did not dare to open her eyes but instead used more force to cover her ears.

On the other hand, Tanzi did not even fluttered her eyes when she saw that beast that was lunging towards her but instead she used her wand to create another shield and then once again waved it so that a sweet scent that she used earlier to relax the Beast when it was sleeping was released once again.

When the beast inhaled the sweet scent, it relaxed for a second and Tanzi took this moment to speak to it as softly as she could, "I am not here to hurt you. You can relax. You can go back to sleep and we can go back to our place. Just relax."

Though her words are not very convincing, she used a soft voice that almost sounded hypnotizing to soothe the anger in the Beast.

The Beast too stopped in its tracks and looked intently into Tanzi's eyes as it tilted its head sideways.

Tanzi slowly walked towards the Beast and raised her hand. Maybe the beast understood her thoughts or her words, in the end it sat down and allowed Tanzi to pat its huge head.

This is the power that Tanzi always had upon all types of animals. They would always be ready to become friends with Tanzi no matter how cruel one was.

Looks like the White Beast was no exception.

Tanzi finally relaxed when she saw its submissive behavior but who would have thought, she suddenly felt a huge pool of liquid falling beside her. When she saw the direction at which it came from, she noticed that a huge drop of drool was dropped from the Beast's mouth.


Here she was trying her best to negotiate and obtain peace between them and the Beast was thinking of eating her?

Looks like this White Beast is an exception.

But the point is not about its exception but Tanzi was angry as she felt betrayed by the Beast's thoughts.

Once the Beast lowered its head, shouldn't that mean that it accepted her friendship request? But this beast accepted and yet it wanted to eat her?

If it is not a betrayal, then what is?

Her eyes turned red with rage as she narrowed her eyes dangerously while looking at the beast that was about to open its mouth so that it could gulp her whole in a single bite.