
The Witcher: Equivalent Exchange

Thrown into a new world he hardly knows as a new witcher Ray must navigate a world filled with monsters and political intrique in order to survive in this new world, luckily for him he came into this new world with a special ability

roro1 · Video Games
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18 Chs

Chapter 11: 8-legged Monster

Ray's entrance into the barn seemed to momentarily startle the frustrated elf, who had been struggling with a tangled mess of hay. The man's eyes flickered with a mixture of surprise and curiosity as Ray introduced himself. "Enna sent you, you say?" he mused, wiping his hands on his worn trousers. "Well, it's about time someone from Dol Blathanna showed some interest in helping."

Ray's keen Witcher senses detected the tinge of desperation in the elf's voice, as well as the unease that lingered beneath the surface of the calm exterior. "I'm here to help," Ray responded with a reassuring nod. "What seems to be the problem?"

The elf sighed, his gaze flicking towards the barn's entrance. "My name's Elarion, and I run this farm. Or at least, I used to. Lately, there's been something out there in the woods, something monstrous. It's been attacking my cattle, destroying my crops. And now, my horses are so frightened they're practically useless."

Ray's eyes narrowed, a sense of purpose burning in their golden depths. "A monster, you say? Can you describe it?"

Elarion's brows furrowed as he recalled the unsettling encounters. "It's big—bigger than any spider I've ever seen. And it's quick. Its legs skitter like a nightmare. I've tried to fend it off, but I'm just a farmer. I can't face something like that on my own."

Ray's lips tightened in a grim line. "I'll take care of it. But I'll need more information. Where exactly in the woods is this creature hiding?"

Elarion gestured towards the edge of the forest. "Not far from here, about a ten-minute walk into the woods. You can't miss it—the trees have been twisted and broken by its rampage."

With a reassuring pat on Elarion's shoulder, Ray turned to leave the barn. "I'll handle the monster for you. Once it's taken care of, I'll expect that horse you promised."

Elarion's eyes held a mixture of gratitude and relief. "Thank you. Be careful out there, Witcher. I've heard stories of creatures like this, and they're not to be underestimated."

Ray offered a reassuring nod before heading into the woods, Pichu perched on his shoulder, its tiny form crackling with energy. The air grew thick with tension as he entered the twisted forest, each step a deliberate choice.

Ray's boots pressed into the damp forest floor as he ventured deeper into the twisted woods. The air was heavy with the scent of decay and undergrowth, and a subtle unease settled over him. His Witcher senses were finely attuned, every rustle of leaves and distant sound offering clues to the whereabouts of the elusive monster. Pichu, perched on his shoulder, seemed to share in his tension, its fur crackling with its own electric energy.

The path of destruction left in the creature's wake was unmistakable. Trees twisted and broken, gouges in the earth, and an eerie silence that hung heavy in the air. Ray's eyes narrowed as he examined the signs, his mind piecing together the puzzle.

"Whatever this creature is, it's powerful," Ray murmured to himself. "And it's causing a lot of damage."

As he continued to follow the trail, he noticed something peculiar—a faint, almost imperceptible hum in the air. His eyes darted around, searching for the source. He approached a cluster of bushes, his fingers brushing against a sticky substance.

"Webbing," Ray mused, his lips curving into a grim line. "This is the work of a skilled predator."

Pichu's ears twitched, its gaze fixated on the same bushes. The electric Pokémon seemed to sense the danger as well.

With cautious steps, Ray moved closer to the source of the humming. The ground trembled underfoot, a subtle vibration that sent a ripple of unease through his body. And then, he saw it—a massive web, stretched between the trees like a gossamer trap.

Ray's heart quickened as his eyes scanned the surroundings. This was no ordinary spider. It was an endrega queen, a monstrous creature capable of commanding a hive of deadly minions. His Witcher knowledge flashed before his eyes, memories of previous encounters with these formidable beasts.

The realization settled over him like a heavy shroud. "An endrega queen," he muttered, his voice laced with caution. "No wonder Elarion's farm has suffered so much."

Pichu's ears twitched, its gaze fixated on the same bushes. The electric Pokémon seemed to sense the danger as well.

With cautious steps, Ray moved closer to the source of the humming. The ground trembled underfoot, a subtle vibration that sent a ripple of unease through his body. And then, he saw it—a massive web, stretched between the trees like a gossamer trap.

Ray's heart quickened as he examined the web, his fingers tracing the intricate patterns. "A trap," he realized, his voice tinged with caution. "The creature is luring its prey here."

Just as the realization struck, a deafening screech tore through the air. Ray's gaze snapped towards the source of the sound, his hand instinctively moving to the hilt of his silver sword. Emerging from the shadows, the endrega queen revealed herself, her massive form an unsettling sight.

The creature's body was a grotesque amalgamation of chitinous plates and spindly legs. Its multiple eyes glinted with malice, and venomous mandibles clicked with anticipation. Ray's Witcher instincts kicked in, his senses sharpening as he assessed the threat before him.

Pichu's fur crackled with energy, a low growl rumbling from its throat. The electric Pokémon was prepared for whatever challenge lay ahead.

With a guttural hiss, the endrega queen lunged forward, her legs propelling her with unnatural speed. Ray's training kicked in, his body moving with the precision of a well-honed blade. He sidestepped the initial strike, his silver sword arcing through the air in response.

The blade connected with the endrega queen's exoskeleton, the impact reverberating through Ray's arms. But the creature's armor was formidable, and the strike merely left a shallow gouge. The endrega queen screeched in fury, her mandibles snapping dangerously close to Ray's face.

With a swift motion, Ray disengaged and leaped back, putting some distance between himself and the creature. He focused his mind, channeling the Igni sign. Fire burst forth from his outstretched hand, a torrent of flames that engulfed the endrega queen's web.

The creature screeched in agony as her territory turned into a battlefield of fire and fury. Her legs thrashed, the frenzied movements a testament to her desperation. But Ray's resolve was unyielding, his willpower channeled into the flames that danced around him.

Pichu's electric energy crackled, its form glowing with power as it unleashed sparks that sizzled through the air. The combined assault of fire and electricity sent shockwaves through the clearing, the very ground trembling beneath the force of their attacks.

The endrega queen's once-deadly movements grew sluggish as the flames licked at her form. Her hisses turned to desperate cries, and her once-mighty strikes faltered. Ray seized the opportunity, his silver sword gleaming with deadly intent.

With a swift and precise strike, Ray's blade found its mark, piercing the endrega queen's exoskeleton. The creature let out a final, haunting screech before collapsing, her reign of terror coming to an end in a final burst of flames.

The clearing fell into silence, the echoes of battle replaced by the crackling of embers and the steady hum of the forest. Ray's chest heaved as he wiped the sweat from his brow, his heart pounding from the adrenaline of the fight. Pichu's energy began to subside, the electric Pokémon's form returning to its usual state.

Ray stood amidst the aftermath, his breathing gradually returning to normal. The endrega queen's threat had been eliminated, and the forest seemed to sigh in relief. The creature's massive form lay sprawled on the forest floor, its once-menacing presence now reduced to a lifeless husk.

With a sense of purpose, Ray approached the fallen monster. His silver sword gleamed as he made a precise cut, separating the creature's head from its body. The blade carved through the tough exoskeleton, a testament to its sharpness and the Witcher's skill.

The severed head was a grotesque sight, its multiple eyes staring blankly into the distance. Ray's expression remained neutral as he picked up the head, his movements steady and deliberate. With a low exhale, he secured the head in a pouch at his side, the creature's death serving as both proof of his victory and a means to claim the bounty that awaited him.

After securing the head, Ray made his way back to Elarion's farm, his horse carrying the weight of the victory behind him. The farmer spotted him from a distance, his eyes widening as he took in the sight of the Witcher's gruesome trophy.

Elarion's expression shifted from shock to awe, his voice a mixture of disbelief and elation. "You did it! You've brought down the beast!"

Ray dismounted his horse and approached Elarion, the pouch containing the endrega queen's head in his hand. "Proof of the endrega queen's demise," he said, his voice calm and composed.

Elarion's gaze fixed on the pouch, a mixture of fascination and trepidation in his eyes. "It's... it's quite a sight."

Ray's lips curved into a half-smile as he handed the pouch to Elarion. "The danger to your farm is no more. You and your livestock can rest easy now."

Elarion accepted the pouch, his fingers brushing against the rough material. "Thank you, Witcher. You've rid us of a terrible menace."

Ray inclined his head, his voice carrying a note of professionalism. "It's my duty."

Elarion's excitement was palpable as he spoke, his gratitude clear in his words. "We owe you a debt of gratitude. You've saved not only our livelihood but our lives as well."

Ray's gaze met Elarion's, a shared understanding passing between them. "I'm glad I could help."

Elarion's eyes gleamed with appreciation as he gestured toward the stables. "Come, my friend. Let's not waste any more time. Your reward awaits you."

With a nod of agreement, Ray followed Elarion to the stables, his steps accompanied by the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant hum of the forest. The sight of the stables brought a sense of anticipation, and Ray's curiosity grew as he wondered what kind of horse awaited him.

As they entered the stables, the rich aroma of hay and the soft nickering of horses greeted them. Rows of majestic creatures stood in their stalls, each one a testament to Elarion's skill as a horse breeder. Elarion led Ray to one stall in particular, where a chestnut horse stood, its coat gleaming in the dim light.

Elarion's voice held a note of pride as he spoke, "Here she is, a fine chestnut mare. Strong, reliable, and loyal."

Ray's gaze swept over the horse, his admiration evident. The animal's eyes held a mix of curiosity and intelligence, and Ray's heart warmed at the prospect of forming a bond with such a noble creature.

"She's beautiful," Ray remarked, his voice tinged with appreciation.

Elarion smiled, his eyes reflecting his genuine fondness for the horse. "She's yours, Witcher. A token of our gratitude."

Ray extended his hand, allowing the horse to nuzzle it gently. The connection was instant, a silent understanding passing between them. "Thank you, Elarion. This means a lot."

Elarion's smile widened, his satisfaction evident. "Take good care of her. She'll serve you well on your travels."

With a nod, Ray stepped into the stall, his movements calm and deliberate. He stroked the horse's neck, the sensation of her soft coat under his fingers a comforting reassurance. "I will."

As the sun's rays filtered through the stable's entrance, bathing the scene in a warm glow, Ray mounted his new companion. The chestnut mare seemed to sense his presence, her stance steady and welcoming.

Elarion's voice carried a note of parting as he spoke, "Farewell, Witcher. May your path be safe."

Ray's response was heartfelt, his voice carrying a promise. "Thank you, Elarion. And if our paths cross again, I'll be glad to aid you."

With a final nod of gratitude, Ray guided his chestnut mare out of the stable.

The forest beckoned, a world of mysteries and challenges awaiting him. As he rode beneath the canopy of trees, the whisper of the wind in his ears and the rhythm of hoof beats beneath him, Ray knew that every step he took was a step toward a future he believed in—one where unity, understanding, and the pursuit of justice would shape the destiny of the world he now called home.

His thoughts lingered on the encounter with the endrega queen, and the new power he had acquired from the creature's essence. He dismounted near a secluded glade, his senses attuned to the magic within him. As he channeled his power, a faint, ethereal light began to envelop the carcass, transforming its essence into a currency of possibilities. The very air seemed to hum with energy, and Ray felt a surge of power that transcended his physical form.

With a final burst of energy, the carcass vanished in a flash of light, leaving behind only the echo of its presence. Ray turned his gaze toward the symbols etched into the ground, now ablaze with vibrant energy. It was time to make his selection, to choose an ability that would become a part of him.

Taking a deep breath, Ray extended his hand toward the symbols, his fingers brushing against the glowing engravings. In the realm beyond, he visualized his desire, his intent to exchange the creature's essence for a new power. He felt a pull, a sensation of being drawn into the depths of the symbols' power.

And then, as if the fabric of reality had shifted, a surge of electricity crackled through Ray's body. His fingertips danced with arcs of blue energy, illuminating the clearing. The very air seemed to vibrate with power, and Ray's heart raced with exhilaration.

He spread his arms wide, palms outstretched, and summoned the newfound ability forth. From his fingertips, bolts of brilliant blue lightning erupted, casting an otherworldly glow. The power coursed through him, a force of nature under his command. The air crackled with energy, and Ray's laughter rang out—a blend of amazement and triumph.

The lightning danced between his hands, a manifestation of his will. He could feel the raw power surging within him, a connection to something greater. As he directed the lightning toward a nearby tree, it struck with a resounding crack and a shower of sparks.

With a deep breath, Ray lowered his hands. The symbols on the ground ceased their radiant glow, the magic subsiding. The forest seemed to sigh in response, as if acknowledging the transformation that had taken place.

Ray mounted his chestnut mare once again, a surge of anticipation coursing through him. He had acquired the power of force lightning, a formidable ability from a distant world.

Pichu's round eyes sparkled with excitement as it gazed at Ray, its tiny form pulsating with its own electric energy. The Pokémon's ears twitched with anticipation, its connection to Ray's newfound power resonating like a symphony of shared potential. Ray chuckled at Pichu's enthusiastic response, a sense of camaraderie forming between them that transcended the boundaries of their respective worlds.

"Seems like we've got something in common, buddy," Ray mused, his voice carrying a mixture of amusement and companionship. He extended a hand toward Pichu, allowing the electric Pokémon to nuzzle against his fingers.

With a playful jolt of its own electricity, Pichu responded, its small body crackling with bright sparks. It was as if the Pokémon was celebrating not only Ray's newfound power but the connection they shared—the bond that had grown between them amidst the trials and adventures they had faced together.

This chapter is pretty long !

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