
CHAPTER 6: Ghost Wei, your beloved fiancé doesn't even recognize you

"Who is Jun Wun Lu again?" I asked myself, already forgetting the people Ghost Wei told her about just last night.

"My sister... the one who stabbed you last night. She was supposed to have died in a carriage accident last year near this forest." a voice, once again sounded beside me.

I jumped in surprise and looked at her. "Where have you been!" I exclaimed loudly, forgetting that there is another person in front of me, albeit from a distance, up a branch of a tree. Although, I can be seen clearly. In his eyes, I must be losing my mind, talking to the air.

"Act normal, my fiancé is looking at you." Ghost Wei warned me.

Only did I remember I have an audience. I looked at the man up the tree and whispered to Ghost Wei.

"Your fiancé? The Crown Prince? Why doesn't he recognize you?" I asked.

The fiancé jumped down from the tree and went nearer to look at me closely.

"Seems like spending time in the forest made you lose your mind." He said. Although his face was almost as cold and expressionless as Ghost Wei, I can sense a faint concern in his voice.

"Talk with your mind, I can hear you. We are connected that way as well." Ghost Wei belatedly told me. I realized that all the things I rattled within me were heart by Ghost Wei all along.

"Why didn't you tell me? Is it just one way or two way? Because I can't hear anything from you!" I said with some annoyance. I felt that I was being played.

Ghost Wei shrugged my statement off. "I don't think unless you ask me. Mostly, my mind is blank as though I am in a constant state of sleep. But when you talk to me, I once again wake up and sense my surrounding. And then my thoughts are only limited to what you need to know." Ghost Wei explained.

That is a very detailed explanation, I thought. I did not notice that as I converse with Ghost Wei in my mind, I am having this blank look, like a dummy in a daze. Well, I was in a daze so I really didn't notice that the Crown Prince, Ghost Wei's fiancé, is already in front of me, looking at me closely. Not up the tree.

"Are you okay? What happened to your face? Have you always been here all this time?" the fiancé inquired. Browse almost touching, as though some thoughts are bothering his mind.

He is looking at me from head to toe. I looked at him... blankly. I really don't know what to say. At that moment, I still don't know his name. I don't think Ghost Wei mentioned his name.

To avoid having to explain a lot of things and to lie, which I totally am not good at, I come up with an excuse.

"I don't know. I woke up here last night with no memory so I can't really answer your questions..."

Yes, I decided to play an amnesiac lady.

"Ghost Wei, I am in your care. Walk me through this as I don't know anything in your world! Don't abandon me like you did this morning!" I exclaimed in my mind.