
CHAPTER 3: Spending the night in the Willow Forest to be Spirit Wild Beasts’ Food?

I have a lot of questions to ask, but I was also aware of how cold the night was. Not to mention the sound I was hearing…

"Awoo!..." a wolf's howl.

And when there is a wolf, there is a pack of them for sure.

I looked at the ghost Jun Wei Wei.

"Ahem, I don't think it is safe for me to be here. Do you have any idea of where to spend the night? I am too keen on being a pack of wolves midnight snack".

The ghost Jun Wei Wei stood up and looked at me. "Can you walk? There is a cave not far from here. You can cast a concealment spell so the wolves won't be able to see you or smell you."

I closed my eyes and felt my body. I have lost too much blood that standing up, much more walking is impossible for ordinary human beings in modern times… fortunately, I am not so ordinary. I breathe in deeply and borrowed energy from the tree behind me.

When I got enough, I opened my eyes and stood up. When the ghost Jun Wei Wei saw that, she gestured towards a direction, deep into the forest.

Somehow, I was following blindly, trusted her explicitly. I had no choice anyway. The forest was so dark; you can actually see the blackness in the surrounding. However, the ghost exudes this translucent, shimmering light around her that I was able to see a bit.

Unexpectedly, it was not a long walk. After half an hour of dragging my feet one step to another, we are at the opening of a cave. The opening is not that wide and if the ghost Jun Wei Wei did not point it out to me, I wouldn't have seen it. The opening is almost covered with vines.

Without a thought, I went inside.

It was pitched dark. Only did I realize something.

"Wouldn't I spook any bats here?"

Jun Wei Wei, the ghost, also let herself in and only then did I see a little of my surroundings.

It was not a big cave… if you call it a cave. More like a concave on a mountain. There are some rock formations on the wall which showed that the cave is sturdy and good enough for a temporary shelter. I really don't know much about caves and it is hard to see anything at the moment.

The ghost, Jun Wei Wei (and I should stop calling her that in my mind) is still standing on near the entryway as if waiting for something.

I looked towards her as though asking something.

"You have to do the concealment spell," she said. "if not, the wolves would still find us here. There are no ordinary animals here in the Willow forest. Because of the dense spiritual qi, all living creatures here have become spiritual beasts; else they won't survive this environment. At the moment, we are just at the outermost part of the Willow Forest so we will encounter wolves mostly. But the farther we go in, the more vicious the spiritual beasts are." She explained.

"ah, one, why should we go further into the woods? I don't think I can survive the wolves, what more the more vicious, powerful beast you mentioned. Two…how would I know how to cast a concealment spell? I just came into this world not two hours yet. " I exclaimed not a little astounded for what I am supposed to do.

The Ghost Jun Wei Wei (I decided to call her Ghost Wei) looked at me with that expressionless face. "I no longer have any qi energy. I can't do the spell. Sit down properly, I will teach you how to gather enough qi and use it to cast a spell."

Obediently, without any further delay, I sat and did what she instructed me to do. After almost an hour, the shield is up and I felt safer. I didn't doubt the effectiveness of the barrier that I can see faintly after I have cast the spell.

It was a bunch of trial and error as I still can't grasp the idea of qi – although Ghost Wei implied that I am already playing with it in my past life with my natural witch abilities.

I was thinking to relax when I felt that I am hungry. Frowning, I realized I have to force my hungry self to sleep tonight and try to think about food and all necessities tomorrow.

Tomorrow is another day to conquer. As of tonight, I need to sleep.

"Ghost Wei, I think I am too tired. I have to sleep now. Will you still be here tomorrow?" I asked, a bit afraid that she would be gone when I wake up. By then, I wouldn't have someone to help me out in this strange world. I want to be assured that she will stay with me.

However, she shrugged her shoulders. "I really don't know. I was thinking I would crossover already, but I didn't. As of now, I can't go far than 5 meters from you. Who knows what tomorrow's situation would be?".

Yes, indeed, who knows what tomorrow brings…but at the moment, I don't want to care. I just want to sleep.