
CHAPTER 1: Transmigrated and about to die again?

"Wake up, wake up!" somebody shouted too close to my ears, I can hear it ringing.

"Urgh!" I moaned in pain. To say that I have a headache, a grandmother of all headache is still an understatement.

I tried to open my eyes but they are so heavy. But my other senses slowly came back.

I felt the cold wind touched my bare arms. I can feel some liquid dripping from my forehead down to my chin and falling into the ground. I suppose it is blood because I just had an accident. But I feel weird as my position is off. If a car hit me, I should be lying or sprawling on concrete, the blood won't be dripping all over my face towards the ground; unless I got thrown and now hanging on something.

Then I felt my arms were being held left and right, with a hand grabbing my hair and pushed my head up "Ouch, this is not the way patients should be handle!" I complained in my mind. I can talk yet at the moment.

"Don't fall into oblivion yet. I am not finished yet…" I heard the voice of a young woman, not yet out puberty in front of me. "Open your eyes look at me!"

I then felt a bucket of water poured on my face.

By instinct, I opened my eyes and look around.

It is dark but I was surrounded by at least 5 people; two holding me down kneeling on the ground. The other two are behind the young lady who, moments ago, commanded me to wake up. The only light we have is that floating pear-like thing one of the guys at the young lady's back is holding.

The young lady looks to be 13 to 15 years of age, no more than that. This age supposed to have an innocent-looking face. The expression can be naughty or mischievous. But Kelly never met anyone who was mean-looking as this one.

While her oval face, small lips, obsidian eyes, and perfectly shaped brows showed an unparallel beauty, the intent to kill was just too evident that it covered whatever beauty that face has. So terrifying for a young lady to have such expression on the face!

My heart began to palpitate. I started to feel the pain of my scalp and my arms and shoulders as I was being held down. I then notice that we are not within the city. We are in a forest!

In the midst of an unknown place with five people surrounding me who obviously are intending to do me harm, who wouldn't get terrified!

Then a heard a villain-laugh coming from the young miss, so apt in this situation.

"Awake at last. I don't want you to die yet. I have destroyed your face and meridians you can no longer cultivate. All the things you are so proud of, I tore into pieces! And nobody will come to your rescue as I will go home as you!"

I really can't understand what the miss is saying. I can't understand how she can go home like me. I have brown, wavy hair and hazel eyes. My features are Hispanic while hers are that to a very beautiful, exotic (for me) looking, Chinese lady. How can she be me? I wondered.

She is wearing an ancient china dress, as though she was on a movie set. If I am not too aware of the pains I am feeling and the drop of blood on my face that doesn't say props at all, I would have thought I am being pranked and I am on a set.

But there is no camera light and I am held painfully I know this is for real.

This girl is also holding a bloody knife, a bloody knife!

"Jun Wei Wei, I will take over your identity and I will marry the Crown Prince. I am getting what should be mine, while you will die tonight, in these woods. No one will know better."

"Why?"I managed to croak out. I really don't know what brought this kid to such resentment to me. I don't even know her.

"Why? We are twins but I was given away to pheasants and lived in servitude for 8 years! While you, the Di daughter of the God of War, the General of Gu, was pampered by her brothers, father, and grandfather! When our father found me when we were 8 years old five years ago, he still treated us unequally. It was still you who has the best of everything! The genius, virtuous, beautiful and talented Jun Wei Wei! Nobody would even spare to look at Jun Wun Lu. We are identical but still, I am the lesser, unloved, and abandoned sister."

"And so, I staged an accident last year that caused the death of Jun Wun Lu and now I will resurrect as Jun Wei Wei". The young miss shared all the hurt she must have felt. If I wasn't the recipient of such hate, I would have consoled her.

Jun Wun Lu smirked before continuing. "Our father, brothers, and grandfather didn't even mourn for my death. For just a year you all got over of me. But the five years we are together, I learned everything about you. And this past year, I trained to be you. You don't know how long I have waited to be you at last!"

Then, with one swift move, she stabbed the dagger to my heart…

When the two guys saw I have lost consciousness and I am totally dead weight, they let me go.

One of the guys felt my pulse. When they felt that I no longer have any pulse, he stood up and reported I am dead.

The young lady's expression lost the hateful expression and don on an angelic visage. "Bring me home…" and with a powerful qing gong, the leap out the woods and went to who knows where…