
The witch of yin and yang

Fantasy Romance
Ongoing · 1.4K Views
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What is The witch of yin and yang

Read The witch of yin and yang novel written by the author Ellie_Marriott on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Fantasy Romance stories, ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


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你见过男美人么? 你见过蛇蝎心肠!智商逆天!心狠手辣又孤寡一生的男美人么? 重生后,面对系统的陆绵咬牙切齿的表示: 她!遇!到!过! 上辈子,她就是就脑子发昏,拜倒在男主那个蛇蝎boss的美人计里。 身为恶毒女配,下场凄惨是标配。 但是! 站在镜子前,陆绵狠狠的对着镜中漂亮美艳的御姐脸扇了一巴掌。 陆绵啊陆绵,长着这么漂亮一张脸!做个啥明星的不好么! 就算!就算…… 她是栽在季辞这个长得绝世美人大帅比身上,这波不愧! ——但是美貌之下,吃人不吐骨头的蛇蝎大佬、他心狠手辣! 这一次重生。 带着恶毒女配系统,陆绵发誓。 这辈子,惹不起她躲得起,哪位惊才绝艳,腹黑逆天的绝美总裁大佬,拜拜了您哎! …… 她就是自戳双目,也绝对不会再被美貌冲昏了头脑! 身为女配,心里有数。 陆绵想好了,她就躲在这海边小别墅里,哪也不去。 但是! 海浪声声,她脸色惨白的看着被海水打晕到自己小别墅边上……湿淋淋的美少年。 阳光照着那张绝美的脸上,水滴都犹如钻石。 少年纤长的睫毛蒲扇,大狼狗失忆秒变不会说话的软萌小奶狗, 那双漂亮的像是说:“姐姐,求收养~” ———— 前期,蛇蝎大佬失忆秒变小狼狗美少年,追着女主姐姐走。 (后期,总裁恢复记忆,女追男浪漫妖艳。)

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Raven Russo , famously known as The Red Angel Of Death . She is the Donna of the Italian mafia . She is your best day dream but your worst nightmare all in one . But is there more to her than she lets on ? Is she all they say she is ? Or is she more than what they say ? What secrets does she hide under that beautiful smile ? Jaxon Hawk , also known as The Devil Without Horns . He is the Don of the American mafia . The girls worship at his feet and the men hide away from him . He is said to be ruthless without an ounce of humanity left it him . Love . Heartbreak . Loyalty . Dishonor . And so much more . But what happens when it isn't just themanymore ? Not every couple can over come the opticals that comes between them . A bigger threat is on the rise , is love enough to get them through it or will a new love be born between more than just them and be what saves them ? " Forever will I miss you and my heart will forever scream your name . My time of freedom has come to an end and my debts are due . If we are to ever meet again , my mind , soul , body and heart will be in the palm of your hands and you shall be able to choose weather you break it or not .With all my love , R. " She left that note right by a single rose that shined in the midnight moonlight . It's been 7 years . I was 17 and she was 18 when she left . I never understood why she left . I promised that if I ever found her , I'd never let her leave me again . But is that really what I want now ?

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