
The Witch of Raisaya Kingdom

The witch has kidnapped the Prince of the Raisaya Kingdom Prince Curtis Redwing in order to get what was hers but was taken away from her. The plan is perfect. The King will arrive and save his son and she'll get what she wants in return. But will it really go her way? *Please Mind My Typos. I'm not a professional in the field of writing. But I really enjoy writing stories*

Yahooligan_683 · Fantasy
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17 Chs


The night on that day specifically was dark and stormy. Unusual and mysterious aura surrounded the castle. The royal courtiers anticipated the King's decision. The war was the next day and it decided the future of the kingdom. Desperate to win the king did something that any other king would have done according to him. Making a deal with a witch would likely bring him victory.

"Pleased to see you here witch Leilani. I hope you faced no problems arriving here."

The witch bowed down in respect.

"The pleasure is mine Your Highness. How can I do you a favor?"

"You have a reputation among the citizens of blessing poor souls with welfare and victory. I must say, you must be one of a kind" the king smiled.

"oh that's nothing much Your Highness! I'm so glad that you noticed my deeds and showered me with such kind words."

"I hope that you will help me out won't you? I need your incredible blessing to help me succeed. After all, I'm doing this for everyone. I'm risking my life for my people, so Leilani, please help me out." He said, holding Leilani's hands tightly. Leilani was taken aback by the King's behaviour. She couldn't refuse his order.

" Your Highness. It would be a pleasure, to help you in need. I feel that... You need my help in blessing you, to win this war am I right?" she asked

"Smart just as I expected... Yes indeed, I need to win this war. And this is not for me. But for my people. You have to do this Leilani, you are an exceptional witch with a warm heart. You'll help those in need. And, isn't this a chance to make everything better between witches and humans." His words made Leilani go in delima. She had to make a right decision, but what should she do? Either way.... The results would be bad. She took a long sigh and pulled back her hands from the King's grasp.

" Your Highness.... I may accept the offer to help you, but this would be my first and the last time. I must tell you that, it may have blessings but if it's away from for more than 5 days, it also may turn into a curse. Please do return this-" she said handing him her Soul Stone. The Stone shined in the moonlight which seeped through the windows, the courtiers began whispering among themselves, marveling over the beautiful gem stone in front of their eyes.

" - safely to me. This is my Soul Stone. It not only curses you, but me too. You must return it to me before anything goes wrong.... Or before I die. I'm trusting you with this." she said, the King smiled and patted her shoulder.

"Thank you for trusting me with your life Leilani. I will repay your favor with something that you might not expect."

"I'll be waiting for you to return Your Majesty. And I hope for your victory" She said as she saw the king walking out of the court.

The king easily won the war and secured his position as the King Of Raisaya. However, the stone was never returned... As for the curse, it was bound to happen. The kingdom flourished but the King's wife, was cursed with an illness. She was bedridden and couldn't remember anything that had happen. As for the witch, she fell into a deep slumber and left everything into the hands of her daughter, who didn't know when she would wake up but waited patiently to see her mother's lovely smile again.... The stone must be brought back at all costs.

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