
The Witch of Raisaya Kingdom

The witch has kidnapped the Prince of the Raisaya Kingdom Prince Curtis Redwing in order to get what was hers but was taken away from her. The plan is perfect. The King will arrive and save his son and she'll get what she wants in return. But will it really go her way? *Please Mind My Typos. I'm not a professional in the field of writing. But I really enjoy writing stories*

Yahooligan_683 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 2

Prince woke up in a small, disheveled hut-like looking place. A very sour smell hit his nose making him want to vomit.

"Where.... Where am I? Who are you!?!" bounded to the chair, Prince tried to first pull the ropes out, but after seeing Luria right in front of him, he moved a bit backwards.

"You are the Prince of Raisaya Kingdom, Prince Curtis Redwing. A reminder just in case if your memories vanished due to a shock... Or my magic" Luria mumbled the last part.

"I know who I am! Who are you?! Why have you abducted me despite being fully aware of my identity!?! Do you have a death wish!? Are you not aware that this would cost you your life?! Do you not care for your life!?!" The Prince shouted, trying to mask his nervousness behind his loud voice.

" My apologies for making you uncomfortable, my prince." She said, unbothered by his threats. "But do you you think, anyone would come to know about this? And to answer your question, yes, I'm fully aware of what it would cost me and what it won't but some things must be sacrificed for a gain. And... You don't need to know who I am. I'm just a mere witch."

He was shocked by her confession, his eyes widened but he quickly shook it off "Of course!!" he said to sound as brave as possible "If His Majesty heard of it, then he would-" he hesitated

"He would what, my Prince? Kill me? Could your father do anything for you?" Curtis couldn't answer her question. Would his father do anything for him? Would he send army and troops in search of his so called 'beloved' son? He wouldn't.... Never in his life, he has seen his father make a decision that was truly beneficial for him or was for the sake of his happiness. Being a Prince was hard for him. He never saw him as a father figure, but more as the King of Raisaya. Who would sentence him for any mistake he did. Being a perfectionist was more of a choice for him. Maybe, by being a perfect future king of the kingdom, he could make a place for himself in his father's heart. As much as he hated the King for pretending as if his son never existed, he wanted the King to open up to him and love him more. As pathetic as it sounds, it's the bitter truth of the Prince, which had been hidden from the world ever since his mother was cursed by a cruel faith.

"Your father, His Majesty will definitely come to rescue you, my Prince" Luria sighed. Poor Prince might not have even a slightest idea of his father. As much as the King adore his status and the throne of course. He also values his people's words about him. He is never getting tainted in the dirt which was actually his son's fault. He is never going to pay for his son's sins. So before anything could go wrong, he'll save his son and Luria will get what she desires.

Prince lifted his gaze a bit too quickly for his liking, he seemed desperate. He bit his lips in embarrassment and turned away for from Luria's gaze as his cheeks flushed in the moonlight that seeped through the window. The light reflected on his face, making his features clearer in the slight darkness in the room. She hated to say that the Prince had the ideal face. Anyone could die for it. But not her, she doesn't gets swayed just by looks.

"I'm not lying to my Prince. I know His Majesty would come to rescue his only son and the heir of the throne. And that's what I want." she said slightly smirking while the prince furrowed his brows in confusion. "To be precise, your dear father has something of mine. And since he hasn't returned it to it's rightful owner, I took what was his. Pretty cool right? I have no intentions of harming you since nothing of mine has been destroyed. However, if he does something, I might have to do it as well. What you have to do is cooperate and pray that your father doesn't make any hilarious decisions, for the price for those decisions will be you. "

" What is it that you desire so much that you went this far? " Escaping was on his list, but what was in his mind right now was curiousity.

" That's for me to know and your father to remember " she said as she threw him a careless wink and walked away. Prince isn't here for too long according to her. Now all she has to do is see, what moves the King makes. Its exciting, as if the game of chess is being played. No sides has any idea of the decision one is going to make.