
The Witch Hats Quest for Curse Curing Magic: A Tale of Adventure

The soul of the Elemental Witch is trapped inside her witch hat, causing her to forget everything! After centuries of wandering as a soul-bound witch hat, a new person enters her life - an apprentice witch whose goal is to cure the curse plaguing her. They quickly become friends, but the apprentice falls unconscious due to the curse. Before losing consciousness, she boldly proclaims her last wish to the witch hat: "Use my body to find the magic that can cure the curse and have awesome and wild adventures!" The witch hat, finally able to leave the labyrinth, sets on a journey to find a cure for her friend's curse and embarks on a spectacular adventure.

Delsuin1 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

The Hellhounds

Chapter 4 The Hellhounds As the witch hat's soul merged with Kailey's soul, a bloodthirsty and scorching aura filled the laboratory, breaking the silence with the howls of ferocious hellhounds. The hellhounds, howling with rage seemingly punished for their failure to capture the lost soul, began emerging from the gate that suddenly appeared in the middle of the laboratory, the leader of the pack, barked out orders as they ran out of the gate. They unleashed their innate flames, creating a blaze that scorched everything in its path. The fire even spread to some adjacent rooms burning some of the contents inside. Normally, a human's body would melt under such conditions, causing severe and irreversible disfigurement. However, as an apprentice witch, Kailey had natural fortification that was honed through the cultivation of her magical energies. By manipulating these energies the fortification can become denser when focused using the magic circuits in ones body, because of this she was able to withstand the heat emanating from the fire, which was only enough to melt some of her skin, but as a precaution she cast a ice-type barrier spell in case it got worse. Sensing the activation of a spell, the hellhounds prepared to attack the magic user, but when they saw it was a little girl they relented from their aggression. They continued with their search, scouring every nook and cranny, after finding nothing, they solemnly retreated into the gate aware of the punishment they would receive from their superior would not be a kind one. Once Kailey confirmed the gate along with the hellhounds were gone, she cast a wind spell to get rid of the ashes and smoke left behind from the paper, furniture, and lab equipment. When all of the debris was transferred out of the ruins through the air, Kailey noticed that the witch hat on the ground was somehow unharmed, only left with some scorch marks. The soul that merged with Kailey's soul came out from her body with a contract stating, The one who signs this contract is the sole owner of this object's soul until the day the initiator of the contract's soul is destroyed and is unable to come back with reincarnation, in addition any knowledge and abilities that are held within the object will only be given to the initiator of the contract if the contracted soul wishes to divulge the knowledge and or abilities it has within itself.