
The Witch and Her Villains Son

Circa, an evil witch must try to keep her long-time friend Raven in her circle of witches. Raven wants out of this world of evilness since Circa uses her powers to harm. Raven keeps her secret from Circa. When Raven is introduced to Circa's son, she falls for him. Caleb, Circa's son falls for Raven and convinces her that his mom is not evil. But when Caleb finds out about how his mom is truly evil, Raven and Caleb defeat her and her evil powers.

christina_funera · Fantasy
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27 Chs

No Appearance For The Wicked

Circa is one evil witch. She's going to ruin her old town and make so many enemies, and she doesn't even care. She doesn't care who she hurts, all she wants to do is to become the worst witch there will ever be! She's just as wicked as Alatar; he turned her into a demon of his, and now she will go to extremes for him. She will ruin her old town and not think twice about it. The weird thing is that she does not recall this being her old town, she has no memory of her life here. She has no memory of having friends and family here since Alatar made her one of his demons.

Even Alatar knows he has her right where he wants her, if he did not, then she would not be the way that she is with him. There is only one person that will know who she is, and that is Nija. The reason he will know who she is is that she must find him and inform him of Alatar's plan for them to take over the world. She must make her appearance shown to him if she wants this to work. There are times when she thinks to herself that she wants to do this on her own, she wants to show Alatar what she can do for him.

When Circa arrived and finished walking down the train tracks, she ended up turning off into a cornfield. She changed her appearance before she started walking through, she figured in case she would see someone they would not know who she really is. She changed her medium-length, brown hair to long black hair and her facial features are more prominent than they really are. As she roams the cornfield, she pushes away all the corn stalks that are in her path and races through the rest of the cornfield.

At the end of the cornfield is an open field. There is nothing there except land. So she walks through the field, looking around expecting to see something come her way, but she doesn't. While she walks, she squints as if she's lost. But she can't be lost, she's supposed to find her way.

So, she walks further down the open land and comes to a forest of trees. While she walked deeper into the forest, she suddenly had a feeling inside of her body, it was a burning sensation. She stopped quickly as she felt the burning sensation and pondered about what it could be or where this feeling came from. Then that feeling suddenly left her body. She has no idea as to why that happened to her, like out of the blue.

There is no one around her, the forest is as quiet as a ghost, so she cannot figure out why that had happened, so she keeps walking further through the forest searching for Nija. She's not gonna find him in a forest, so looking for him there is probably a waste of her time.

Circa doesn't even know where she had lived since she lost her memory of living in Salem, so even if she walks by or stops at her house, she will not know that the house is hers. This is how badly Alatar has her under control. So now she must try to find her way around her old town with no memory of it.

Circa keeps roaming the town, trying to find Nija. But the only thing is, Ninja does not know she's in town, so he has no idea of her trying to find him. Nija is planning on doing as he is told and capturing Caleb. Alatar wants Caleb to be on his side of his demons. Alatar knows how powerful Caleb is and he is the only one who can make Alatar's world complete.

Circa and Nija must meet up soon so that they can plan their capture of Caleb. Circa doesn't remember that she has a son so she will not know who Caleb is when they try to capture him. The only thing is that when Circa finds Nija, she must reveal who she really is to him since she changed her appearance. So when she finds him, she must take him to a safe place and reveal herself to him.

It's near dark and Circa has not seen Nija yet. She pretty much searched for him throughout the forest and cornfield, so now she's going to go into the town where she will find him. She feels that's where he will be since he likes to check out women.

When she arrives in the town, the first place she walks to is the nearest club. Nija likes to party, so she has a good feeling about stopping at the club first. She's still in her wicked appearance as she goes into the club, she looks around the front of the club and does not see Nija. She then goes to the back of the club where the pool tables are, she looks in the corner by one of the pool tables and sees Nija kissing some girl.

Circa stops and thinks of how she's going to get his attention. Moments later, she walks up to Nija, grabs his arm, and says, "Hey babe. What are you doing? Come with me now!" Nija looks at her with the most confusing facial expression, but Circa does not give him enough time to even say a word back, she kinda drags him by his arm and they walk outside.

Circa wanted the girl Nija was kissing to think she was his girlfriend. That's how she got him away from her. She couldn't reveal herself right there in the club. That's all she could come up with at that moment.

Circa and Nija head outside of the club and she takes him around the building. She looks for a safe place to reveal who she is to him. Nija just is as confused as ever. He has no idea what is gong on.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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