
The Witch and Her Villains Son

Circa, an evil witch must try to keep her long-time friend Raven in her circle of witches. Raven wants out of this world of evilness since Circa uses her powers to harm. Raven keeps her secret from Circa. When Raven is introduced to Circa's son, she falls for him. Caleb, Circa's son falls for Raven and convinces her that his mom is not evil. But when Caleb finds out about how his mom is truly evil, Raven and Caleb defeat her and her evil powers.

christina_funera · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Head Over Heels

Raven reads through the book of shadows to Caleb trying to find something, anything that she can come across that will give her details about everything she must know about witches, demons, casting spells, and just about anything that she can find. Raven and Caleb sit on the bed, while Raven reads the book to Caleb all he can do is stare at her. He is mesmerized by her beauty and cannot take his eyes off her, not even for a second.

A few times when Raven looked at him she noticed that he was staring at her but she did not think anything of it. She likes it when he stares at her, she's falling for him so she wants him to fall for her also. She even starts flirting with him.

Raven begins to give him sexy looks with her sky-blue eyes. Caleb notices that she's flirting with him, but he likes it and lets her keep flirting. Caleb makes a few jokes and Raven laughs at them whether she likes them or not, she draws his attention to her lips as she rolls her tongue all over her top and bottom lip, making them wet-looking. When she pauses reading the book, she compliments him, mentions how nice and neat his hairstyle is, likes the way that his hair is cut, and informs him how much she loves brown eyes.

Then she starts teasing him. She mentions that he must go to the gym because of how muscular he is, then she tells him that the shirt he's wearing looks good on him. After that, she reaches over to him and rubs his arm, and says, "Wow! I love your arms, they are very muscular!" Caleb chuckles after she says that to him.

The two of them are falling head over heels for each other so suddenly. They both keep flirting back and forth while they read through the book of shadows. It's pretty obvious to them that they now know they are flirting back and forth with each other, so Caleb suddenly leans in close to Raven and kisses her on her sweet lips. Then quickly, he backs away. Raven looks at him and asks him why he did that and all he could say to her was that he felt like she would get mad if he kept on kissing her.

Raven pulls him close to her and kisses him. Moments later, they are kissing passionately, their tongues touch and they kiss for nearly ten minutes. Certainly, they did not know they would fall for each other, this happened so suddenly and they are liking these feelings for one another. But there is one secret that Caleb is hiding and that is, he's Circa's son!

He's not quite sure if he should tell Raven yet or just wait to tell her until he knows for sure that they will be in a relationship.

Moments later, Caleb backs away from kissing and flirting with Raven. Raven asks him why he got like that so suddenly and all Caleb could say to her was that he wanted to take things slow, he did not want to rush things with them. Raven got a bit upset but she did end up agreeing with him. She thought that that might be the best thing for now since they have more important things to do right now.

They continued to read the book of shadows, but they did not find anything that would give them any certain details about witchery. Raven closes the book quickly and says, "Let's go grab a bite to eat, I'm done with this book!"

Raven and Caleb got up from her bed and left her house, they headed to the nearest restaurant, which is only about five minutes from her house on Long Hollow Pike. Once they arrived at the restaurant, they sat in the booth in the corner of the restaurant. They wanted to be away from people so that they could talk about things and no one would hear them. Especially about witchery.

The waitress came over to their booth and Raven and Caleb ordered a coffee to start. While they wait for their coffee, Caleb sits quietly, Raven doesn't know why he's being so quiet so she decides to ask him. The only reply that Caleb could come up with is that there is no reason he's quiet, he just wants to enjoy their time together. But he lied about that to her, the thought of just telling Raven all about him keeps racing through his head.

He thinks to himself, "What's it gonna hurt if he tells her the truth about everything? He can't lose something that he does not have at the moment."

Caleb figures that if he mentions everything to her, what's he going to lose? He's so into her that he wants to do the right thing and tell her about his whole life, past, and present. The waitress finally arrives, with their coffee, it seemed like she took forever to bring it to them. Caleb was a bit relieved because he decided to just tell her the whole truth and he began to say something to her.

The waitress set their coffee on their table and asked if they were ready to order. They were both ready so Raven started with her order. She orders a chicken salad, and Caleb orders a steak dinner that comes with two sides, he orders mashed potatoes and green beans.

They sip on their coffee and wait for their dinner to arrive. The restaurant is getting pretty packed so hopefully, their dinner doesn't take too long to arrive.

Raven sips her coffee and slowly sets the cup on the table and says, "I'm seriously so lost right now, I can't find my friend, Circa. I don't know where to even look for her!" Caleb sits there with a nervous look on his face because Circa is his mom. Not that he knows where she is, but just the fact that she's his mom, and Raven does not know that she is! Caleb sees some sadness in Raven's eyes, he must decide whether or not he will tell her about himself and Circa.