
The Witch and Her Villains Son

Circa, an evil witch must try to keep her long-time friend Raven in her circle of witches. Raven wants out of this world of evilness since Circa uses her powers to harm. Raven keeps her secret from Circa. When Raven is introduced to Circa's son, she falls for him. Caleb, Circa's son falls for Raven and convinces her that his mom is not evil. But when Caleb finds out about how his mom is truly evil, Raven and Caleb defeat her and her evil powers.

christina_funera · Fantasy
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27 Chs

In His Honor

Raven feels so connected to Caleb. Especially now that she knows who he is and what he used to be. She doesn't care that he used to be a warlock, all that matters now is that he changed and got out of their circle of demons. She has so much more honor for him knowing that he left the demon circle. She also feels more secure having him on her side.

Raven wants to be in a relationship with Caleb and she knows he wants to be with her, but there is that one little block, Circa is his mom! She did not even know she had a son! Now, all Raven keeps thinking is, what else hasn't Circa told her? Is she really the person that she knows or is she someone that she doesn't even know?

Raven loves Caleb and Caleb loves Raven so there really isn't much that someone can do to keep them apart. But then there is that one person who probably can keep them apart, and that is Circa.

Raven decides to keep their relationship a secret, just for now. First, they must find Circa and find out what happened to her. She's hoping the worst didn't happen. She's hoping that she has not been taken over by the warlock. Caleb doesn't even know what happened to her, all they know is they must find her soon.

Raven finished everything that she had to do early, so she decides to walk over to Caleb's house, which is Circa's house and it is not far from her house. She wants to surprise Caleb anyway. Ten minutes later she arrived at Caleb's, she can't even say Circa's house because she has no idea what happened to her. She knocks on the door and Caleb answers on the fourth knock.

Raven stands at the front door, Caleb opens the door and Raven starts chuckling. Caleb stands in front of her wearing a cook's apron. Raven just thought that was so funny. Caleb asked her what is so funny and she just pointed to the apron and said, "I love the apron," she chuckled.

Caleb is surprised to see her at his front door. He thought he was going to pick her up. He doesn't complain, he is just surprised. Thankfully he already has the dinner table set up, he wanted that to be the biggest surprise for her. When they walk inside, Caleb leads her to his dining room. He doesn't want her to see the dinner table just yet, so he pulls out a chair at the small table in the dining room and Raven sits down.

Caleb gives her a kiss on her cheek then he sits down across from her. Caleb says, "I'm making dinner but it's not ready yet. It will be ready in about a half-hour." "It's okay. I am early. I'm not in any rush," Raven replied.

For the next half-hour, they sit and talk in the dining room. Caleb goes back and forth to the kitchen to check on their dinner. The last time he checks on the food, it's done, so he sets the food neatly on their dinner plates, pours them a glass of wine then calls Raven to come in the kitchen.

When Raven walks to the kitchen, she stops at the opening that leads into the kitchen. She stood in the doorway, still, she stared at the dinner table, her jaw dropping a bit. She is surprised at how nice it looks. Caleb looks at her, grabs her hand, and brings her around to her chair. He pulls out the chair and she sits down. Caleb sits across from her.

Before they start eating, Caleb asks her if everything is okay. She looks at him and says, "Oh My Gosh! Yes. Everything is so perfect. I love it, I love the way the candles smell also!" "Oh damn. Hold on a second, I'll be right back," Caleb replied. Raven wonders what he's going to do next. She waits for him to get back. No sooner than five minutes later, he returns with a big bouquet of red roses! Raven looks at the roses and becomes stunned.

She blurts out, "OMG. Are those for me?" Caleb walks close to Raven, sets the bouquet on the table then leans in and kisses Raven! After they kiss, Caleb tells her that those are for her. Raven shakes her head slowly, back and forth, and says, "I love 'em. They are beautiful. Thank you." Caleb kisses her again and tells her that she's welcome.

Raven becomes stunned by all the beautiful gestures Caleb makes toward her! She falls for him even more, she never had a man do something like this for her. She becomes quiet, everything is just so astonishing to her that all she can do at the moment is staring at everything Caleb has done for her!

Raven thinks to herself for a moment and decides that she will honor Caleb the way that a man should be honored. She feels that she has found her mate and she will do everything and anything she can to keep him. Raven looks to Caleb and informs him how much she appreciates what he did for her tonight! She thanks him and then tells him how much she loves her flowers. Caleb becomes happy that she appreciates what he had done for her, he gives her a smile and says, "let's start eating."

The two of them eat their dinner, and while they sip on their wine, Caleb starts to talk about Circa. Caleb asks Raven how well she knows Circa and Raven mentions to him that she's known her since a young age. Then he asks her how well they got along while she was here. Raven said that they got along fine, they became best friends and she really likes her! Then Raven informs Caleb that when she became a witch, Circa became a witch and she seemed to be the leader, but then she started acting differently like she became someone else. Then after that, she never saw her again.