
The Witch and Her Villains Son

Circa, an evil witch must try to keep her long-time friend Raven in her circle of witches. Raven wants out of this world of evilness since Circa uses her powers to harm. Raven keeps her secret from Circa. When Raven is introduced to Circa's son, she falls for him. Caleb, Circa's son falls for Raven and convinces her that his mom is not evil. But when Caleb finds out about how his mom is truly evil, Raven and Caleb defeat her and her evil powers.

christina_funera · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Feelings Of Desire

Caleb is so relieved that Raven now knows who he is and was in the past. He thought that she would run from him once she found out about him, especially finding out that Circa is his mother. Now the two of them will go on a search for Circa. But first, they must come up with some sort of plan. Caleb has a strong feeling that he knows what has happened to her.

Now that Caleb can ease into a relationship with Raven, he longs for her to love him back, like the way that he loves her. He is finally satisfied that he told the truth to Raven, now all he can do is crave love from her. He strongly prays that she can love him the way that he loves her.

Now that he is finally comfortable with Raven, he informs her of his feelings for her. He mentions to her that he would love her to be his girl. Moments after he has told her that, she looks at him, smiles, and says, "I knew there was something that drew us together. I had a feeling of closeness with you and now I finally know why. It is because Circa is your mom." "You could be right. I had the same feeling when I first met you. I just did not know how to approach you about it," Caleb replied. "I'd love to be your girl!" Raven said.

The two of them finally hit it off. They decide not to rush into anything at first, they want to take things slow for now. They must find out what happened to Circa first and foremost. Since it is becoming late at night, Raven and Caleb walk back home together. While on their way, Caleb thinks to himself, he wants to ask Raven to stay at his house with him, but then he remembers that they decided to take things slow, so he does not ask her to stay with him just yet.

Caleb walks Raven home. When they arrive at her house, he walks her to the front door, kisses her, and says, "I'll see you tomorrow." Raven walks inside her house and heads to bed.

Caleb hated to leave her, but he knows he had to since they agreed upon taking things slow. His desire for her is so strong that he has a good feeling that their relationship will take off sooner than later. He feels like he must work at this relationship with her because he always got screwed over in the past, but he does not have to work for it, it will just come to him in the way that he wants it to.

After he made sure Raven got into her house safely, he walked home. When he arrived home, he went straight up the stairs and jumped in the shower. He wanted to cool off because all he could do was think about Raven and their relationship and what will happen next.

With the desire that he has for her, he even starts thinking about marriage. He knows he is thinking way overboard, but he cannot help his thoughts for her. He instantly fell in love with her. Now that he is at ease with Raven, he can start planning their journey to a long relationship.

As he lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling, he just remembered he had forgotten to mention Nija to her. It's not like Nija will ruin anything, he just wants to be as open as possible.

Caleb falls asleep suddenly.


Early the next morning Caleb wakes, and the first thing that he does is give Raven a good morning phone call. They talk on the phone for a bit and decide what they are going to do today. Caleb suggests that he pick her up and bring her over to his house for the day. She agrees to go over to his house, then she tells him that it will take her about an hour to get ready, so as soon as they hang up she jumps in the shower.

Caleb plans to have a nice breakfast and dinner with her. While he waits for her to finish getting ready, he stops at the grocery store, he picks up bacon, eggs, and orange juice. Then for dinner, he picks up chicken breasts, potatoes, and corn. After he picks up the groceries, he walks to the small department store right next door to the grocery store. He picks up two small candles and a small bouquet of flowers. He wants to surprise her with flowers! Then he wants to surprise her with a nice candle-lit dinner.

Caleb is going to show Raven just how he treats his girl. He feels that a man should treat his girl with love, tenderness, and respect, so that's what he's going to do.

After he finishes at the department store, he heads over to Raven's house. By the time he gets there, she should be done getting ready.

As soon as Caleb pulls up to her house, he sees her standing on the front porch. She walks to his car, Caleb gets out, and opens the door for her. He gets back in and drives off.

When they arrive at his house, they both go inside, Raven suddenly feels some force going through her body. She has no idea what it could be, but she feels something. She stops in the hallway, and Caleb turns around and asks her if she is okay. She informs him that she is and that she just felt something weird going through her body.

Caleb leads her toward the kitchen, he pulls out the chair from the kitchen table and she sits down. Caleb goes back to his car and grabs the groceries. For a minute, Raven thought that the feeling could be from Circa since this is her house, so when Caleb finishes grabbing the grocery bags she's going to have a talk with him about Circa.