
The Witch and Her Villains Son

Circa, an evil witch must try to keep her long-time friend Raven in her circle of witches. Raven wants out of this world of evilness since Circa uses her powers to harm. Raven keeps her secret from Circa. When Raven is introduced to Circa's son, she falls for him. Caleb, Circa's son falls for Raven and convinces her that his mom is not evil. But when Caleb finds out about how his mom is truly evil, Raven and Caleb defeat her and her evil powers.

christina_funera · Fantasy
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27 Chs

His Dark Secrets

Caleb has a thing for Raven, but he's unsure if he should mention it to her. Now that she's told him about who she is, and how she's friends with Circa, he thinks it's best not to reveal himself just yet. He wants to win her over before he mentions anything about his life. He was surprised when she didn't even realize Circa's jacket was still hanging on the coat hook by the door. He told her that she moved and he bought the house, he had to come up with something to say, he was not going to tell her that she didn't move.

Caleb often wonders why he cannot find the right woman for him. He knows that he's a nice guy and will do whatever he can for the woman he loves. He knows he would give the world to his girl, but then all the women that he's dated just leave him when he gets close to them. It's like the closer he gets the more he pushes them away. So now he's very cautious of who he gets close to. He wants to be in a relationship and be loved.

Caleb's last relationship seemed to be going great until he opened up to her. Once he opened up and informed her of his life, she left him without notice and he never knew why she had left him. She didn't care to even leave him a note as to why she left him, so now he's cautious of what he will reveal to Raven.

Caleb knows if Raven finds out who he is he will lose her just like he lost the only woman that he loved. Raven has already asked him to tell her about him and he had to come up with some excuse, even though he hated lying to her he knew he had to, at least for now. He didn't want to lose her already.

Now it's getting complicated since he saw Nija. He knows that Nija could easily reveal who he is. Nija could ruin his whole world, so now Caleb must stay on his good side whether he wants to or not. He hates that he must be like this, but this is the only way that Nija will not say a word about who he is to anyone. His whole life will be ruined and all he wants is to live a normal life just like the rest of the people.

He doesn't want to be looked at for who he is, what he can do, and where he comes from! He just wants to be loved, he's tired of being ridiculed every time his life is revealed. He realizes that this is the only way to get Raven to love him, maybe in time he will reveal who he is, but for now, he cannot!

Caleb must try to stay away from Nija if he wants his plan to work with Raven. He knows it's going to be hard now that Nija knows he's in town and where he lives, but Caleb also knows that Nija knows how powerful he is, so he's hoping Nija does not interfere with him and his plans! Caleb suddenly thought about getting rid of Nija once and for all, but he must be secretive with his plans on getting rid of Nija, this is the only way that his secrets will not be revealed to Raven. Nija is the most conniving, manipulative, deceitful warlock as they come and he will go to arm's length to do what he must do for the most powerful warlock of them all, "Alatar."

Caleb has dealt with Alatar before and Alatar will take extreme measures to get what he wants. Alatar can curse anyone who gets in his way. Alatar has tried to make Caleb one of his warlocks and Caleb was not having it, he fought him off with all of his powers and he won that battle against Alatar.

This time Caleb does not have much on his side to conquer Alatar as he did in the past. Nija and he is not friends anymore since Alatar took him and make him one of his warlocks and now he has captured his mother. So now who can he have on his side if things start to go wrong? Maybe if he reveals himself to Raven since she revealed herself to him, she won't leave him, maybe that would be the best thing that he could do. But he's still not sure of it, he must think this through before he makes his decision.

All of these thought race through his mind, and his first decision is to get closer to Raven. He must find out where she is living so he can have a long talk with her and maybe just maybe he will reveal himself to her. But first, he wants to see how she reacts when he asks her out on a date! If it seems like she's interested in going out with him, that is the first step toward his plans.

There is one little problem. Caleb does not know where she lives, he does not even know where to start looking for her. As he sits and thinks about how to get to Raven, the only thing he can come up with is looking her up on the internet. He is hoping it gives him a little of her personal information as her name and address since that is all he needs to know right now.

He scrolls through his phone and searches through many different pages to find out where she could live. It took him getting through about four other pages until he found her. A page from her high school years appeared and it was because she had received an award for best attendance throughout her school years. She did not miss a single day of school.

Caleb jots down her address on a piece of paper then hops in his car and drives off. As he drives to her house the only thing that runs through his mind is that he hopes she will invite him in and not think he is some crazy person since he found her address.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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