

after receiving the text message.

Jack can I absent tomorrow, is it ok with you?

And Jack nodded his head and say Yes.

I am so happy but I feel so nervous about this time. I am hoping that this opportunity is good to me.


KSLC company is one of the top company in the country. They are the most famous company in terms of food product. And also they are famous in their luxury hotels.

They a big arena in the city and also they have many business connections abroad.


I am like dreaming, thinking the opportunity I need to ride on. I take myself in a moment, I reminded the moment I dream to great accountant someday. My hope was renew and I hope this is the answer for prayers.

I founded myself imagining the things that able to happen in my life. After taking the time to picture out the things to happen and I am happily end it with a big smile in my face. I don't know why but I was determine to do what it takes to become a scholar of KSLC company.