
The Wind Around Us BNHA X OP!reader

Modern day high schooler Y/N dies by typical isekai truck, gets reborn in BNHA universe with wind powers, you get the gist Please help I can’t figure out how to change the book cover Boku no hero academia does not belong to me, this is purely a fanfiction.

Jiaafk · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

USJ pt.2


All Might and Nezu dialogue, scroll till next spacer to skip towards USJ POV




"The number you have dialed is not in service, or has been temporarily disconnected—"


I hang up before the automated voice can finish. I've already heard the same message several times, no need in hearing it again. 'Hm..I can't reach Thirteen or Aizawa...Whatever the reason, I am neglecting my teaching duties because of what happened outside of work hours. I did something very foolish. What if I go say something at the end? My body will last for another ten minutes or so..'  I thought, quickly taking on my muscular form, flexing a pose as I attempt to practice a few phrases.  "I WILL G—" I start coughing out blood before I can finish my sentence, hands dropping to my side as I stare down in worry and disappointment. The sound of the slide door opening catches my attention, so I turn to face the person, or..mouse (?) in this case.

"Hold your horses." Nezu says as he steps in the staff lounge, both hands behind his back as he stands with his heels touching.

"Principal Nezu!" I greet.

"Yes! Am I a mouse? A dog? A bear? My real identity is...the principal!" Nezu exclaims, waving a hand at me as I crouch down, shimmying over to my furry superior.

"Your fur is well-groomed today, as usual." I compliment, my signature smile unfaltering as he approaches me.

"The secret is keratin. Humans can't get this kind of color and luster. But let's talk about that later..Look at this!" Nezu exclaims as he pulls out a black rimmed tablet, turning it on and showing me an article. 'Shit, Curse the speedy media..' I finch upon the headings. "All Might Resolves Three Incidents in Only One Hour!" Nezu reads out for me, lowering his head to sigh. "The fault mainly lies with the ruffians who still cause trouble in this town even with you here, but you shouldn't react everytime you hear of an incident! You really haven't changed at all, have you? Your hero activities are limited because of your injury and its after effects. Along with that, you need to train your One For All successor. Since you insist on remaining the symbol of peace, the only way you can keep the world from finding out about both of those..is for you to come here. That's why I suggested you become a teacher." Nezu finished as I turn back, shifting into my smaller form, sighing. "I think you can stay here and relax for a little longer. In actuality, you can only teach this next class for a little bit, right?" The principal inquires and he crawled into the jade colored couch. "I'm the one who suggested it, but since you've accepted the position, I wish you'd prioritize your teaching duties." I shimmy closer to the coffee table, legs starting to strain in the crouch. "I mean, there are a lot of hero agencies in this town."

"It is as you say. But that is why I was preparing to go to USJ." I confess, my eyes unleaving the carpeted floor.

"Even if you went now, you would be forced to return right away, right? If that's the case, then you might as well listen to my theories on teaching—" 'He's pouring tea..' "—and use that to help you in the future..Have a drink." Nezu says, pushing a cup of tea towards me on the coffee table. 'He's always been long-winded. What bothers me most is that I didn't get a voicemail and couldn't connect at all..' "First of all, regarding the vulnerability and responsibility of being both hero and teacher.."

"You haven't changed at all either..sir."

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN FIGHT? ARE YOU STUPID?! These guys might kill All Might, right? You're contradicting yourself, Midoriya! The best plan would be to sit tight and wait for the U.A heroes to come save us of course!" Mineta wails, crying as he starts stomping on the boat.

"Are you a hero in training, or a sitting duck?" You asked, sweatdropping at the students childlike cries. " The villains down there will lose patience eventually, we need to be the ones that take action." You sigh, standing behind Tsu, looking down.

"Y/N, those guys down there..are clearly assuming we'll fight in the water, right?" Midoriya asks, cogs turning in his brain as he stares down at the villains treading water.

"Are you ignoring me?!" Mineta whines.

"Does that mean they knew what was in these facilities before they gathered people?" Tsu asks, eyes on the villains below as well.

"Of course, they're prepared in almost every way." You answer, eyes catching onto a few villains who were conversing.

"What do you mean almost every way? They've got us spread out and cornered, they've ready in every way, all ways!" Mineta shouts, starting to profusely cry again. 'I refuse to believe he became a hero on his own accord..'

"I mean, they sent Tsu here, the shipwreck zone. It's putting a frog in water, literally."

"What are you getting to?!"

Ignoring the cries of Mineta, you tune him out completely, looking over to Midoriya, who seems to have caught on. "It means, in other words, the villains don't know what our quirks are."

"Kero, that's true..If they knew that I was a frog, then they probably would have thrown me into that fire zone over there." Tsu shutters.

"They probably separated us because they didn't know our quirks, they planned to overpower us in numbers. We also have inferior numbers and less experience. Our only hope, lies in the fact that our opponents don't know what our quirks are!" He explains, looking back down at the villains below, waiting.

"They aren't climbing the boat, which also means they aren't underestimating us. But the waiting game can't go on forever, we need to get a plan and end this." You say, squinting over at the main area where Aizawa was still fighting. 'He's slowing down.'

"I'll tell you more about my quirk. I can jump high, stick to walls, and stick my tongue out up to about twenty meters. I can also spit out my stomach and wash it, and secrete toxic mucus that actually just stings a little..—the last two are practically useless, so you can probably forget about them." Tsu explains, crouching down as you and Midoriya follow.

"I already kind of knew, but you're really strong. I have super strength, but once I use it, I'm pretty much out of commission. It's like a double-edged sword." Midoriya shares, grimacing at the thought of breaking his bones again. Turning his gaze to you, who flinches under the stare.

"My quirk's pretty simple, simple but also extremely complex,versatile too. I can create blasts of wind, and probably anything else wind related you can think of. I don't usually toot my own horn, but I can play support, offense, and defense pretty well. I can also do long range, or short range attacks. I haven't experienced any extreme signs of quirk overuse for about 9 years, so I'm open for trying anything new." You shrug your shoulders with a sigh. slightly sweating under Midoriya's starry eyed gaze. 'I can feel his eyes burning into me..'

Mineta pulls off one of the spheres on his head, another one growing in quickly to replace it, "My quirk lets these stick super tight. Depending on how I'm feeling, they can even stick for a whole day. They grow back after I pull them off, but if I pull off too many, I'll start bleeding. They don't stick to me, they just bounce off.."


'Who let him in the hero course—?'

"THATS WHY I SAID WE SHOULD JUST WAIT QUIETLY! MY QUIRK IS TOTALLY UNFIT FOR BATTLE!" He starts crying, waving his hands about as Midoriya tries to calm him. Frantically reassuring him that his quirk was amazing, and all.

You suddenly feel a chill on your back, instantly grabbing Tsu, Midoriya, and Mineta into a protective hold as you roll to the side. Just in time, as a tremendously large hand made of water comes crashing down on the middle of the ship, splitting it in half almost.

"I'm getting impatient. Let's end this quickly!" A voice yells from below, the hydro form retreating.

"Damn, that's actually a really cool quirk.." you mutter, ducking to stay out of sight.

"Not the time right now Y/N." Midoriya says, squirming in your hold again.

"What power..the ship's broken." Tsu observes nervously, feeling the vibrating shake of the ship as it starts sinking.

"It's sinking, alarmingly fast too, hold on." You warn, putting your mask back on. "Just follow my lead, think of it as a game." You mumble, clumsily changing your oxygen holders. As soon as it's fixed on right, you rocket off into the air, Mineta and Midoriya letting out startled shouts as all three cling to you.

"Land us L/N, land us!" Mineta cries, waving about in your arms.

"Stop squirming or Ill drop you, you little rat." You say through grit teeth, struggling to balance in the air. "Throw all of those spheres on your head, now quickly." You instruct, flying a bit higher as Mineta follows your words. He starts firing off his quirk, his spheres bobbing in the water.

"W-Wha—? Y/N, what's your plan.." Midoriya trails off, eyes widening in realization.

'It seems he's caught on to his own idea' You smile, the grip on all three students loosening slightly as you turn to face Tsu. "Tsu!"


"I need you to take Mineta." You hand her the student as you would with a child, "I'm going to let go of Midoriya so he can send a punch straight into the water. I'm sure you know what will happen, Mineta should continue using his quirk so they get stuck together once pulled in. On the count of three, push off of me with your quirk, and try to land somewhere near the main area as well" You instruct, mind wandering off to the explosions going off where Aizawa stood.

"Got it, kero. You'll be grabbing Midoriya and meeting up with us, right?" Tsu asks, looking up at you pleadingly.

"Of course, now. Get ready."  You warn, feeling Tsu's feet shift at your hip bone. You start to count down, and as and soon as you hit one, you let go. Midoriya prepares to deliver the blow and Tsu jumps off of you, carrying Mineta as she looks back. You give her a thumbs up as you explode off upwards, avoiding getting hit by Midoriya's backlash from the midair blow.

"Delaware Smash!" Midoriya yells, releasing the blow as the impact instantly throws him up into the air like a ragdoll, the water below him stirring violently. Waves moving into motion, crashing against eachother as they swiftly pull in the villains, causing the startled enemies below to shout out. "Y/N!" He cries out, signaling for you to catch him. You fly forward, increasing your speed as you approach the falling freckled boy, quickly whisking him up into your arms, a bridal carry. You hear Midoriya grunt in pain, looking down to see him carefully holding his wrist. Two of his fingers were purple and bruised, almost flapping in the wind from the amount of shattered bones. 'That's a double edged sword if I've ever seen one.' You swallowed, shivering from the thought of breaking that many bones.

"If a strong force is applied to the surface of the water, it'll spread..and then converge back in the middle!"

"Spot on Brussel sprout, well done." You smiled, watching from afar as the clump of stuck together villains finally get pulled under. Followed by a ginormous blast of water shooting upwards, launching both the broken pieces of the ship, and the villains into the air. 'Well done indeed.'


"So, what next? Head up towards Thirteen, to the plaza with Aizawa, or going straight towards the exit?" You ask, letting Midoriya down once the group reached a shallow part of the shipwreck zone. Water up to hip height as Mineta was struggling to stay afloat without Tsu's help.

"We should avoid getting in Aizawa sensei's way, even if I'm worried.." Midoriya answers, sloppily attempting to hide his injured fingers.

"Here, let me." You mutter under your breath, just enough for Midoriya to hear as he turns to face you. You turn your back towards Tsu and Mineta to block the view of his purple swelling fingers, reaching into your water-proof utility belt to pull out some bandages. "It's not very effective, but it'll hide how bad they're injured for now." You reassure, tying a tiny butterfly knot to hold the bandage wrap together.

"T-Thank you Y/N." Midoriya thanks, a dark shade of red blooming on his face, wincing slightly as he flashes you a grateful smile. You nod and pull him along by his uninjured hand, catching up with Tsu who slowed her pace for the two of you.

"Rounding up everybody at once..I guess it's like we've cleared the first hurdle. You guys are amazing." Tsu praises as she holds onto Mineta, keeping the short student from drowning.

"Of course! It was a group effort after all. I told you guys, you're all super strong!" Midoriya says with a proud smile, looking down at his wrapped fingers, his smile faltering.

"The way we used our quirks were good, Mineta came to be more useful than predicted..but just because we got through this one unscathed doesn't mean we shouldn't be cautious of the next. I'm looking at you Grape juice." You glare, seeing how the purple boy was no longer in distress but distracting himself by ogling at Tsu's breast.

"But we're still lucky that was all of them. It was a huge gamble, if that plan didn't work then I would almost be completely out of commission and become useless for whatever there is to come later. Normally, they also would've kept some people underwater in reserve. I was trying to keep my composure but I couldn't stay calm and think, Y/N had to come save me again—" Midoriya started to mutter, word after word spilling from his mouth seemingly endlessly as he stares off into the far distance. Oblivious to the stares he was receiving from his classmates.

"Midoriya-chan, stop it. That's scary."  Tsu states, eyes unblinking as she stares ahead.

"Agreed..so ominous.." you shutter, shimmying away from Midoriya towards Tsu, resting your chin in her neck.

"Plus..Rather than reflecting back, shouldn't you think about what to do next?" Tsu asks, leaning her head against yours as you wrap your arms around the frog girl's waist. Feeling her body start to warm a bit, hearing a shy "kero" slip from the student. You nuzzle more into her touch as your eyes meet Mineta's jealous ones, practically crying with envy. You give him a cat like grin, making faces while he flails in the water, punching the air.

"Y-You're right." Midoriya replies, suddenly grunting and reaching for his bandaged fingers.

"Are you okay?" Tsu asks, looking over to his left hand.

"Y-Yeah, Anyway. We should make getting help our top priority. It would be best to follow the shore, and avoid the central plaza as we head towards the exit." Midoriya stutters, attempting to change the current subject.

"That's true, Aizawa Sensei has drawn a large number of villains to the plaza." Tsu points out, looking towards the explosions.

"....but I think he overexerted himself by jumping into that crowd of villains to protect us." Midoriya says hesitantly, eyes glued to the fight. 'So he's noticed too..as much as I would like to go help, I can't act rashly. Not now.'

"Wait, Midoriya, don't tell me you..stupid stupid stupid!" Mineta whisper yells, starting to bawl his eyes out again. 'Didn't know this hero shit involved babysitting.' You sighed, turning away from the sobbing snot headed student.

"I'm not thinking of doing anything that'll get in his way. But if we can just find an opening and lessen Aizawa Sensei's load, even a little.."

"Agreed, I'm with you on this one." You nodded, earning another mortified look from Mineta. "Even as students in training, we are still heroes. We can't just stand by and do nothing, as long as we don't hinder Aizawa or Thirteen, I'm all for it."


"Hey, you guys, we're just here to see how things are going..okay?" Mineta whispered, shaking as you pulled him through the water by his collar.


"I know. We'll run away the instant it seems too dangerous." Midoriya whispers back, popping his head over the land. Barely enough to see.

"Hey..look." You point, seeing Aizawa rest on two villains, panting and catching his breath. "Wait..that guy.." you squint, recognition flashing upon your features at the sight of the sky blue haired man. The hand on his face barely covering his glowing red eyes while he runs at your teacher. Both figures starting to sprint towards eachother, racing for the first blow. As they meet in the middle, Aizawa tugs harshly at his capture weapon, creating an opening to land a elbow hit on Shigaraki's gut. You hear gasps of relief from the student behind you, but their smiles soon fall. 'Should I step in? Aizawa will only get more and more injured from here on out, would I be a help, or a hindrance..' You sweat nervously, frustrated at the conflicted feeling, but as soon as you see part of Aizawa's hero costume start to decay, the answer is clear. 'Time to step in.'

"Y-Y/N!" Midoriya yells in protest as he watches you jump onto land. Running to the side to avoid drawing attention towards your classmates in the water. You instantly start shooting out small blasts of air, pushing Shigaraki off balance. Giving Aizawa the golden chance he needed to land another blow, jumping back as Shigaraki falls. More villains start to recover, trying to attack Aizawa again.

"L/N, stay back."  Aizawa warns, dodging the hits of multiple villains.

"Cmon', as class rep I can't just stand by." You grin anxiously, sending wisps of wind to your feet, kicking the clearly less experienced villains away from your teacher. Running opposite of Shigaraki to take down the rest of the recovering villains, your back turned against your teacher.

"That quirk isn't suited for fighting long fights against a large group, is it? Isn't this too different from your usual job? What you're good at is a short fight after a surprise attack, right? Even so, you jumped right in to fight us from the front. Was that to put your students at ease?"  You could hear faintly "You're so cool...You're so cool!" He shouts, an sudden ominous drop in his voice "By the way, hero..I'm not the last boss."

Your eyes widen from this information, 'Dont tell me—nomu!' You turn towards where your teacher last stood, the sight sending a horrific chill up your spine. Crimson blood painted splatters around Aizawa, staining his bright yellow goggles thrown on the ground. "Aizawa Sensei!" You call out, kicking away the last of the lesser villains. 'Do I engage? No, I can't. Aizawa's life is at risk if I act upon instinct.'

"I'll tell you, Eraserhead. He's the anti symbol of peace, the bioengineered "Nomu." " Shigaraki smiles, eyes curving into malicious crescents as said Nomu lets out a roar, sounding more like a strained yell. You watched in horror as the Nomu twisted Aizawa's arm in an unnatural position, the bone snapping. His skin strained against itself to not rip, blood already seeping through. Aizawa let out a pained shout, helpless below the enemy. "You can erase quirks, that's wonderful, but nothing impressive. In the face of overwhelming power, you might as well be quirkless" Shigaraki laughed. Aizawa turned his head, activating his quirk on the blue haired man. Resulting in Nomu pressing down on Aizawa's other arm, shattering the bones and breaking the flesh. Aizawa let out another pained shout. Nomu grabbed hold of Aizawa's hair, slamming his head the ground, creating a small crater where the impact was.

"Tomura Shigaraki." The misty figure from earlier calls, appearing right beside the hand covered villain.

"Kurogiri, did you kill Thirteen?" 'Thirteen too—?'

"I put Thirteen out of action, but there were students that I was unable to disperse, and one of them was able to run away."

"..Huh?" Shigaraki's breathing becomes more ragged, more..frustrated, as he stratched wildly at his neck. "Kurogiri, you..If you weren't a warp gate, I would've crushed you to pieces." He seethes angrily, his  assault on his neck suddenly ceasing. "We can't win against dozens of pros. It's game over. Man, it's game over this time. Let's go home." 'Go home? Already? After they've gone this far?—No, there's something more to it. I can't remember, why can't I remember?!' You wince angrily, feeling a splitting headache come raining down on you again, such a horrible but familiar feeling. Except this time, time wasn't stopping, it wasn't slowing, it wasn't blurring, 'No, I can't pass out to go into another vision now. I can't—' "Oh, yeah..let's smash some of his pride—" your eyes widened in alarm, following his speeding figure as he lept towards where Midoriya, Tsu, and Mineta were hiding. "—as the Symbol of Peace!" He screamed with a manic grin, hand reaching out towards Tsu's face. Time seemingly started to slow, but you knew it wasn't. 'If there's a time to go all out..this is it.'

A whipping storm suddenly picked up around you, and you glared at Shigaraki whose eyes widened in fear at the sight of you. Seeing as Nomu had gone to protect Shigaraki, you quickly formed a dome around Aizawa's wounded figure, before completely losing yourself to your quirk. You were focusing more on power than control, aiming the center of the wind's pull at Shigaraki, pulling his hand inch by inch away from the frozen in fear student. You sighed in relief at seeing Tsu out of harms way, but your smile soon faded. You felt the tornado fighting against you, your quirk was fighting against your control. The wisps were stinging your skin, your breathing becoming short and ragged, feeling the attack almost snarl and hiss at you. You fell to your knees, leaning your head back in an attempt to breathe, feeling a dribble of blood run down from your nose. The metallic taste making you laugh out hysterically, coughing out a splatter of blood. The attack had become a torrential force, a furious vortex of energy that spiraled around you, stretching as far as to cover the entire plaza, yet still pulling at villains from all around the USJ, whisking the enemies into your spiral of whipping gale. With each passing moment, the storm grew more violent until it was a full-blown tornado, tearing across  the USJ with a deafening roar, mixing with various elements from the other simulation joints. A blizzard of not only ice and snow but fire and rocks. You were starting to lose consciousness, whether from your incoming vision, or your rabid quirk, making you all the more powerless to stop it. You let a scream rip itself from your throat, feeling both the torturous heat and freeze from your own attack nip at your skin, fighting to stay awake, but this only fueled the tornado's destructive power. Trees were uprooted, villains were thrown into the air, mountains had crumbled to the ground, Nomu's hand was an inch from your face, and your eyes had fluttered shut.

End of part 2 cause this is 4k words, Sadly it will have to be 3 parts now. Thanks for making it this far to my ridiculously long book 🫶