

So here we start off from pre-k this part of the store is really heart breaking cuz when u think about it every little human should love going to school I mean who wouldn't u take naps and eat snakes and play all day right So people think but what they don't know is what happens behind closed doors that's the scary part of it all so from here we start are journey again when I was young I loved school was my favorite part playing with my best friend all day because me and him had the same class his name was Andrew green best friend from day one well I feel in love with art in pre-k was my favorite part of the day besides playing with Andrew all the time well me being little thinking everything is going better now after all I had been through but I was so wrong I had two teachers in my class room one was so nice I loved her the other was whole new story she always had black dresses on and long red finger nails and short black hair she began to get on me for everything I wasn't even a dad child I was quit did my work soo I could play she began to hurt me everyday was something new I dealt hated like why me of all kids but now I think about it I say better me then anyone different because the pain of hatred one morning my mom takes me to school I was scared to go back cuz I didn't want the hurting to start again but everyday it got bad as we pull in the car pull to drop me off my mean teacher is there waiting on me I screaming and cry holding on to my moms arms for dear life mom plz I do t want to go with her plz mom don't make me go as she rips me from my moms arms I scream making my self throw up all over my self I go to the bathroom praying my mom comes in to get me as she was in calling my name Tears running down my face my mom cleaning me up she lefts my face asking baby what's going on I have seen the marks and mommy can't help you until you tell me what's happening I look at my scared of what's going to happen my mom call the school bored of Education there answer was oh she don't have to go to pre-k you know mom blows up in anger. A child should never be tariffed to ever go to school but I was I never wanted to go again I just wanted to stay home with my mom cuz I know I would be safe there as I make my way to first Grade I had two amazing teachers in my life they got me thru a lot then I made it two second grade best teacher in my life ever she made me feel loved like I could do big things growing up but as I got older the harder it got for me to open up to people I stayed in the dark to myself it started to consume me little by little I had so much hatred in my life from being billed they my whole time in school to still to this day life was hard for me not only by class mates to my teachers to my Grade started failing I didn't know what to do anymore I was giving up on everything I didn't wanna be here anymore I didn't know that I was suffering with depression for the longest time so I thought it was just me being sad and I didn't know what else to do so I turn to playing with brat dollsIt was my way of escaping what was actually going on around me I felt alone trapped like I couldn't get out all I would do is sit outside for hours and hours just staring into the sky wishing that I was a bird because they're so free but I knew there was only more to come a lot more hurting and a lot more loss in my family and in my lifeAs I made it to middle school in six grade there was a rumor going around really bad rumor rumor that wasn't true but the whole school knew it was hurtful it was hurting me so bad because I never did anything to anybody but they do things to me well as the rumor kept spreading I got angry or hateful I didn't know what to do anymore then I met this kid in computer class in seventh grade I thought he was nice he was all by herself and I was being nice to reach out and he you know we ended up being friends well I thought we were friends until he started liking me and me I don't like anybody I just wanted to be friends with people because I never had any friends well things took a worse turn over he started stalking me and he got into all my classes and my teacher who made my teacher put him beside me in class one day because I wasn't paying him any attention he stab me with a pencil in my hand and was pinching pinching me and hitting me and I told the teacherBut then I ended up in anger management classes because I hit him back my principal blamed me for everythingLike he was sad he was the victim but it was the other way around so I started going to anger management classes with him to figure out what the heck was going on well she made us come up with the secret handshake mine was the middle finger because I didn't care for him anymore why would you do that to somebody that was your friend well he didn't care so one day we're going into class we had to do a secret handshake every time and I flipped him off and he didn't like it so he started again my friend Alexander got pissed off at him and told him if he ever put his hands back on me again he hurt him well I started after school programs because I was failing schoolReally bad and I didn't know what to do I felt like I was worthless late what's wrong with me why can I not do what my parents want me to do they're going to hate me well he got after school classes the same class as me again one dayOne day I went to the bathroom and he followed me he pinned me up against the wall and he started filling all up on my body I was so uncomfortable I told my teacher I ran back to the class I said call my mom I want to go home I don't want to be here anymore I'll let it go for about a week and then I had to tell somebody because I was scared I ended up telling the counselor and she said that's not the first time she's heard something like that come from him so she said she would handle it she never dead then he started threatening me telling me he was going to kill me soon after he was gone they had put him in a mental hospital I didn't know until his sister told me saying this has happened before and they had to move I'm sorry is all I could say blaming myself saying what if O didn't become friends with him what if is all I could think