
The Werewolfs Soon To Be Queen

Avery Quinzel a girl who thought she'd live her life like any other being protected and loved my her parents, her support, strength and safe place. But turns out even SHE couldn't have that. After loosing the love of both her parents Avery gets sent to leave with her perverted uncle who treated her like a princess like she finally found someone who'd love and care for her. But after what was supposed to be a very memorable event of her life turns out to be her long lived trauma. Zachary Schiller the oldest amongst siblings and next to be the alpha of Sliver Creek. Zachary has always wanted to know who is or what his mate looks fantasizing about her beautiful features, but he never knew he could met her so soon not like all love at first sight movies or novels. This love story isn't like any other with challenges and obstacles awaiting them. Dante White a lone beta who always blamed himself for his parents death, causing to change is name and devoting himself to protecting new pack. After their death he never really cared about finding his mate since his hatred for rogues grow stronger by day leaving his mind with no room for him to think about finding his other half, but what happens when he decides to open the doors to his dark past in order to find out who rescued him and his brother Lucus eight years ago?

Megan_Tea · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Running Away

Have ever thought that your parents would loss love for you and just send you away to leave with your dads brother aka uncle?

Me neither but that's how I ended up. At the age of ten my parents lost love for me and gave me away to my uncle Dylan, he was always sweet and nice to me showering me chocolates, toys, dresses and small gifts like that.

As I was growing older which was when I turned twelve I started taking notice of what his actions were. On my thirteenth birthday he brought me a mini cake to celebrate my teenage hood, everything was great.

...Well at least that's what I thought

After I ate two slices of my cake I started to feel light weight and dizzy with my head spinning...

**✿❀ ❀✿**

Warning: use of drugs and sexual assault ahead (Rape)

"Happy thirteenth birthday Avery" Dylan said touching my shoulder almost close to my boob but I just stood to get the plates for the two of us. Ever since my parents gave up on me uncle Dylan has been taking care of me, my school education, food, clothing and mostly shelter and without him I'd probably be a stray off somewhere.

"Thanks uncle Dylan you're truly the only one that cares about me and I really appreciate it, especially this lovely you took your time making for me" I said with gratitude as a few tears run down my eyes."Hey it's okay my love don't cry, besides this little cake is nothing you deserve a much bigger one" He says as he wipes away my tears leaving his hand on my cheek. "Come on enough tears, why don't you take a slice of your cake?" He asks and for the first time I notice an evil grin on his face I just thought I was imaging it and quickly pushed it at the back of my head giving all my attention to the cake right in front of me.

I look back at Dylan and he just smiles urging me to cut the cake and eat.

So I did just as that, I unintentionally moaned as my taste buds are satisfied with the taste. "Oh my gosh Uncle this cake is amazing, those cooking lessons you took are really coming in handy impressive" I tease as he just scoffs rolling his eyes playfully.

The cake was a five inch chocolate vanilla cake with strawberries on top with one candle which I had blow. It's really lovely and delicious, since I was done with my second slice I decided to take my second slice.

"It's that good isn't it?" Dylan said with a smirk and I just nodded taking another bite. "What can I say? Your baking is splendid, uncle you should really open a bakery one day" I said smirking teasing him a little, "Oh you tease me to much" he said smirking as I was to say something I felt a sharp headache forming making me dizzy and light weight, everywhere I looked it looked like the whole room is spinning no matter how many I blinked.

"Haha it looks like the drugs are taking it effect" Dylan said bringing back that evil grin.

"W-what drugs?" I say badly unable to speak as I was trying to relax my head.

Hurts... It hurts I hear that voice in my head but I was so focused on this headache. "Oh yes my love drugs" Dylan begins as he takes another sip of his of wine, "You see my love the very day I saw you when your so called parents came to visit me I noticed something which has brought interest to me or you could say something that attracted me to you"

"Interests, uncle what are you are trying to say?" I ask as I try to move away from him but he just forcefully grabs my hand sitting me back down on my chair. "Glad you asked. You see as I was young let's say university I met this girl who I was totally in love with I loved everything about her, her hair, eyes, smile, lips, everything

I didn't bother to tell her how I felt because I thought no one will claim her hell I didn't even bother talking to her at all, but I was dead wrong. One night my little brother said he fell in love with this girl in his major saying how beautiful and unique she was, so I told him to ask her out on a date. A few weeks passed they became official and I insisted to let him invite her to dinner so that I could get to know my little brother's girlfriend, when I was done making dinner he came in with his girlfriend and that's when I realized his girlfriend was actually the same girl I was in love with.

She was right next to him looking beautiful as ever but when I let it all sink in my heart was broken into shreds as they where sitting, holding hands and talking, as dinner was over she invited him to her house leaving me with a broken heart. Then few years passed he proposed to her and she said yes and got married later got pregnant and had a beautiful little girl with a little bit of her resemblance nice eyes, lips, smile and hair, everything about that girl was beautiful as if God sent her to me, so I've been taking care of her as grows into an angel and my property" he said a smirk and my eyes widened at what he meant.

"Y-your little brother is my dad and the girl you loved is my mom?" I asked in disbelief moving further away from him wobbling a little and he just sits there smirking evilly. "A-and t-the girl is m-me?" I asked again sitting there too terrified to move an inch.

"Ding, ding, ding that's correct my love YOU my love are you're mother's doppelganger sent especially to be mine and only mine and now that you've taken a slice of that cake with sedatives in any minute I can get to finally know how your sweet body tastes like" He said as he stood up coming to me slowly as he unbuckled his belt throwing it to the side.

Run... Avery... Run!

Listening to that voice I run away but before I could get away Dylan grabs my hands pinning on the wall him not knowing I managed to get a fork. "Now now Avery no need get all terrifed besides I'll make sure you enjoy it as much as I do" He said licking my neck busy touching and squeezing my boob and my ass making me whimper in disgust

He kept on liking my neck as if claiming which disgusted me to the core.

Do something Avery don't let him rape you... The voice said begging me to stop him. Dylan stopped licking my neck to look at my lips as he slowly brought his lips to mine only inches apart from mine.


I take the fork I was hiding and with all my might ignoring numbness I stab on his upper left shoulder making sure it goes deep, Dylan screams in pain but still close to me so I kicked him where it hurts the most pushing him away from me and ran to my room at full speed locking the door behind ignoring the same headache. I don't know how I did it but I got away from him, got away from the same man who took me in and took care of me all through my three years of living in his house.

Why would he do that to me? I said to myself crying

I don't know Avery but you got out of it, you're safe we're safe it's okay. The sedatives are taking over, how about you lie down and sleep?

And I did just as that and slept.

*+:。.。 。.。:+*

Ever since that day everything changed Dylan no longer treats me the same like he used to seven years ago and now that I'm older, Dylan hits me, slaps, spits and beats me until I'm unconscious leaving me on the cold floor.

Why do let him do this to you? The voice also Amber asked growling at the thought of fighting him.

Not yet Amber besides I can't fight him you and I both know I'm too weak and if I did then he'd for sure kill me and you know that I said as I just sat on the floor since I've been forbidden to sit the couches or chairs at all

Avery you're an adult now you CAN fight him and you are strong enough and able to defend yourself, just... Just ran away from here from HIM

I wish I could, but the question is where will I go? No one would want to take in some seventeen year old who gets abused almost every day, besides I'm waiting for the right time I reason trying to calm her down as I sense her anger.

So when will that be?! Amber shouts as she calms herself down

Tonight Am. Tonight. Dylan going to the bar to celebrate his friends thirtieth birthday so you and I both know he shows up late, after one hour I'll get his money, some clothes and run away.

Hmm okay but be careful, you have to make sure he left for sure

Okay I will

"Avery you come here!"

Son of a bitch

"Yes uncle?" I say with my head bowed down in order to show respect. You don't need to show respect Amber said but I just ignored her. "I'm going out tonight and when I get back I should find dinner in the microwave, are we clear?" He asks and I just nods not satisfied with my answer he pulls me by hair making me look at him me.

"I said are we clear?!" He shouts tightening his grip on my hair, "Copy, s-sir" I stutter and with that he let's go of my hair pushing me to the floor. "Good girl" and left to his friends party.

I waited for about one hour to ensure that he left I went to his room looking around through his drawer. "Ugh were could it be?" I ask myself, "Check under his bed" Amber said and I did just that, I bent down looking under his bed and to find a box with a little lock and a small key next to it. I grabbed them putting the box on my laps with the key in my hand

This is it Amberley

I unlock it to find valuables and money inside. I took ten thousand dollars leaving the rest back in and putting the box and key back in it place grabbing my duffle bag leaving not only his room but the apartment.



It's being one year since I run away from uncle Dylan's apartment and I'm now eighteen years old now and I... Uh sleep on the streets since I'm homeless as hell and people are willing to help me with money, food and clothing when I needed them and I hope their kindness gets rewarded.

"Dude marijuana is better than weed"

"Oh fuck no man marijuana is as strong as fuck"

"Yeah so what it's strong besides it releases all your worries and you feel like you're floating"

"Your lose dude hey-"

"Ugh nosy mugets simply SHUT UP" Amber and I shouted being the attention of the two boys as they are looking at me. "Hey who are you telling to shut up?" The guy asked coming close to trying to intimidate me but I didn't get affected I just gave him a blank face. "You of course you guys are too nosy, so stop" I said standing up looking him straight in his eyes.

"The fuck you just said to him?" The other boy said now next him. "Maybe you didn't understand let me say it differently your mouth is moving like a rat yapa yapa yapa, shut it please" I said with a smirk making Amber laugh. That seemed set of the guy and he just slapped me. Real. Hard.

"Ouch my poor cheek" I say, "It really hurt tck fucking coward" And slap him back and the other guy just steps back with his hands up. Good choice. I turned around and ran

"Fuck she's getting away let get teach this bitch a lesson" the guy I slapped said, "nah dude hitting a lady is just low" The other guy said, he heard the guy I slapped mutter curse words at him as he was chasing me. I kept on running and running as he was close to my trail not paying attention to my surroundings.

Avery look out!

But before I could process and respond what she meant I got hit by a car which seemed to be a white limousine the force of the hit it made hard for me to even react or let out a scream. I heard my right arm dislocate, hip fracture and almost my bones fractured or broken.

And that's when I fell hard on road hitting my head, blood dripping almost everywhere on the road. It really hurts to try and move my body and cold laying in my blood, the sun is bright really irritating my eyes so decide to close my eyes hearing all the sounds around me for the last time. I heard car doors open and close at the same time and food steps coming close to me.

"Ma'am, hey stay with us" A man's voice says making me open my eyes a little. I am met with a man with blue ocean eyes and jet black hair as the other man bends down with his shades. "E-eyes h-hurts" I whispered just talking made it hurt. "Get her up she's coming with us" The guy in shades said as he stood up opening the back door


"No buts her LIFE is at stake here, she is coming with us and that's final, understood?" The guys shades said as the guys carrying me just nodded carrying to the car as he laid me on the guy wearing shades laps. He removed his shades looking at me as he was looking me I felt some type of sparks inside my body.

"Hey, stay with us we'll take you to a place to help you so open your eyes for me" He said but I couldn't I felt really tired like I haven't slept in years.

Maybe I'll rest a little

No Avery you have to stay alive, you can't die there's so much to live for

Every since I was just a toddler till now I've treated like shit Amberley... Its my time now. My time to leave this world besides my body is aching I can't take it anymore, I'm gonna rest.

Avery no-

With that I close my eyes ignoring the screams of the guy whose laps I'm laying my head on to enjoy a blissful sleep.

Have ever thought that your parents would loss love for you and just send you away to leave with your dads brother aka uncle?

Me neither but that's how I ended up. At the age of ten my parents lost love for me and gave me away to my uncle Dylan, he was always sweet and nice to me showering me chocolates, toys, dresses and small gifts like that.

As I was growing older which was when I turned twelve I started taking notice of what his actions were. On my thirteenth birthday he brought me a mini cake to celebrate my teenage hood, everything was great.

...Well at least that's what I thought

After I ate two slices of my cake I started to feel light weight and dizzy with my head spinning...

**✿❀ ❀✿**

Warning: use of drugs and sexual assault ahead (Rape)

"Happy thirteenth birthday Avery" Dylan said touching my shoulder almost close to my boob but I just stood to get the plates for the two of us. Ever since my parents gave up on me uncle Dylan has been taking care of me, my school education, food, clothing and mostly shelter and without him I'd probably be a stray off somewhere.

"Thanks uncle Dylan you're truly the only one that cares about me and I really appreciate it, especially this lovely you took your time making for me" I said with gratitude as a few tears run down my eyes."Hey it's okay my love don't cry, besides this little cake is nothing you deserve a much bigger one" He says as he wipes away my tears leaving his hand on my cheek. "Come on enough tears, why don't you take a slice of your cake?" He asks and for the first time I notice an evil grin on his face I just thought I was imaging it and quickly pushed it at the back of my head giving all my attention to the cake right in front of me.

I look back at Dylan and he just smiles urging me to cut the cake and eat.

So I did just as that, I unintentionally moaned as my taste buds are satisfied with the taste. "Oh my gosh Uncle this cake is amazing, those cooking lessons you took are really coming in handy impressive" I tease as he just scoffs rolling his eyes playfully.

The cake was a five inch chocolate vanilla cake with strawberries on top with one candle which I had blow. It's really lovely and delicious, since I was done with my second slice I decided to take my second slice.

"It's that good isn't it?" Dylan said with a smirk and I just nodded taking another bite. "What can I say? Your baking is splendid, uncle you should really open a bakery one day" I said smirking teasing him a little, "Oh you tease me to much" he said smirking as I was to say something I felt a sharp headache forming making me dizzy and light weight, everywhere I looked it looked like the whole room is spinning no matter how many I blinked.

"Haha it looks like the drugs are taking it effect" Dylan said bringing back that evil grin.

"W-what drugs?" I say badly unable to speak as I was trying to relax my head.

Hurts... It hurts I hear that voice in my head but I was so focused on this headache. "Oh yes my love drugs" Dylan begins as he takes another sip of his of wine, "You see my love the very day I saw you when your so called parents came to visit me I noticed something which has brought interest to me or you could say something that attracted me to you"

"Interests, uncle what are you are trying to say?" I ask as I try to move away from him but he just forcefully grabs my hand sitting me back down on my chair. "Glad you asked. You see as I was young let's say university I met this girl who I was totally in love with I loved everything about her, her hair, eyes, smile, lips, everything

I didn't bother to tell her how I felt because I thought no one will claim her hell I didn't even bother talking to her at all, but I was dead wrong. One night my little brother said he fell in love with this girl in his major saying how beautiful and unique she was, so I told him to ask her out on a date. A few weeks passed they became official and I insisted to let him invite her to dinner so that I could get to know my little brother's girlfriend, when I was done making dinner he came in with his girlfriend and that's when I realized his girlfriend was actually the same girl I was in love with.

She was right next to him looking beautiful as ever but when I let it all sink in my heart was broken into shreds as they where sitting, holding hands and talking, as dinner was over she invited him to her house leaving me with a broken heart. Then few years passed he proposed to her and she said yes and got married later got pregnant and had a beautiful little girl with a little bit of her resemblance nice eyes, lips, smile and hair, everything about that girl was beautiful as if God sent her to me, so I've been taking care of her as grows into an angel and my property" he said a smirk and my eyes widened at what he meant.

"Y-your little brother is my dad and the girl you loved is my mom?" I asked in disbelief moving further away from him wobbling a little and he just sits there smirking evilly. "A-and t-the girl is m-me?" I asked again sitting there too terrified to move an inch.

"Ding, ding, ding that's correct my love YOU my love are you're mother's doppelganger sent especially to be mine and only mine and now that you've taken a slice of that cake with sedatives in any minute I can get to finally know how your sweet body tastes like" He said as he stood up coming to me slowly as he unbuckled his belt throwing it to the side.

Run... Avery... Run!

Listening to that voice I run away but before I could get away Dylan grabs my hands pinning on the wall him not knowing I managed to get a fork. "Now now Avery no need get all terrifed besides I'll make sure you enjoy it as much as I do" He said licking my neck busy touching and squeezing my boob and my ass making me whimper in disgust

He kept on liking my neck as if claiming which disgusted me to the core.

Do something Avery don't let him rape you... The voice said begging me to stop him. Dylan stopped licking my neck to look at my lips as he slowly brought his lips to mine only inches apart from mine.


I take the fork I was hiding and with all my might ignoring numbness I stab on his upper left shoulder making sure it goes deep, Dylan screams in pain but still close to me so I kicked him where it hurts the most pushing him away from me and ran to my room at full speed locking the door behind ignoring the same headache. I don't know how I did it but I got away from him, got away from the same man who took me in and took care of me all through my three years of living in his house.

Why would he do that to me? I said to myself crying

I don't know Avery but you got out of it, you're safe we're safe it's okay. The sedatives are taking over, how about you lie down and sleep?

And I did just as that and slept.

*+:。.。 。.。:+*

Ever since that day everything changed Dylan no longer treats me the same like he used to seven years ago and now that I'm older, Dylan hits me, slaps, spits and beats me until I'm unconscious leaving me on the cold floor.

Why do let him do this to you? The voice also Amber asked growling at the thought of fighting him.

Not yet Amber besides I can't fight him you and I both know I'm too weak and if I did then he'd for sure kill me and you know that I said as I just sat on the floor since I've been forbidden to sit the couches or chairs at all

Avery you're an adult now you CAN fight him and you are strong enough and able to defend yourself, just... Just ran away from here from HIM

I wish I could, but the question is where will I go? No one would want to take in some seventeen year old who gets abused almost every day, besides I'm waiting for the right time I reason trying to calm her down as I sense her anger.

So when will that be?! Amber shouts as she calms herself down

Tonight Am. Tonight. Dylan going to the bar to celebrate his friends thirtieth birthday so you and I both know he shows up late, after one hour I'll get his money, some clothes and run away.

Hmm okay but be careful, you have to make sure he left for sure

Okay I will

"Avery you come here!"

Son of a bitch

"Yes uncle?" I say with my head bowed down in order to show respect. You don't need to show respect Amber said but I just ignored her. "I'm going out tonight and when I get back I should find dinner in the microwave, are we clear?" He asks and I just nods not satisfied with my answer he pulls me by hair making me look at him me.

"I said are we clear?!" He shouts tightening his grip on my hair, "Copy, s-sir" I stutter and with that he let's go of my hair pushing me to the floor. "Good girl" and left to his friends party.

I waited for about one hour to ensure that he left I went to his room looking around through his drawer. "Ugh were could it be?" I ask myself, "Check under his bed" Amber said and I did just that, I bent down looking under his bed and to find a box with a little lock and a small key next to it. I grabbed them putting the box on my laps with the key in my hand

This is it Amberley

I unlock it to find valuables and money inside. I took ten thousand dollars leaving the rest back in and putting the box and key back in it place grabbing my duffle bag leaving not only his room but the apartment.



It's being one year since I run away from uncle Dylan's apartment and I'm now eighteen years old now and I... Uh sleep on the streets since I'm homeless as hell and people are willing to help me with money, food and clothing when I needed them and I hope their kindness gets rewarded.

"Dude marijuana is better than weed"

"Oh fuck no man marijuana is as strong as fuck"

"Yeah so what it's strong besides it releases all your worries and you feel like you're floating"

"Your lose dude hey-"

"Ugh nosy mugets simply SHUT UP" Amber and I shouted being the attention of the two boys as they are looking at me. "Hey who are you telling to shut up?" The guy asked coming close to trying to intimidate me but I didn't get affected I just gave him a blank face. "You of course you guys are too nosy, so stop" I said standing up looking him straight in his eyes.

"The fuck you just said to him?" The other boy said now next him. "Maybe you didn't understand let me say it differently your mouth is moving like a rat yapa yapa yapa, shut it please" I said with a smirk making Amber laugh. That seemed set of the guy and he just slapped me. Real. Hard.

"Ouch my poor cheek" I say, "It really hurt tck fucking coward" And slap him back and the other guy just steps back with his hands up. Good choice. I turned around and ran

"Fuck she's getting away let get teach this bitch a lesson" the guy I slapped said, "nah dude hitting a lady is just low" The other guy said, he heard the guy I slapped mutter curse words at him as he was chasing me. I kept on running and running as he was close to my trail not paying attention to my surroundings.

Avery look out!

But before I could process and respond what she meant I got hit by a car which seemed to be a white limousine the force of the hit it made hard for me to even react or let out a scream. I heard my right arm dislocate, hip fracture and almost my bones fractured or broken.

And that's when I fell hard on road hitting my head, blood dripping almost everywhere on the road. It really hurts to try and move my body and cold laying in my blood, the sun is bright really irritating my eyes so decide to close my eyes hearing all the sounds around me for the last time. I heard car doors open and close at the same time and food steps coming close to me.

"Ma'am, hey stay with us" A man's voice says making me open my eyes a little. I am met with a man with blue ocean eyes and jet black hair as the other man bends down with his shades. "E-eyes h-hurts" I whispered just talking made it hurt. "Get her up she's coming with us" The guy in shades said as he stood up opening the back door


"No buts her LIFE is at stake here, she is coming with us and that's final, understood?" The guys shades said as the guys carrying me just nodded carrying to the car as he laid me on the guy wearing shades laps. He removed his shades looking at me as he was looking me I felt some type of sparks inside my body.

"Hey, stay with us we'll take you to a place to help you so open your eyes for me" He said but I couldn't I felt really tired like I haven't slept in years.

Maybe I'll rest a little

No Avery you have to stay alive, you can't die there's so much to live for

Every since I was just a toddler till now I've treated like shit Amberley... Its my time now. My time to leave this world besides my body is aching I can't take it anymore, I'm gonna rest.

Avery no-

With that I close my eyes ignoring the screams of the guy whose laps I'm laying my head on to enjoy a blissful sleep.

Have ever thought that your parents would loss love for you and just send you away to leave with your dads brother aka uncle?

Me neither but that's how I ended up. At the age of ten my parents lost love for me and gave me away to my uncle Dylan, he was always sweet and nice to me showering me chocolates, toys, dresses and small gifts like that.

As I was growing older which was when I turned twelve I started taking notice of what his actions were. On my thirteenth birthday he brought me a mini cake to celebrate my teenage hood, everything was great.

...Well at least that's what I thought

After I ate two slices of my cake I started to feel light weight and dizzy with my head spinning...

**✿❀ ❀✿**

Warning: use of drugs and sexual assault ahead (Rape)

"Happy thirteenth birthday Avery" Dylan said touching my shoulder almost close to my boob but I just stood to get the plates for the two of us. Ever since my parents gave up on me uncle Dylan has been taking care of me, my school education, food, clothing and mostly shelter and without him I'd probably be a stray off somewhere.

"Thanks uncle Dylan you're truly the only one that cares about me and I really appreciate it, especially this lovely you took your time making for me" I said with gratitude as a few tears run down my eyes."Hey it's okay my love don't cry, besides this little cake is nothing you deserve a much bigger one" He says as he wipes away my tears leaving his hand on my cheek. "Come on enough tears, why don't you take a slice of your cake?" He asks and for the first time I notice an evil grin on his face I just thought I was imaging it and quickly pushed it at the back of my head giving all my attention to the cake right in front of me.

I look back at Dylan and he just smiles urging me to cut the cake and eat.

So I did just as that, I unintentionally moaned as my taste buds are satisfied with the taste. "Oh my gosh Uncle this cake is amazing, those cooking lessons you took are really coming in handy impressive" I tease as he just scoffs rolling his eyes playfully.

The cake was a five inch chocolate vanilla cake with strawberries on top with one candle which I had blow. It's really lovely and delicious, since I was done with my second slice I decided to take my second slice.

"It's that good isn't it?" Dylan said with a smirk and I just nodded taking another bite. "What can I say? Your baking is splendid, uncle you should really open a bakery one day" I said smirking teasing him a little, "Oh you tease me to much" he said smirking as I was to say something I felt a sharp headache forming making me dizzy and light weight, everywhere I looked it looked like the whole room is spinning no matter how many I blinked.

"Haha it looks like the drugs are taking it effect" Dylan said bringing back that evil grin.

"W-what drugs?" I say badly unable to speak as I was trying to relax my head.

Hurts... It hurts I hear that voice in my head but I was so focused on this headache. "Oh yes my love drugs" Dylan begins as he takes another sip of his of wine, "You see my love the very day I saw you when your so called parents came to visit me I noticed something which has brought interest to me or you could say something that attracted me to you"

"Interests, uncle what are you are trying to say?" I ask as I try to move away from him but he just forcefully grabs my hand sitting me back down on my chair. "Glad you asked. You see as I was young let's say university I met this girl who I was totally in love with I loved everything about her, her hair, eyes, smile, lips, everything

I didn't bother to tell her how I felt because I thought no one will claim her hell I didn't even bother talking to her at all, but I was dead wrong. One night my little brother said he fell in love with this girl in his major saying how beautiful and unique she was, so I told him to ask her out on a date. A few weeks passed they became official and I insisted to let him invite her to dinner so that I could get to know my little brother's girlfriend, when I was done making dinner he came in with his girlfriend and that's when I realized his girlfriend was actually the same girl I was in love with.

She was right next to him looking beautiful as ever but when I let it all sink in my heart was broken into shreds as they where sitting, holding hands and talking, as dinner was over she invited him to her house leaving me with a broken heart. Then few years passed he proposed to her and she said yes and got married later got pregnant and had a beautiful little girl with a little bit of her resemblance nice eyes, lips, smile and hair, everything about that girl was beautiful as if God sent her to me, so I've been taking care of her as grows into an angel and my property" he said a smirk and my eyes widened at what he meant.

"Y-your little brother is my dad and the girl you loved is my mom?" I asked in disbelief moving further away from him wobbling a little and he just sits there smirking evilly. "A-and t-the girl is m-me?" I asked again sitting there too terrified to move an inch.

"Ding, ding, ding that's correct my love YOU my love are you're mother's doppelganger sent especially to be mine and only mine and now that you've taken a slice of that cake with sedatives in any minute I can get to finally know how your sweet body tastes like" He said as he stood up coming to me slowly as he unbuckled his belt throwing it to the side.

Run... Avery... Run!

Listening to that voice I run away but before I could get away Dylan grabs my hands pinning on the wall him not knowing I managed to get a fork. "Now now Avery no need get all terrifed besides I'll make sure you enjoy it as much as I do" He said licking my neck busy touching and squeezing my boob and my ass making me whimper in disgust

He kept on liking my neck as if claiming which disgusted me to the core.

Do something Avery don't let him rape you... The voice said begging me to stop him. Dylan stopped licking my neck to look at my lips as he slowly brought his lips to mine only inches apart from mine.


I take the fork I was hiding and with all my might ignoring numbness I stab on his upper left shoulder making sure it goes deep, Dylan screams in pain but still close to me so I kicked him where it hurts the most pushing him away from me and ran to my room at full speed locking the door behind ignoring the same headache. I don't know how I did it but I got away from him, got away from the same man who took me in and took care of me all through my three years of living in his house.

Why would he do that to me? I said to myself crying

I don't know Avery but you got out of it, you're safe we're safe it's okay. The sedatives are taking over, how about you lie down and sleep?

And I did just as that and slept.

*+:。.。 。.。:+*

Ever since that day everything changed Dylan no longer treats me the same like he used to seven years ago and now that I'm older, Dylan hits me, slaps, spits and beats me until I'm unconscious leaving me on the cold floor.

Why do let him do this to you? The voice also Amber asked growling at the thought of fighting him.

Not yet Amber besides I can't fight him you and I both know I'm too weak and if I did then he'd for sure kill me and you know that I said as I just sat on the floor since I've been forbidden to sit the couches or chairs at all

Avery you're an adult now you CAN fight him and you are strong enough and able to defend yourself, just... Just ran away from here from HIM

I wish I could, but the question is where will I go? No one would want to take in some seventeen year old who gets abused almost every day, besides I'm waiting for the right time I reason trying to calm her down as I sense her anger.

So when will that be?! Amber shouts as she calms herself down

Tonight Am. Tonight. Dylan going to the bar to celebrate his friends thirtieth birthday so you and I both know he shows up late, after one hour I'll get his money, some clothes and run away.

Hmm okay but be careful, you have to make sure he left for sure

Okay I will

"Avery you come here!"

Son of a bitch

"Yes uncle?" I say with my head bowed down in order to show respect. You don't need to show respect Amber said but I just ignored her. "I'm going out tonight and when I get back I should find dinner in the microwave, are we clear?" He asks and I just nods not satisfied with my answer he pulls me by hair making me look at him me.

"I said are we clear?!" He shouts tightening his grip on my hair, "Copy, s-sir" I stutter and with that he let's go of my hair pushing me to the floor. "Good girl" and left to his friends party.

I waited for about one hour to ensure that he left I went to his room looking around through his drawer. "Ugh were could it be?" I ask myself, "Check under his bed" Amber said and I did just that, I bent down looking under his bed and to find a box with a little lock and a small key next to it. I grabbed them putting the box on my laps with the key in my hand

This is it Amberley

I unlock it to find valuables and money inside. I took ten thousand dollars leaving the rest back in and putting the box and key back in it place grabbing my duffle bag leaving not only his room but the apartment.



It's being one year since I run away from uncle Dylan's apartment and I'm now eighteen years old now and I... Uh sleep on the streets since I'm homeless as hell and people are willing to help me with money, food and clothing when I needed them and I hope their kindness gets rewarded.

"Dude marijuana is better than weed"

"Oh fuck no man marijuana is as strong as fuck"

"Yeah so what it's strong besides it releases all your worries and you feel like you're floating"

"Your lose dude hey-"

"Ugh nosy mugets simply SHUT UP" Amber and I shouted being the attention of the two boys as they are looking at me. "Hey who are you telling to shut up?" The guy asked coming close to trying to intimidate me but I didn't get affected I just gave him a blank face. "You of course you guys are too nosy, so stop" I said standing up looking him straight in his eyes.

"The fuck you just said to him?" The other boy said now next him. "Maybe you didn't understand let me say it differently your mouth is moving like a rat yapa yapa yapa, shut it please" I said with a smirk making Amber laugh. That seemed set of the guy and he just slapped me. Real. Hard.

"Ouch my poor cheek" I say, "It really hurt tck fucking coward" And slap him back and the other guy just steps back with his hands up. Good choice. I turned around and ran

"Fuck she's getting away let get teach this bitch a lesson" the guy I slapped said, "nah dude hitting a lady is just low" The other guy said, he heard the guy I slapped mutter curse words at him as he was chasing me. I kept on running and running as he was close to my trail not paying attention to my surroundings.

Avery look out!

But before I could process and respond what she meant I got hit by a car which seemed to be a white limousine the force of the hit it made hard for me to even react or let out a scream. I heard my right arm dislocate, hip fracture and almost my bones fractured or broken.

And that's when I fell hard on road hitting my head, blood dripping almost everywhere on the road. It really hurts to try and move my body and cold laying in my blood, the sun is bright really irritating my eyes so decide to close my eyes hearing all the sounds around me for the last time. I heard car doors open and close at the same time and food steps coming close to me.

"Ma'am, hey stay with us" A man's voice says making me open my eyes a little. I am met with a man with blue ocean eyes and jet black hair as the other man bends down with his shades. "E-eyes h-hurts" I whispered just talking made it hurt. "Get her up she's coming with us" The guy in shades said as he stood up opening the back door


"No buts her LIFE is at stake here, she is coming with us and that's final, understood?" The guys shades said as the guys carrying me just nodded carrying to the car as he laid me on the guy wearing shades laps. He removed his shades looking at me as he was looking me I felt some type of sparks inside my body.

"Hey, stay with us we'll take you to a place to help you so open your eyes for me" He said but I couldn't I felt really tired like I haven't slept in years.

Maybe I'll rest a little

No Avery you have to stay alive, you can't die there's so much to live for

Every since I was just a toddler till now I've treated like shit Amberley... Its my time now. My time to leave this world besides my body is aching I can't take it anymore, I'm gonna rest.

Avery no-

With that I close my eyes ignoring the screams of the guy whose laps I'm laying my head on to enjoy a blissful sleep.