
The Weird Life of A Princess

The Weird Life of A Princess is about a young princess of the Day Kingdom, she is named Edith and she is the youngest of 7 siblings. On her 18th birthday, she is to marry one of the princes of the Night Kingdom. She has never seen or met any of them before, they are complete strangers to her, so naturally, she does not want to marry any of them. She tells her father and he agrees to let her go to the Night Kingdom to get to know the princes better before marrying one of them.

_Winston_ · Fantasy
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12 Chs


Chapter 12

As I opened my eyes, there was a twinge in my neck, I had probably slept on it the wrong way. Massaging it gently, I walked over to the trunk I had brought with me from the Day kingdom. After rummaging around for a few seconds, I pulled out the cream that I had asked the royal doctor to make for me for soreness.

Quietly thanking Dr. Kendrick for teaching me how to make it in case I ever ran out of it because there wasn't much left since I often get sore after training.

Quickly applying the cream onto my neck, I sighed in relief as the coolness set in and the ache started to numb.

Placing the cream into the vanity drawer, I grabbed my training clothes and put them on. When I finished shoving on my clothes, Buck was already awake and staring at me from where he was laying on the bed.

He looked up at me with hopeful eyes *food?*

Patting his head, I told him, "I'll call on Grace to get us breakfast."

Pulling on the rope next to my bed, Grace was here in a matter of minutes, "Good morning, Miss. Here's your breakfast."

"Good morning, Grace. Do you also have Buck's breakfast?"

She nodded, "It's in the food trolly behind me."

I took the tray from her hands as she went to push the trolly into my room.

Upon seeing the food, Buck jumped off the bed and landed next to Grace. He rubbed his head against her leg.

Setting down the plate of food for Buck, she ever so gently patted his head. I guess she was slightly warming up to Buck, at least she wasn't screaming anymore.

Following breakfast, I asked Buck, "Would you want to get out of this room and walk around for a little bit?"

He nodded his head *Yes*

"Okay, Prince Easton showed me a place where I would be able to train in private and not disturb anyone. I just need to figure out a way to get you there without anyone noticing," I thought for a second, then I remembered the letter, "Hmm, Buck are you able to travel through walls as long as they are made of natural resources?"

Buck nodded his head again *Yes*

"Okay, most of this palace is either made of wood, metal, or cement. So travel as much as you can by hiding in the walls. And if you can't pop out when I tell you there aren't any people nearby. Can you do that?" I asked him.

He answered me immediately, *Yes*

"Good boy. Now get in the wall and follow me," I beckoned for him to ease into the wall.

As he slowly disappeared, I asked, "If you can hear me, pop your head out a little for me."

Suddenly, a giant wolf head popped out and licked my face.

I grinned, "Are you floating in there?"

Nodding his giant head, Buck disappeared back into the wall.

"Okay, I'm going to start walking, follow me and poke the tip of your nose out a little if you can't go further."

Poking his head out again, Buck nodded and slipped back in, "Good boy, now come on, follow me."

Retracing my steps from when Easton took me back to my room last night, I slowly made it to the place Easton had shown me.

Whispering to Buck through the wall, I notified him, "Buckkk, we're here, you can come out now."

"Why are you whispering to the wall?"

I nearly jumped out of my skin, "Prince Easton! Why are you here?"

He shrugged, "I'm here to get my morning practice in. So why were you whispering to the wall? Is someone in there?"

As I started to sweat, I debated whether I should tell him about Buck or not, but before I could say anything, the wolf popped out of the wall and pinned Easton onto the floor.

"Buck!! Nooo! Don't do that, get off him."

Reluctantly, Buck slowly got off him and made a huffing noise. Sitting down next to me, Buck planted his butt down on the floor and watched Easton with narrowed eyes.

Patting his head, I inquired, "Why are you being so weird? Did Prince Easton ever do anything to you?"

Turning to Easton, "I apologize for this, Buck doesn't really get along well with new people. He takes a while to warm up to them."

Easton shook his head with a slight smile, "It's quite alright and you can drop the formalities. So, what is he? You keep petting him and talking to him in an affectionate manner, is he your pet? Where did he come from? How come I've never seen anything like him before? Can I pet him? Why was he hiding in a wall? "

He asked so many questions I could hardly keep up, "Umm, he's a wolf and I guess he sort of is my pet? I have no idea where he came from, I just kinda found him. You've probably never seen his kind anywhere because, well, I don't know. You may pet him if he lets you, but that may take a while for that to happen, and he was hiding in a wall because I didn't want him to make anyone scream if they were to accidentally see him." I had decided not to tell him about the letter or where and how I found Buck.

Whew, I said all that in one breath, sucking in a lung full of air, I asked, "Can we please go inside so no one sees him?"

He blushed, "Of course, ahem please excuse my rudeness. I got distracted because I saw something I've never seen before." He pushed open the door for us to go inside.

Buck walked in first and I filled after him, after Easton walked in, he closed the door behind him.

After we talked more about Buck, he asked, "Now, how about we start training?"

I'm so sorry T-T it has been almost three months since I've published anything here. I would like to say it's because I was tired or it was because I got really busy doing school stuff but that'd be a lie (well, not entirely). But please forgive me (or don't), I'm just really lazy, and I space out a lot. Anyway, hope you enjoyed :).

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