
The Weird Life of A Princess

The Weird Life of A Princess is about a young princess of the Day Kingdom, she is named Edith and she is the youngest of 7 siblings. On her 18th birthday, she is to marry one of the princes of the Night Kingdom. She has never seen or met any of them before, they are complete strangers to her, so naturally, she does not want to marry any of them. She tells her father and he agrees to let her go to the Night Kingdom to get to know the princes better before marrying one of them.

_Winston_ · Fantasy
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12 Chs

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Chapter 11

While Grace was helping me into my fencing uniform, I realized something. If I were to reproduce with one of the princes, does that mean, our children would be purple-bloods?

Would they accept that? Or would they be like what the book said? Would they kill the child?

I'm going to have to ask one of the princes about this. Or should I? While I was in deep thought, Buck nudged me and looked into my eyes *Edith*.

Snapping out of my thoughts, "Huh? What is it, Buck?" I looked at myself, Grace had finished helping me with my uniform, "Thank you, Grace."

Buck nudged me again, "What? Why do you keep on nudging me?"


"Oh, you're hungry?"

He nodded his big head.

"But didn't you just eat?"

He huffed at me *Food*.

"Okay, okay, fine. What do you even eat? Besides bacon of course."

Buck stared at me *Food*.

I sighed, "Can you just eat anything as long as it is edible?"

Nodding his head again, I turned to Grace. She was staring at me with raised eyebrows, "Miss?"

Shrugging, "Buck wants to eat, can you bring him food until he is full and be discrete about it?"

Grace nodded, "Yes, Miss. I can do that."

"Good, thank you."

With that, Grace walked out of my room and walked to the kitchen to ask the chef for food for Buck.

Patting his head, I smiled, "Your food will be here in a few minutes."

He rubbed his head against my palm, aww, so cute, "Don't cause any trouble for Grace when I'm with the prince, okay?"

If wood wolves could pout, Buck was doing it, "Buck," I warned him, "Promise me."

Huffing again, he reluctantly nodded, looking grumpy. I patted him again, "Good boy."

After Grace came back with Buck's food, she took me to where William and I were going to have our match.

When I got there, William was already there. The maids that were passing by were all blushing and whispering to each other.

He straightened his back when he saw me, "Princess Edith you're here."

I nodded, "Yep, so who will be our referee?"

William gestured at the man next to him, "This is my fencing instructor, Master Miller. He will be our referee."

"Okay, great. Let's start then, shall we?"

Master Miller nodded, "Alright, put on your fencing masks, and then we will begin."

Sliding it down my face, I watched William do the same.

Looking at us, Master Miller asked, "Ready? En garde!"

William lunged at me, I parried and with the split second I had to carry out the riposte, the point of my saber poked William's torso.

The Master walked over and held up his hand on my side and called out, "Princess Edith, 1 point!"

Pulling back, William went back to where he was standing before, and so did I.

Lunging forward again, he thrust his saber forward, dodging my parry. Moving out of the way just in time, and thrusting the saber forward, I stabbed his thigh.

We did this again and again until the three minutes were up, and the Master shouted, "Arrêt!"

The score came out as, 6 to 7. William had won by one point, if the match had lasted a few seconds longer, we would have had a tie.

Walking over to William, I held out my ungloved hand for him to shake, "You were great."

Taking my hand in his, he gently shook it and a small smile slid on his face, "Thank you," then to my surprise, he leaned down and kissed my hand, while looking into my eyes, "Princess Edith."

I was pretty sure, my face had turned into the color of a beet. I cleared my throat, "Ahem, anyway, what do you want as a prize since you won this bout?"

He raised an eyebrow at me, "Prize?"

Flushing even brighter red, I explained, "It is what my brothers and I did when we won. You could request a small prize from the person you had defeated." This sounded dumb, he wasn't my brother, so he probably wouldn't want me to do anything for him.

William stared at me, "Okay, then I want you to owe me a favor, I can call on it whenever, however, and under any circumstances."

"Okay, that can be done. Let's shake on it since we are already holding hands." I gestured to our linked hands.

Pumping my hand up and down, William nodded, "We have a deal."


After I said goodbye to William, I went back to my room, where right as I walked in, Buck tackled me to the ground. Then breathed onto my face.

I grunted at him, "I was barely gone for 15 minutes."

He whimpered at me, I patted his head again, "Alright, alright, you're a good boy, now get off me. I can't breathe properly."

Perking up, he bounded off my chest like an eager puppy full of energy.

Staring at me, he asked *bacon?*

Raising my eyebrow at him, "Didn't you just eat?"

He let out that whiney sound dogs made when they were sad.

"Don't look at me like that, your previous owner warned me, if you ate too much, you'd get fat and chunky."

Buck glared at me and huffed in annoyance.

"Stop being a little brat, I need to go take a bath," I said while taking off my fencing uniform. Standing in my underwear, I pulled on the rope that rang for Grace.

Less than two minutes later, she appeared, "How was the match, Miss?"

Now, it was my turn to pout, "He won by one point. I would have won if the match went on for another second. Hmph."

Grace patted my head with a soft giggle, "Poor Miss."

Swatting her hand away, I groaned, "Ugh, so annoying. Can you draw me a bath, please? I reek of sweat and defeat."

She giggled again, "Yes, Miss."

After taking a relaxing bath, I asked Grace to help me ask one of the Princes if there was a place I could train to keep my body's physique.

Grace had told me to write one of them a letter so she could bring it to them or to ask them at dinner.

My letter:

Dear, Prince Easton

Would you be so kind as to recommend me a place to train? I feel as though if I don't start exercising again, I might turn into a puddle of fat. I beg of thee, I just need a small place to do my own thing, I won't bother anyone.

Sincerely, Princess Edith

Handing the letter to Grace, I told her, "Please take this to Prince Easton."

She smiled and nodded, "Of course."

Ten minutes later, she came back with another letter, "Miss, the Prince wrote back," and handed me the letter.

"Thank you."

Opening the letter:

Dear, Princess Edith

Of course, there is a place you can train. I will show it to you after dinner, it used to be the place where my mentor and I used to train. It is tranquil, and no one would bother you there.

Sincerely, Prince Easton

I grinned, I'll thank him at dinner, or after dinner.

Since Grace had finished helping other maids (she was my maid, and only had that job, but at times when I didn't need her, she would help others) she wanted to do my hair to see what would look good for the ball.

We had a few hours to kill before dinner so I agreed.

After a few hours of tugging and pulling on my hair, Grace had found the perfect style for my hair.

Before she could take it down, it was time for dinner, she shrugged, "We will just keep it like this until dinner is over. We don't want you to be late," and hurried me off to dinner.

When dinner ended, Easton approached me, with a smile, "I forgot to mention, I like your hair today. It suits you very well."

I smiled, "Thank you, now can you show me the place?"

He nodded, "Of course, this way." He gestured to his left and offered me his elbow.

Hooking my hand through his elbow, I walked beside him.

Five minutes of walking later, we were in front of a door, Easton gently pushed it open, "Here we are."

Peering inside, I was very pleased, it was a nice space, about 50 feet by 60 feet.

"Thank you for lending me this place."

Easton nodded, then looked a little bashful, "Um, if you don't mind, could we maybe train in here together sometime?"

I nodded, "Of course, you are the one lending me this place. You don't even need to ask."

He smiled, "Great, now, let's get you back to your room. Shall we?"

Hooking my hand through his elbow again, we walked back to my room.

Taking my hand in his, he leaned down and kissed it, "Have a nice night (morning), Princess."

"You too."

He bowed and I curtsied.

When I opened my door, Grace was already there, "Miss, let me take your hair down."

Her hands swiftly plucked out the pins and undid the hairdo, "Okay, there you go, Miss."

"Thank you. You can have the rest of the day off. Although there isn't very much of it left."

"Alright, have a nice night, Miss."

After she left, I played with Buck, petting him, wrestling with him, and other things.

When we finally finished playing around, I changed my clothes and went to bed with Buck. He curled up next to me, and I drifted off to sleep.

Sorry for taking so long to update again. Hope you enjoyed :).

_Winston_creators' thoughts