
The Weird Life of A Princess

The Weird Life of A Princess is about a young princess of the Day Kingdom, she is named Edith and she is the youngest of 7 siblings. On her 18th birthday, she is to marry one of the princes of the Night Kingdom. She has never seen or met any of them before, they are complete strangers to her, so naturally, she does not want to marry any of them. She tells her father and he agrees to let her go to the Night Kingdom to get to know the princes better before marrying one of them.

_Winston_ · Fantasy
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12 Chs

I'm In The Night Kingdom

Chapter 3

William was the first to answer, "Yes, I fence. Do you, Princess Edith?"

I smiled, nodding, "Yes, I do fence."

He nodded, "Then maybe we should have a duel sometime in the near future."

"Sure, that'd be nice."

William nodded.

And that was all I got out of him.

Turning toward Easton and Mark, "What about you guys?"

Mark shook his head, "I don't fence, but I do like riding horses, would you like to join me, sometime?"

"Sure, I'd love to."

Easton blurted out, "I like to dance, would you dance with me?" He then turned a light shade of pink.

I smiled, that was so cute, although I had no idea why he was embarrassed, "Of course I would, I love to dance."

Easton blushed even more, "Great, good, cough cough, thank you."

The next 2 hours were quiet, it was kind of awkward. The only noises were the clump-clump noises of the horse's hooves and the wheels clink-clink.

A few minutes later, the coachman opened the little sliding window above my head, "Princess and princes, we are in the dark forest, it should be another 2 hours and 30 minutes until we reach the castle."

"Thank you for letting us know. Drive carefully."

The man nodded, "Of course your highness." He closed the little window and we continued on our way again.

After a few minutes, I was getting sleepy, I yawned and muttered, "I'm tired, I'm going to take a short nap. Please wake me up when we get there."

Easton nodded, 'Okay, we will."

I slowly fell asleep to the rhythm of the carriage. Everything disappeared, slowly fading away into oblivion.

Someone was shaking my shoulder, I cracked open my eyes, rubbing them, "Are we there?"

Easton nodded, "Yep, time to wake up, Princess. You can sleep when we get to your room, but first, you need to meet my mother and father, Queen Helena and King Tiberius."

Stretching, I sighed, that felt good, "Okay, I'll get up now."

He moved out of the way and then took my hand, "Here, let me help you."

Taking his hand, I smiled, "Thanks."

He grinned, "Your welcome, Princess Edith."

We walked over to where Easton's family was, 4 of them were standing there, looking beautiful and scary at the same time.

When we got there, Easton bowed, "Mother, Father, this is Princess Edith."

I curtsied, "Your Majesties."

The queen walked over to me, taking my chin into her hand, "How pretty, you seem like a nice young lady. Tell me, dear, are you a weak little human or can you actually survive in our world?"

I stared boldly into her eyes, "Your Majesty, I am not weak, not by a long shot."

She smiled, throwing her head back, laughing, how someone can make that look elegant and beautiful, I had no idea, but she could do it, "Hahaha, what a brave girl, looking me in the eye like that, I could crush your head so very easily right now."

Still staring at her, "I know you can, for you, all you have to do is gently flick your wrist to the side and my head would go flying off."

Her eyes flicked all over my face, studying me, "Hmm, what a strange little human you are, not one human has looked me in the eye before, they were all too scared to try." She let go of my chin, "It is good you do, it would be quite awkward if you were to become my daughter-in-law and never look me in the eye."

She walked back to her place next to the King before I could reply.

The King looked down at me, "Princess Edith, I am King Tiberius, welcome to our kingdom, you must be tired, I will have one of the servants show you to your room."

A young woman walked up, she carefully took my trunk out of the carriage, "I will be one of your maids, your Highness. I will be showing you to your room."

I curtsied to the Royal family of the Night Kingdom before following the young lady, "Hey, what is your name?"

The young lady muttered, "My name is Grace, Ma'am. Grace Hemsworth."

"Okay, Grace, nice to meet you, and please don't call me ma' ma, I sound so old. Just call me Edith, please."

Grace nodded, "Yes, Miss Edith."

I sighed, "Just Edith."

She bit her lip, "I feel more comfortable calling you Miss or Ma'am."

Nodding, I smiled, "Okay, whatever you're comfortable with then."

Grace smiled slightly, "Thank you, Miss."

We walked for another minute before reaching a door, she was struggling to open the door, "Oh, let me open that." I opened the door, wow, big room, very big room. For some reason, I had an urge to jump onto the bed.

Grace gently out down my trunk, "Here is your room, Miss. Would you like a bath before bed?"

"Yep, thank you."

Grace smiled and hurried off.

After a few minutes, the bath was filled and Grace asked, "Would you like me to help you take off your clothes, Miss?"

I shook my head, "Nope, that's fine, I don't need any more help, thank you, though."

She smiled and curtsied, "Of course, Miss, yell if you need anything and I'll come. Enjoy your bath."

Taking off my clothes, I slowly submerged my body underwater. Sigh, this felt so good.

After taking the bath, I put on my clothes and jumped onto the bed, the wiggling my way in, I fell asleep quickly.

Hope you enjoyed :).

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