
The Weary Summoner

Given the choice between a Comedic Chicken and a Dull Beatle. Li Wei made a decision that will change the celestial realm forever. Li Wei is a summoner in a world of cultivators and believes he can be carried to the top. Lucky for him a fallen god takes pity on him and gifts him a summoning system which helps him track and understand his summons better. Yes smut.

icefireearthair22 · Eastern
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A Quest for Answers

In the heart of the Celestial Realm, where the sky was bluer than my favorite robe and the mountains reached higher than my morning aspirations, the Li Clan's Cloud Peak loomed majestically. It overlooked valleys where celestial herbs grew so robustly, I half-suspected they were in a secret pact with the qi to make me sneeze whenever I walked past.

I, Li Wei, the prodigious yet perpetually perplexed summoner, navigated the hallways adorned with tapestries that looked like they had overdosed on ink. Each carving on the walls seemed to depict ancestors locked in intense debates—probably arguing about which celestial tea was best for calming the nerves.

My fingers traced the carved stories, and I couldn't help but wonder if my ancestors ever summoned a celestial creature to help them find their misplaced celestial slippers. Probably not. My parents, immortalized in a mural, stared at me with eyes that said, "You're going to summon something, right? We didn't sacrifice ourselves for you to be a celestial couch potato."

In the summoning gardens, where the celestial blossoms bloomed like fireworks on festival night, I attempted summoning creatures that were a cross between a cosmic kitten and an otherworldly banana. They frolicked around, and for a moment, I felt like the most peculiar ringmaster in the Celestial Realm circus.

"Mother, Father, I swear these summonings are a lot harder than you made them look. Can we take a rain check on saving the realm today? I'm still figuring out how to summon without tripping over my own celestial robes."

The gardens became my sanctuary, a place where even the ancient trees seemed to snicker at my summoning struggles. The ephemeral creatures mirrored my confusion, probably gossiping among themselves about the clumsy human summoner who was more likely to trip on a celestial pebble than save the world.

As I strolled through the corridors, the tapestries seemed to whisper secrets, probably mocking my attempts at mastering the summoning arts. I arrived at the precipice of Cloud Peak, where the azure sky looked down at me like a celestial overlord awaiting an entertaining spectacle.

"Perhaps the Celestial Sect holds the secret to summoning without summoning a dozen cosmic chickens. Off to find the answers, or at least a comedic sidekick in the form of an ancient text with a sense of humor. Because, let's face it, my summoning circles are more chaotic than a celestial dance-off."

With an overdramatic sigh and the flair of a celestial thespian, I embarked on a journey beyond Cloud Peak, toward the Celestial Sect, where destiny awaited, and the comedic echoes of my celestial misadventures would surely resonate against the mountains and valleys of the Celestial Realm.

The Celestial Sect beckoned to me like a cosmic lighthouse in the vastness of the Celestial Realm. Legends whispered of ancient texts hidden within its hallowed halls, promising enlightenment and, hopefully, a celestial guidebook on summoning etiquette. With my robes billowing dramatically in the celestial breeze, I embarked on a journey fraught with comedic misadventures.

Navigating the Celestial Mountains was no celestial picnic. I stumbled upon rogue cultivators who must have mistaken me for a wandering celestial clown. They challenged me to duels, expecting some awe-inspiring martial prowess. Instead, I managed to summon a celestial chicken with a penchant for interpretive dance. Surprisingly, the duel ended with laughter instead of swords.

As I ventured deeper into the mountains, the air became thick with qi and the celestial aroma of herbal concoctions. The Celestial Sect awaited, perched on a mountain peak where the wind carried both the wisdom of sages and the occasional gossip of mischievous spirits.

The grand library of the Celestial Sect was a celestial carnival of knowledge. Ancient tomes lined the shelves, their celestial dust particles possibly carrying the suppressed laughter of countless scholars who had sought enlightenment. I felt a kinship with them—a connection forged in the struggle to understand celestial complexities.

Brows furrowed and lips pursed in celestial determination, I delved into the ancient texts. Each scroll contained secrets more puzzling than a celestial riddle. One text spoke of summoning circles that danced to the rhythm of cosmic melodies, while another hinted at ethereal creatures who appreciated celestial stand-up comedy. It seemed my journey to find answers was destined to be an otherworldly sitcom.

In a secluded corner, amidst stacks of celestial scrolls, I stumbled upon a passage that spoke of a mystical artifact—an interdimensional key that bridged the realms between life and death. The celestial jackpot! I envisioned it as a cosmic Swiss army knife, solving both my summoning dilemmas and existential crises.

With newfound purpose, I set forth towards the peak of Celestial Sect, guided by the wisdom gleaned from ancient texts and fueled by the hope that this artifact could be the punchline to my cosmic struggles.

As I approached the celestial altar at the summit, I could feel the energy of the Celestial Sect converging like a celestial spotlight. The summoning circle I etched glowed with newfound celestial confidence. With a celestial flourish, I activated the artifact, and the air crackled with cosmic energy.

A celestial portal unfolded before me, a doorway to the ethereal realm where the boundary between life and death blurred. I hesitated for a celestial moment, pondering the cosmic consequences of my actions. Then, with a celestial shrug and a resolute nod, I stepped into the unknown, ready to face the cosmic comedy that awaited in the ethereal realm.

Little did I know that my celestial journey would unravel more than just secrets—it would set in motion a cosmic chain of events that would have the entire Celestial Realm laughing, gasping, and possibly questioning the sanity of the weary summoner who dared to bring humor to the celestial stage.