
The Way of The Dao

A mysterious young man falls into a small unknown world after surviving the terrifying void, barely recovering. However, the heavens punished him with a mysterious seal, sealing his powerful and terrifying strength and even restricting his body strength, turning him into a weak mortal, a cripple in the end. Feeling somewhat desperate and uneasy, he will begin to explore this small but interesting and unknown world, realizing that not everything is what it seems and that much knowledge he had ignored in the past was more important than it seemed. However, his heart that had been sealed and indifferent to almost everyone for his entire life, will gradually begin to open up when he meets people who will unexpectedly break the barrier in his heart easily but mysteriously, creating strong bonds that he never thought he would have had after the tragedy. Even memories from his childhood that had been forgotten or sealed away seemingly began to slowly emerge after a long time, realizing that his apparent origin was not simple either. With his power sealed, but with his knowledge and experience of thousands of years will gradually push him to the peak once again, even discovering unparalleled secrets and knowledge to step into the heavens and succeed in becoming an existence above the universe! ... It is my first novel that I started a long time ago and that I write with some slowness but always trying to give the best of me. I love very much these themes of cultivation and fights, romance and soft slices of life, so I decided to create my own novel that maybe could be enjoyable and charming for some or boring and disappointing for many, but it doesn't matter. In the beginning you will find a lot of clichés and tropes similar to almost every novel, even in the first 200-300 chapters, because I didn't know how to give an original and unique start. But I'm always aware of your comments, criticisms and complaints, which help me to broaden my horizons and perspectives and give a better writing and story to the novel. My writing and consistency at the beginning can be ugly with many mistakes, but as the story progresses I have learned from my mistakes and corrected a lot, even changing the way of narration a little as the story progresses and I write gradually. PS: Don't get carried away by the names of the chapter titles, some will seem to say the MC's cultivation or that he will start planning or have objectives against others, which is completely wrong. Sometimes I can't think of a suitable title and just write the simplest one, hehe. * Riixhiie * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * The cover image does not belong to me, so if the original owner has problems he can inform me and I will gladly remove it *

Riixhiie · Action
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930 Chs

An Immortal Formation? (II)

"Surrender. This formation was designed and created especially for you, a competent and powerful expert in formations. You won't be able to break it for a long time."

Suddenly, a quiet and calm voice swept through the place, causing Lu Wuhu to momentarily stop and look at the guy who had spoken.

Man Chong observed Lu Wuhu and then Xue Ning, nodding slightly at the power displayed by both of them. The power of each should not be underestimated, it would not be strange if, despite both of them being world powers at the top, they could fight against several opponents of their own level and still come out victorious. In addition, both were young at their heyday, meaning that their potential was limitless.

"This formation has traces of high-level materials, probably immortal level materials, or am I wrong?" Xue Ning asked coldly with narrowed eyes to Man Chong.

"Are you aware about the level and strength of immortality?" This time, it was Man Chong's turn to be surprised for the first time to hear this young woman. Did they really know about the Immortal World? Or were they just speculating?

However, Man Chong clearly saw in Xue Ning's eyes that she had no trace of doubt, as if she really knew what the formation was made of.

"You are right. This formation is made from a high-value immortal material, so even if several experts at the peak of the Great Ascension state were to attack it would still be ineffective." Man Chong calmly spread out his hands. There was no point in making things up, after all, this situation was already under his control.

Man Chong tried to remember all the information he had about who this young woman might be, what place, sect or clan she came from. But despite searching through all his memories, he could not find anything related to this beautiful powerful woman.

"Then this is made of immortal materials... no wonder it is very difficult to destroy it." Lu Wuhu quickly calmed down and analyzed the barrier in front of him. He was surprised that he could finally see an immortal level formation.

"You are very calm, it seems like you haven't realized the situation you are in." Man Chong looked at the faces of all of them, realizing that there was no extreme fear or horror, only worry, especially seeing the woman who had escaped. He was a little surprised to see one of the women not even showing concern but deep calm and tranquility, even more so seeing her fellow woman in the sky. Man Chong could not help but look up at the woman in the sky.

Unexpectedly, Long Yuyin looked to this side as well, meeting Man Chong's gaze. Her cold, piercing eyes showed no fear or despair.

"Although a little ant escaped, she will soon be with you..." Man Chong turned to look at the woman in the sky and added, "The other little girl won't be a problem either." He had seen another much younger woman who also had a cultivation base at the pinnacle but had left earlier, but she was barely in the Early Stage, so there would be no problem capturing her. There was another young man as well but he was barely a Nascent Soul stage cultivator.

"Elder Man, you wish for us to go look for those two young guys who left?"

Several people approached Man Chong as one of them referred to the two Xuanyuan siblings.

"Forget it. With your cultivation level you won't even know how you died." Man Chong replied without interest.


The group of several adults responded respectfully. Although these people were elders and sect leaders, Man Chong didn't even look twice at these people since they were much weaker than the guys who were cornering the woman who escaped. Cultivators at the Nascent Soul and Body Condensation stage were not worthy of value.

"There is no need to look for them. They will arrive on their own initiative when their companion is about to die." Man Chong lifted the corner of his mouth coldly.

Man Chong recalled that these two young persons seemed to be the core disciples of the former leaders of this sect, according to the information gathering he had been told, knowing that these two kids were very followers and loyal to their Masters. Therefore, Man Chong was not worried that they would escape, leaving especially Lu Wuhu alone, so they certainly would not have the courage to abandon him.

And even if it turned out otherwise, there would be no problem. Man Chong could catch each of the remaining young experts, Lu Wuhu's martial brothers and sisters. The first-rate powerful techniques, as well as the record of their strength and speeds for cultivation were far from ordinary, so Man Chong wanted to obtain their secrets and more.

"You dare!"

Lu Wuhu's gaze went horribly cold, causing Man Chong to turn to look at him with interest. He could not allow anything to happen to his Master's wife and his disciples!

"It's all right! My husband is already aware of all this and knows the situation we are in!"

Just as Xue Ning was about to attack the formation again, Mu Shuiruo's calm voice attracted her attention as did Lu Wuhu.

"Sister Shuiruo, what do you mean? You say my big brother already knows about this?" Xue Ning asked dumbfounded. This formation prevented communication with the outside!

"Yes!" Mu Shuiruo nodded with a smile, her hands over her heart and said, "Even he told Sis Yuyin that she can fight to her heart's content!" Her bright expression had no trace of a lie. The connection with her beloved and wonderful husband is so strong that she could hear the voice of his heart, as well as with all her sisters and know what was going on.

"So... are we okay?" Shan Qingwu asked dumbfounded. Somehow hearing about Ling Tian made her anxious heart calm down, filling her with mysterious confidence.

Nalan Ziqing loosened the strength in her hand, somehow feeling the anxiety lessen. If Ling Tian claimed to be a powerful body refinement cultivator and ancient immortal expert, then there wasn't supposed to be any problem, right?

Xue Ning and Lu Wuhu were silent for a few seconds before nodding in relief.

All of them slowly sighed in relief. Somehow the tense atmosphere could be felt diminishing to one of tranquility.

"What's wrong with them?" Man Chong frowned as he saw the way in their expressions. Somehow he began to feel a bad premonition. Such a feeling had not occurred since he had fallen to this world.

Couldn't they see the situation they were in?

And how come the woman who had escaped had not left completely and seemed to want to confront them?

And who was the person they were talking about? Who was the husband of this woman who seemed to know everything and conveyed security?

* Boom! *

The more Man Chong kept thinking about what was going on, a huge explosion occurred in the sky, with the ripples spreading all over the place.

Long Yuyin and the sect elders had finally moved!