
Exploring the Surroundings

Leaving my house, I walked through the few houses around my home until I reached the bustling Konoha market. The scent of fresh produce filled the air as vendors called out their wares. I made my way to the meat stand, where I carefully selected some chicken and beef for dinner that night. As I browsed, snippets of conversation from nearby villagers caught my attention.

Komi: "Suki-chan, I found out about entering the ninja academy."

Suki: "Really Komi-san, when will it be?"

Komi: "According to what my husband told me, it will be in February and will consist of two parts, a physical test and an intellectual test, which will deal with mathematics, language, and some history of Konoha."

The conversation piqued my interest. February wasn't far off, and it seemed I had a lot to prepare for. With a nod of thanks to the meat vendor, I paid 500 ryos and continued on to my next destination.

I headed towards a nearby stationery store to purchase supplies for my studies. Upon entering, the bell above the door chimed softly, announcing my arrival. The shopkeeper looked up from behind the counter, greeting me with a warm smile.

Seller: "Good afternoon, young man. What can I help you with today?"

Suguru: "Good afternoon, sir. How much would a dozen pencils and a couple of notebooks cost?"

Seller: "The pencils are 100 ryos a dozen, and the books are 120 each, so in total, it would be about 340 ryos."

Suguru: "Thank you. By the way, sir, do you know where the Konoha library is located?"

Seller: "It's Takeshi, and you'll find the academy if you go straight to the Akimichi post and turn left. The civil library is located there, next to the academy. If you want to find it, just follow the building with the kanji of fire."

With a grateful nod, I paid for my purchases and bid Takeshi farewell. Armed with my supplies, I made my way back home, eager to begin my preparations for the academy entrance exam.

When I got home and removed the security that I put before leaving, I put the food in the places and decided to start planning what to do in these almost 3 months to enter the ninja academy. 

In the first month I thought I might start doing some writing as well as physical exercise which will consist of sit-ups and planks as well as practicing kicking. In the second month I would stop focusing so much on that and start working on my chakra control, as well as the history of Konoha for my academy entrance exam. I wrote down a series of exercises to do every day and it consisted of some flexibility exercises as well as sprints to improve my endurance. Continuing with this train of thought, I decided to look up or ask about prices for a kunai and shuriken set and if a chakra role is possible, although I don't think I have enough chakra to conjure anything anyway and I would continue. I was thinking about how to get stronger but my stomach grew and I decided to eat some leftover food from the morning and prepare to then go to sleep for tomorrow after starting my training to think of more things to do.

The next morning with determination in my heart, I laid out on paper my plans for the coming months. I decided to keep a training journal to track my progress both physically and academically. While setting my schedule for the first month, I decided to not only focus on physical exercises but also spend time honing my writing skills.

Each day, after completing my set of sit-ups, planks, and kicks, I sat down with my notebook and pencil. With each stroke of the pencil, I poured my thoughts onto the page, practicing my writing and expression. Whether it was jotting down my reflections on the day's training or composing stories inspired by my new surroundings, writing became my outlet for creativity and introspection.

As the weeks passed and my body grew stronger, so did my writing skills. I found that the discipline and focus required for physical training translated perfectly into my writing sessions. Just as I pushed myself to reach new milestones in my training, I pushed the limits of my imagination and language in my writing.

In the second month, when I shifted my focus toward chakra control and studying Konoha's history, I continued to document my journey in my training journal. I recorded my progress in mastering the most basic chakra manipulation and delved into the rich tapestry of Konoha's past, observing key events and important figures that would no doubt feature on the academy entrance exam.

With each workout, I could see how my physical and intellectual activities intertwined, each supporting and complementing the other. Through dedication and perseverance, I was not only preparing myself for the challenges that lay ahead, but I was also forging a path to becoming the ninja I aspired to be.

And so, as I sat down to enjoy a well-deserved meal after a day of training and studying, I knew that with every step I took, I was one step closer to realizing my dreams, becoming stronger so that I would not die in this world and make my parents proud.

When there were a few days left before I started practicing for the academy, I ran out of pencils and many of my clothes began to look repetitive and began to annoy me, so I decided to take a day to do a little shopping at Takeshi-san's store.

Suguru: "Good afternoon, Takeshi-san. I hope you are well. In fact, I am here to ask you something. I am looking for a set of kunai, shuriken and senbon and some clothes."

Takeshi: "Ah, kunai, shuriken and senbon, huh? Those are essential items for any aspiring shinobi. If you want to become one here you have to buy your weaponry. Let me check my inventory for you."

Takeshi disappears into the back of the store once again, this time returning with an assortment of ninja tools.

Takeshi: "Fortunately, I have a selection of kunai, shuriken, and senbon available. How many of each do you want to buy, Suguru?"

"I also have some items of clothing, especially resistant combat kimonos that are easy to hide weapons."

Suguru considers his options. While a battle kimono would be a good investment, he knows that having a supply of ninja tools is crucial for his training and eventual missions.

Suguru: "Thank you, Takeshi-san. I'll take a set of ten kunai, ten shuriken and twenty senbon and could you make a kimono for me, please."

Takeshi: "Very good. For the entire series, it will be 800 ryos. Is that okay?"

Suguru: "That sounds fair. Here you go."

Suguru hands the payment to Takeshi, relieved that he has acquired the tools he needs for his training. After paying for takeshi, I take it to a section of the store so you can take your measurements and make it however you want.

Suguru is currently 1.25 cm tall and wanted the arms of his kimono to completely cover his hands and be purple and black in color. (if you want to have an idea of ​​what it would be like, it's like Orochimaru's in his genin stage with the change of sleeves)

When Suguru returns home, he can't help but feel a sense of excitement. You could start practicing your aim and get a little further into your goal.

There is one day left to take the academy exam, almost three months have passed since I arrived here and I think I have made a lot of progress, I remember less and less about my past life and I immerse myself more in enjoying this second life that I have now although What will happen in some scenarios? I'm too far ahead of the plot and I don't know how things will be when that moment arrives. I decided not to train that day and go out and visit my deceased parents in this life and tell them how I'm doing. I dressed in black shorts with matching sandals and a loose gray polo shirt, and I also left my hair down. Taking the keys to my house and some money to buy some flowers for them, I started on my way and decided to admire the homes around me. My own house, although modest, was beige like the others. From what I saw, all of them were similar but not the same. One had different proportions but they all had the same color and if I had to guess the same builder, after a few minutes I went out to the road where the market is from what they told me the cemetery is in the eastern area and outside is where you buy the tribute for those fallen in battles. After a short walk through the vegetable sector I reached the clothing sector where I found this small store where something or someone caught my attention, it was Takeshi-san at the checkout, I decided to go in and say hello to him as well as see if I could buy something, Upon entering I see that it is an accessories store and I decided to treat myself and buy some of the things that I liked. They highlighted a scarf that was a bit big for me but in a purple color, my mother's favorite, so after thinking about it for a moment I took it. With me, in addition to grabbing three polishes, a pair in black and the last one in the same color as the scarf, when purchasing I greeted the seller.

Suguru: "Takeshi-san, do you have a shop other than weapons and books?"

Takeshi: "Of course, Suguru. But how do you think I'm making your kimono? I also see that you bought a scarf. Do you remember that you're in the Fire Nation? It's very rare to have cold climates here. Also, because of the polishes, I'm not judging you." of course.

Suguru: "It's better to be safe than sorry, plus I liked its color, it reminds me of my mother, and the polishes match the scarf."

Takeshi: "Hahaha, well said boy, in total it would be 50 ryos for the polishes. The scarf I'm giving you was made by my wife a long time ago and has been collecting dust for months."

Suguru: "Are you sure Takeshi-san? I can pay really."

Takeshi: "Sure boy, also don't be so formal it makes me feel old"

Suguru: "Thank you very much Takeshi, thank your wife for the scarf"

Takeshi: "That makes me remember that soon the tests for the academy will be held and I honestly don't know what it is but please read carefully and take your time, also remember that a shinobi should never show their true strength or shout about what they know." "

Suguru stayed halfway to the exit and thought carefully about the words that Takeshi said. Until after a while he just smiled at her and said goodbye to his command, with his eyes showing new understanding and he continued on his way to the cemetery, keeping the nail polishes in his pocket and putting on his scarf only by wrapping it around his neck.

Upon reaching the gates of the cemetery, he bought a couple of simple branches for 100 ryos, both along with some incense, and walked in the direction of where his parents were buried, where, after placing the branches and lighting the incense, he stayed there until the sun set. I begin to simply remember the good times I had with them or the good times that the former bearer of the body had.

When he got home he skipped dinner and went to sleep for his exam tomorrow where he would only show a little more than what was necessary to pass.