
Where I am?

In Konohagakure no sato in one apartment building inside of a messy room in the civil sector,we saw a kid sleeping peacefully in his bed, but with no explanation this kid started to scream, as if he was experiencing the worst pain we ever imagined. A few moments later he rode out the bed waking him up

"Shit" was his first words, when he opened his eyes he believed that he was still sleeping because what he saw was nothing like what he left when he went to sleep. At the same time notice that he was smaller than he remembered. "What the hell is happening" he said and even that sounded different, plus it was difficult for him to say the words.

When he got up he noticed other differences, first I did not have a window in his room, second my mattress was also on the floor, when i independent myself i put that in the floor because i was exhausted, but now i have a somier of wood and third all is made of wood, i remember having the floor of porcelain and my glass desk, but now they are of wood. "Ahhg where I am ,these is a dream or what is" I think and out of the corner of my eye I saw a door and I wanted to go out to see where I was, but im scared, i don't know what is behind that door. After a moment of thinking I opened it.

 What I saw surprised me, it was in an apartment I think with another door in front and a living room/kitchen on the other side next to a window with something that looked familiar to me, so I walked carefully to see where I was. The trip seemed eternal even though it was only a few steps, I held my breath when I arrived and saw what was in front of me. I couldn't believe it, it was something I only saw when I was a child when I could watch series and anime without worrying about responsibilities. that the older ones had, a monumental mountain looked back at me with four faces returning my gaze.

God im in naruto the first of the big three i see in my childhood, Right now I have mixed feelings, on the one hand I am surprised and excited to be able to produce rays, stick to the walls and create illusions like I saw when I was a child, but on the other hand I know what this world is like, people die left and right, now whether by enemy hand or friendly hand

I have to gain strength if I don't want to die in future events, apparently I'm an orphan because if I had a family they would have come when I fell out of bed or there would be more rooms around here as family photographs. Well I don't have to get sentimental, I have to see what I'm going to do next and how much time I have to get stronger. Apparently there are already four faces so either the kyubi has already attacked or we still have to spend that fateful day for Konoha

As I looked around the room better, I saw a calendar that would help me know the date. As I got closer I noticed that it was December and it had a day crossed out and from what I see there is a drawing of a cake. "So I was born on December 25th to be exact" I said but how old am I? And who rules Konoha right now, the fourth or the third? 

Feeling a headache starting, I decided to go back to my room and rest since even though it was daytime I didn't know or remember anything and if this is like the fanfics I read, I would already have a system that helps me with all this. When I got to my bed I fell face down and fell asleep a few minutes later, but when I opened my eyes I noticed that I was no longer in the room but that darkness surrounded me for a few seconds. I didn't move, I was surprised and tried to move but I couldn't, I was like that for a while until a light began to form and illuminate everything and suddenly I woke up again in the same bed that I fell asleep a moment ago but now I was beginning to remember things, one of those was the name of this child and it was Suguru, Suguru Geto was 4 years old and his parents had died at the end of the third shinobi war, his mother a merchant and his father a chunin-rank ninja. They were engrossed by a group of kiri shinobi, or so they told the boy two years ago an ambu on his 4th birthday, "it's been 2 years so I'm about to turn 6 and be able to go to the ninja academy." I thought and apparently I still don't know Naruto so the kyubi hasn't been released yet. 

Before continuing plotting, he decided to take a bath since he started to smell very bad and if the memories of his past were true, the other door that he had not seen next to his room was the bathroom. Upon entering said bathroom, he prepared things for his bathroom, including his clothes, a loose black polo shirt along with some gray pants and his underwear. When he entered the bathroom, he noticed that there was a mirror next to the laundry room as well as a modest toilet next to the shower that apparently only produced cold water. Without thinking much I start to undress

When I took off my shirt, I looked in the mirror and what I saw surprised me: I had my father's straight black hair, along with my mother's violet eyes, and as if that were not enough, I had a slender but flexible figure. build. Saving that information for later, I headed to the shower to take a bath. The first moment I felt the water, my skin tingled since I was not used to the change in temperature, but little by little I got used to it and I relaxed for the first time since I mysteriously arrived here, after a long shower I came out already changed and with the towel tied somehow on my head since my hair was still wet.

I decided to continue exploring the memories of the child or myself "ahh getting used to this will be difficult" I thought, I sat on my bed in the lotus position, after an hour of exploring the memories and organizing them I felt something inside me. . , an energy, Curious, I followed the trail through my mind, after a while searching I found the place of said energy, I wanted to take it but I couldn't, every time I tried to grab it it escaped until in a brilliant moment in which I decided to crash against energy as a desperate plan, and don't ask me how it worked, but the point is that it did. It began to envelop me and enter me for a moment. I felt renewed, I felt like I could conquer the world, I felt above everyone but as it came that wave of energy left and I almost fell to the ground. "So that's the chakra now I just have to start controlling it and I will be able to fulfill my goal in this world to survive" I thought and before I can continue plotting, my stomach rumbles and tells me that I have to eat.

Resigned, I went to the small but well-equipped kitchen with a refrigerator, a sink and some high and low kitchen furniture with some ceramic plates and glasses on the upper kitchen cabinets and on the lower cabinets a series of utensils such as a set of knives, three frying pans and a couple of pots along with a recipe book from his mother if I remember correctly. I carefully grabbed the recipe book and was surprised that I could understand its content and how well it was written, it specifically detailed how to prepare dishes that my mother cooked, inexplicably I started to cry, the feelings were too much for my mind that was just adjusting to Being in a new body, I closed the book for a moment and tried to compose myself when I felt that I had control of my emotions again. I reopened it where I was reading a message for us

"Suguru, if you are reading this it is because something happened to us and We are probably no longer around for you, this book contains all my recipes that I have been collecting and some creating to share with the family. I ask you as a mother to honor my memory by cooking these meals with the people you love. It would make me happy to know that my son followed in my footsteps in the kitchen and may my recipes satisfy more people even after my death."

With love your mother The current lady geto Ei.

After reading that my eyes released a great torrent of tears and I just let the fear running out of my eyes, "it's not good to hide what I feel now, I can show myself as a child again, I can vent in the solitude of my house and cry for those who are no longer by my side and live for them.". After what seemed like hours I finished crying or the water in my body ran out, I don't know for sure, but what I did know is what I would do next would make my mother proud by honoring her memory by cooking these recipes and eating them. with the people important to me. Selecting a random page I decided to finally do what I wanted to do and cook something for my hungry stomach. I found something that surprised me Omuraisu was the title

In a detailed part the ingredients:

-3 eggs

-30 grams of chicken

-Half a small onion

-a handful of mushrooms

-60 g cooked Japanese rice

-1 tablespoon white wine


-salt and pepper

-Oil for frying

Then was the preparation:

First, prepare the solid ingredients. Cut the onion into julienne or thin strips, the chicken into small cubes and the mushrooms into slices and then in half.

Next, heat a little oil in a frying pan and fry the onion, chicken and mushrooms over medium heat.

When the onion is transparent, add a couple of tablespoons of ketchup, the cooked rice and the white wine. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Separately, beat the eggs. Heat a medium frying pan with a little oil. When it is hot, add the beaten eggs and spread them throughout the pan. With some kitchen chopsticks you can help the entire egg to cook.

When the egg is almost, but not quite, ready, turn off the heat. Then add the rice mixture to one end.

Finally, fold the tortilla with the help of a spatula or whatever way is easiest for you.

Serve the tortilla by making a drawing with ketchup in the center of it. 

Seeing this I decided to do it since it seemed easy to do and from what I saw I had all the materials. After about 30 minutes I finished preparing said dish, which although it was a difficult challenge to make, I managed it, although with just enough effort, but I did it and it did not become inedible for my abilities as a 6-year-old child.

After devouring my creation I prepared to go out to look around and buy some blank books to write down my future plans. Taking my purse and keys I was ready to go out and explore the leaf village, but my hair was bothering me and I seriously thought about cutting it but after thinking about it for a moment I took a hair tie I found and tied it in a bun. leaving a lock on the left side of my face

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