
The Way of a God in another World [English]

In the year 1480 of the world calendar and the year 797 of the World Government, the execution of Gol D. Roger, the King of pirates and the only person Raftel has found for more than 800 years, was carried out. This moment was important for the navy so they could give the pirates a warning. On the other hand, it was also the perfect occasion for the World Government to hide the things that may be in Raftel. But it is obvious that the people who were witnessing all this only knew the first part of the reason for this execution since they are not so ignorant. However, without anyone noticing it in the dark there were two silhouettes witnessing all this, one of them showed a slight mockery in his eyes for what he saw. If someone saw the appearance of him right now, they would think that this person knows the reason why all this is taking place. Well, perhaps the only one who could notice these silhouettes was Roger who, when saying his last words, looked askance at the place where the two silhouettes were.

Machiner · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 5 - Beginning of the Plan

After a few days various forces began searching for Jigen and his group, the Great Pirates believing that these newcomers would be a good addition to their forces.

For its part, the Navy wanted to find them to lock them up in Impel Down, obviously the Cipher Pol agents were also looking for him like crazy after receiving the order of the Five Elders.

Of course there were others who wondered why Jigen's group obtained such a reward, since for obvious reasons the world government was not willing to say that some unknown, defeated and left future Admirals in a miserable state.

So time passed and none of the forces in the sea could find the whereabouts of Jigen, the pirates believed that the Navy caught them in secret. For its part, the World Government thought that in the fight with the pirates of the new world they died.

So after not hearing from them, they filed the case directly, since they did not believe that someone could hide from them for so long, then a long time passed until in the end 11 years passed.

In this time people forgot about Jigen, besides that many things happened, like the beginning of Shaks in the Sea, Boa Hancock trapped by the Celestial Dragons and later released by Fisher Tiger, the formation of the Sun Pirates, death of Fisher Tiger and the creation of theShichibukai.

Other things also happened but they are not so important. Since something unique is happening right now in Villa Cocoyasi, this is the arrival of Arlong, he was released thanks to Jinbei joining the Shichibukai.

However his hatred for humans after the death of his boss Fisher Tiger only grew, so now he went directly to the weakest Sea, East Blue. And in the end after sailing for a long time he arrived at Villa Cocoyasi.

But while Arlong started with his plan, in the sky two people were floating in the air while looking at the situation below, one of them was known to people from 11 years ago, and sure enough. One of the people soaring in the sky was Jigen.

At his side was nothing more and nothing less than Momoshiki Otsutsuki, Boruto's greatest antagonist and the one who causes problems for him, of course.

"Hmmm.... what are we doing here? Are you looking for a woman?... you know that Artoria, Mordred and the others won't like that..."

As Jigen looked down, he heard Momoshiki's words next to him with an evident mocking tone, turning his head he looked at Momoshiki, who, seeing Jigen's flat gaze, fell down and did not continue speaking.

As for Jigen, he was simply thinking about a few things as he looked at the situation on the ground. And not meaningless things but something important, a threat to this whole world.

To explain it quickly, in the span of these 11 years a transmigrated like him appeared before him. Although at first he didn't trust him at all after a while they became good friends, after reinforcing their friendship he transmigrated... well Kaito.

I tell him about how this world was and what the System is about, to put it simply, his System is an assistant that created the World to face the threat of Lovecraft's dimension.

Which by the way, is in one of the two dimensions of this world, the other dimension is where it is now. Of course there were four dimensions before but Kaito turned them into two, obviously Jigen left the world of One Piece and saw this dimension completely.

A literal sea of ​​stars. Where the worlds of fiction and anime swayed with the waves, finally an island with five small houses where in each one are the worlds of real life, these are accompanied by the worlds where the transmigrated are.

To finish, he also met another transmigrated, this one is called Shallot and he is in the world of Dragon Ball, a good guy. In addition, before the two said goodbye to Kaito, his systems changed, Shallot's will help him understand techniques as well as fighting styles.

In his it will help him with divine and technological power, as long as there is something of value to exchange Jigen can get whatever he wants, plus now his System no longer looks like an emotionless Ice God, he is now more sociable and their relationship It's from good friends or rather from goodcompanions.

"What a good time... well... Momoshiki, do you want to know why we came here?"

While muttering under his breath Jigen turned to face Momoshiki and then spoke to him with a serious tone.

"Sure... I'm interested in what you want to do"

Momoshiki responded to Jigen's words with an expectant tone, he was really interested to know what Jigen wanted to do.

"Let's start...."

"You mean.....?"

A glimmer of understanding crossed Momoshiki's eyes, yet he waited for Jigen himself to say so.

"It's time to move... it's time to conquer this world"

When Jigen finished speaking, a smile appeared on Momoshiki's face, ever since he was summoned and learned of Jigen's plans, he was looking forward to this moment, and after so long it finally came true.

Knowing Momoshiki's state, Jigen had some understanding, since even though he had the strength to rule the world a while ago, he hasn't, for two simple reasons.

The first is that he does not want to conquer the world as a dictator and spill blood from one side to another, the second reason is that he did not have enough army to manage this entire planet.

Of course, that was until he met Kaito and gave him help, in the creation of materials and so on. Also in increasing his strength, which by the way his strength is also linked to the summoned people, this situation was also made by Kaito.

Besides that now all his energies are combined into one, so he doesn't have the need to change his energy when he goes to use a different attack than before.

While thanking Kaito in his heart, Jigen raised his right arm slightly, it had a small bracelet, when he saw it Jigen spoke to him.

"Cortana, how are the scientists?"

When her words fell from the bracelet on her wrist, a hologram of a woman with exquisite features was reflected, accompanied by a clear human emotion on her face.

And indeed, this is Cortana, the same Cortana as always, although of course, unlike her original version, she is more improved than ever, and can do many more things. As well as having her own physical body, kind of like Alice from Sword Art Online.

Well, he only has a body like that at the moment since Jigen is not like Kaito, who has the ability to control life as he pleases and so on. While thinking about Cortana she is seeing Jigen she replied with a smile on her face.

"Hello Jigen, how are you?"

"...Sorry for not saying hello earlier...."

When he heard Cortana's words, Jigen felt a bit embarrassed so to cover his embarrassment he spoke quickly.

"Haha, don't worry... and to your question, the scientists are fine, the satellites and the ships are working perfectly, besides the moon base has no problem"

"I'm glad to hear that..."

After hearing Cortana's words, Jigen sighed in relief, he knows since he joined the "scientists", which by the way are Orochimaru, Kabuto, Amado, Tesla, Muramasa, Tony Star, Reed Richards and Lex Luttor.

When he brought all of these together and told them that they would combine Covenant, UNSC, and Forerunner technology into ships and weapons, he was stunned at the results.

Not to mention that the Infinity Class Super-Carrier turned it into an impregnable structure, which has several defensive weapons, plasma cannons, rail cannons, among other things.

In addition to a strong defensive shield that is much stronger than the CSO Class Super Freighter, it is incomparable, not to mention its size of 7,000 Meters in Length. Of course, the Frigates, Destroyers and Cruisers should not be ignored either, a total madness, in addition to the transport vehicles on land and in the air.

But upon learning of this Jigen had a headache, since he had to put the Super-Carrier in a place that cannot be seen from the planet with that size, of course they also advanced in the armor of the Spartans, since they combined it with the Crysis Nanosuit, which should not beexplain their capabilities.

For obvious reasons Jigen had to mobilize personnel to manage all these facilities, and something to add is that all soldiers wear these Armors, and the most advanced ones that have been studied were given to the best soldiers.

When he remembered all this Jigen asked Cortana a question.

"So Cortana, how are the satellites?"

"They are working perfectly, although it would help better if there was a signal network on the planet..."

"You don't have to worry about that, I'll take care of it soon"

After finishing talking, Jigen said goodbye to Cortana, now he plans to intervene in what is happening downstairs, since now Bellemere is about to be killed by Arlong, which he will not see happen. As for the plot? That thing hasn't bothered Jigen for a long time, not to mention that his transmigrated friends Shallot and Kaito don't either.

"Let's go down, Momoshiki"

"In agreement..."

Without saying another word Jigen and Momoshiki disappeared from the place so that some time later they appeared between Arlong and Bellemere, making the Gyojin's and the townspeople stunned by their appearance.

However, Arlong was less stunned, he didn't know how Jigen and Momoshiki appeared, he didn't care either, he just knew that some humans are interfering with his business, so he decided to kill them on the spot.

However, when he was about to act, he saw how one of the subjects that appeared extended his left hand, after doing so he spoke as if he were talking to someone.

"Skynet, you can act with these Gyojin's, so we will test the capacity of the robots"

"Understood, Lord Jigen"

When everyone saw that Jigen was talking to a bracelet they thought he was crazy, but after hearing that someone was talking to him also, that suddenly 4 orange cracks appeared on the sides of Jigen and Momoshiki, they felt that something was going to happen.

The one who felt this the most was Arlong, however he had no opportunity to act, since in less than a second the crack in the air opened completely and from them came the figures of four people, which looked like metal people.

Of course that's for them since they don't know it's a robot, not to mention that these robots don't look like the ones Skynet made, since these are combined with Forerunner technology, so you can already imagine their image and power.

However, even seeing this, Arlong did not flinch for a long time, and with a sneer he looked at Jigen and his group.

"Haha, human, do you think that with those men with armor you can win? Don't be silly, don't you know that we Gyojin's are the race above all?... so for your insolence I'll kill you the pe-. .."

When Arlong was expressing his monologue, he suddenly felt a pain like never before in his abdomen, confused with what was happening, being about to see what was happening to him, the shouts of his companions made him briefly come back to himself.

"Ah!... Chief Arlong, help me!"

"...Boss Arlong!...."

"Damn!...I don't want to die!"

Those and more screams came out of the fishmen's mouth, which had a cut on their bodies and some light orange ashes spread from them, which spread throughout their body causing them to turn into ashes of the same color in the end.

Seeing the situation of his comrades, of people of the same species, Arlong's eyes became bloodshot as he had the assumption of who would have done all this, as he turned and wanted to attack Jigen he felt as if he was slowly disappearing.

Looking down he saw how he had a cut on his abdomen, and which had the same shape as his comrades, shocked Arlong did not have time to think about what happened, in the end he disappeared in orange ashes like the others.

All of this happened so suddenly that the surrounding villagers only saw how the fishmen strangely disappeared, however when they saw again the figures of the metal people with some of their hands turned into an orange blade, they knew immediately that thesebeings had done.

So they couldn't help but let out a breath of cold air, of course Jigen and Momoshiki were not in the same way as the villagers. Since these robots are prepared for war, Jigen knows that it is impossible for him to never find casualties in his army during combat.

So he built these robots with the intention of using them as the main force of his army, plus if for some reason they take damage during combat that they cannot repair themselves, they will use metals from the environment to do so.

With the test done, Jigen left the "Sentinels", that is, the robots on hold momentarily, after doing so he turned to see the mother and the two daughters behind him, seeing that Jigen was watching them, the three did not feel afraid at all. most minimal.

Instead they just felt a strange sense of protection, as if the man in front of them was invincible in this world. And of course, if Jigen knew the thoughts of mother and daughter he would agree, since he is invincible in this world of One Piece.