
The Way of a God in another World [English]

In the year 1480 of the world calendar and the year 797 of the World Government, the execution of Gol D. Roger, the King of pirates and the only person Raftel has found for more than 800 years, was carried out. This moment was important for the navy so they could give the pirates a warning. On the other hand, it was also the perfect occasion for the World Government to hide the things that may be in Raftel. But it is obvious that the people who were witnessing all this only knew the first part of the reason for this execution since they are not so ignorant. However, without anyone noticing it in the dark there were two silhouettes witnessing all this, one of them showed a slight mockery in his eyes for what he saw. If someone saw the appearance of him right now, they would think that this person knows the reason why all this is taking place. Well, perhaps the only one who could notice these silhouettes was Roger who, when saying his last words, looked askance at the place where the two silhouettes were.

Machiner · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 3 - Beating Up the Future Admirals

When Aokiji saw how Akainu abandoned his companions he frowned, you know it was possible to block that sword Ki but he didn't, he just let that attack come.

Being annoyed by Akainu's actions, Aokiji suddenly sensed danger, immediately condensing an ice sword that blocked the incoming attack. Upon receiving the impact Aokiji could only feel a tremendously strong force hitting his body.

Seeing the cause of this, he realized that it was the young man with a ribbon around his forehead who attacked him. What disconcerted him was that the young man withdrew and stayed a few steps from him.

Not understanding Ashura's actions, Aokiji also stopped and looked questioningly at Ashura, after watching him for a few minutes he realized that the sword the young man was holding was covered in a dark Armament Haki, it could be seen with the naked eye that it was not it was weak.

"So Vice-Admiral Aokiji, what do you think of all this? Do you still feel proud to carry the word justice of the Navy?"

Hearing Ashura's words, Aokiji couldn't help but frown. Right now he is also upset by Akainu's actions, but being reminded of this by a person who will become a pirate, bothers him quite a bit.

"Hmph, since you don't want to answer I won't say anything else... I'll just introduce myself, Ashura Otsutsuki called me, remember it well since you may be unconscious later"

"Hump, boy don't think too much because you only pushed me back a little, I didn't even show my full strength"

"Really, then let me see that force, Vice-Admiral Aokiji"

After speaking orange marks covered Ashura's eyes and his eyes changed to those of a toad. This caused Ashura's momentum to increase, which was noted by Aokiji who frowned more at this guy's abilities.

While all this was going on not far away another battle was going to take place, Indra and Akainu. The two just stared at each other for a few moments before deciding to act. Not only they but the people behind Akainu were also ready to act, but their enthusiasm was abruptly cut short by Akainu.

"You guys! Don't interfere... better go back to a ship and report what happened to headquarters, and tell Sengoku to tell Fleet Admiral Kong that I'm taking some guys to Impel Down"


The soldiers behind Akainu only answered in affirmation and left directly, they fully respect Akainu so they won't refuse an order he tells them.

"Tsk, you talk big, don't you, dog of Heavenly Dragons, Akainu"

"Hmph, damn boy you think too much, now I'll give you a lesson so you learn not to mess with absolute justice"

"Haha, come on bark more... World government dog"

"Shut up!"

Akainu was already extremely annoyed with Indra for his words, so upon hearing him again he spoke no more and lunged at him with a magma-wrapped fist ready to burn the hateful young man.

So that's how the fight against the future Admirals began, which by the way Jigen is not interested in, although Akainu and Aokiji are strong they are not strong enough to handle the Otsutsuki brothers at this time. Even if it was the strength of their peak in the future they would still lose.

As for Jigen, he is interested in two things, the tragedy of mother and daughter and Spandine, Spandam's father. But first he must do things step by step, first he searched for a few seconds with his perception and found Nico Olvia about to be swallowed by the flames.

Immediately Jigen acted, a black portal appeared next to him and Nico Olvia came out of it with some skin burns as well as a gunshot wound. The surprising thing about all this is that this woman is still alive.

Gasping inside at the vitality of the woman in front of him. Jigen stretched out his hand and a green light covered Olvia, at which point the wounds caused by the flames and the bullet quickly healed without a trace.

After Olvia was cured Jigen took her in his arms and went down to the place where Robin was. Being on the ground Jigen saw little Robin without knowing what to do, you know before Saúl died to defend her, after that the man who froze him was about to do something to him, but suddenly some strange subjects appeared and a new situation arose .

So right now she's confused and doesn't know what to do. When she didn't know what to make a shadow she covered her, raising her head she realized that there was a man with the same cape as the two young men who fought with the Navy.

This man didn't catch her attention as much as her unconscious mother in this guy's arms. Immediately Robin stepped forward to see her mother ignoring Jigen completely, for her part Jigen didn't care about this and gently put Olvia down.

He also didn't say that Olvia was going to wake up very soon, she'll let Robin find out for herself. And as Jigen expected, when Robin got close to her mother and she was worried about her not waking up Olvia slowly regained consciousness.

When she recovered, she only felt that someone hugged her while she cried, recovering, she saw that her daughter was hugging her, which made her happy and distressed at the same time, because she didn't know if the people from Cp9 were going to come at any moment.

But the only thing he saw was a man with a black cloak that did not reveal his facial features, only a kind of mark could be seen on his chin nothing else. Olvia didn't think much of the man's clothing and instead covered Robin behind her.

Seeing her mother's actions, Robin stepped forward to explain everything.

"Mom, this man saved you and brought you here... besides, his companions are fighting with the Navy"


Confused by her daughter's words, Olvia looked at Jigen, then looked into the distance where four people could briefly be seen colliding. Knowing that what her daughter said is true, Olvia thanked Jigen.

"Thank you very much for saving my daughter... and for saving me"

"You're welcome... well, it's better that you leave with your daughter from here. And although you want her to leave alone, it won't work, since she will still be given a reward, so it's better that take care of her yourself"

Saying this Jigen approached the shore of the Island and stretching out his hand a small boat appeared with some supplies.

"They may suffer several betrayals on the Path for their reward, but he assured them that in the future they will find a boy with a straw hat who will protect them. He will even fight against anyone to save them"

Jigen said this as although he saved mother and daughter he has no intention of protecting them. He is not a saint but he is not a bad person either, but he doesn't mean that he will be like Luffy and he will save everyone when he sees a problem.

Also, wasn't Robin alone in the original story and still survived? And of course they already have a destiny or well Robin has it, in how much if it will be fulfilled Jigen I created it like that, since for him it is ridiculous to think that the world does not have its own conscience and makes people go on a path that is good for the.

And so the world does not fall into disaster or one happens in the future. Before leaving the site Jigen approached Robin and put his hand on her head. Confused by Jigen's actions, Robin wanted to withdraw from her but her mother stopped her.

Agreeing with his mother Robin did nothing, Jigen in question did what he planned to do and passed on Haki knowledge to Robin as well as options on how to develop his fruit.

"This will help you in the future, be stronger and protect your mother"

Having nothing to do anymore Jigen got ready to leave but Olvia stopped him.

"Wait... before you go, tell us your name"

Stunned by Olvia's words, Jigen paused for a few seconds and then answered her while showing his face.

"I... called me, Jigen"

After finishing speaking Jigen put his cloak back on and walked step by step with the gazes of mother and daughter behind him. Which, seeing Jigen disappear, did not take too long and left the Island.

Jigen for his part decided to end things, now the fight has lasted for a while and I think there is no need to continue with this. As usual Jigen disappeared into a portal and reappeared in the sky where the fighting was taking place.

Realizing that nobody noticed him, he decided to make an appearance.

"Hey, Indra and Ashura! .... stop playing and be done with this"

As his words fell, his voice could be heard throughout the place causing the fight to stop and everyone to pay attention to him. Everyone was surprised to see Jigen, you know her presence was null compared to the two brothers.

"Tks... You damned pirate are you saying you've just been messing with us... don't make me laugh! Lava Dog!"

With Akainu's scream his arm turned into magma and he threw a punch in the direction of Jigen in dog form. Seeing this, Jigen did nothing and waited for the attack, but without anyone noticing, a strange mark appeared on his left hand.

Observing that the subject in the sky stood still without making any movement, Akainu looked at Indra to mock him, but when he saw him he noticed that he was impassive, he even saw an evident trace of mockery in his eyes.

Knowing that something was not right, Akainu turned to see Jigen in the sky, and what happened next shocked him and everyone in the room. They watched as the man in the sky stretched out his hand, the moment the magma made contact with him it was absorbed, passed by, and then disappeared without a trace.

This action left everyone with their mouths open, they don't know why someone can absorb the attacks of the Devil Fruit. And more without consequences. The most shocked by all this was Akainu, he did not understand, how could someone absorb his attack like nothing?

While he was confused he suddenly saw how under the cloak that covered the man in the sky a yellow eye was looking at him, when he saw this eye Akainu immediately had a feeling of danger immediately and knew that if he did not withdraw he could die anytime.

This could also be felt by Aokiji who was not so far away from Akainu and he could also visualize the yellow eye. Making the same decision as Akainu Aokiji he was ready to dodge the incoming attack, but feeling that he was still taking action, the sense of danger still hadn't left him he knew it was too late.

And the next second something else that shocked everyone happened. They only saw that the man in the sky looked at the Vice-Admirals and then they were pierced without any resistance by the metal rods that came out of the ground.


The cry of the marines reached everyone's ears, you know Akainu and Aokiji are the future of the Marines. So how can they allow something to happen to them? So some of the Marines from the ships that stopped firing headed straight for Akainu and Aokiji.

However, in Medio walked, these without being able to do anything were directly pierced with rods just like the two Vice-Admirals. With the difference that these were not injured but directly died.


Seeing this Akainu was immediately furious, even though those Marines don't share his philosophy they are still Marines, so seeing them die for a pirate made him furious. Of course his anger would come to nothing since he now feels like he was seriously injured, and he barely manages to maintain consciousness.

Jigen for his part did not react to this, instead looking at the ships around him. When he saw that some on some ships some soldiers had a tendency to act, he did not think twice and made a large metal bar appear on top of these ships and destroyed them without any problem.

Noticing this Aokiji also got angry but was just as helpless as Akainu. Once this was done Jigen looked at the ship where Spandine was, then several Cp9 were killed directly by the rods that went through his body.

Which made Spandine on the ship freak out a lot, but even though he didn't die he was also pierced by 4 rods that pierced his limbs. Ignoring Spandine's shouts in the distance, Jigen looked at the two injured Vice-Admirals and spoke plausibly.

"Well, he retired me... but before I go I will introduce myself, my name is Jigen and I hope to see you in the future"

Without another word, a black hole appeared behind Jigen where he entered directly, followed by Ashura and Indra. After the 3 left they left the few remaining Marines and Cp9 with a shock like never before.